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Amy : I'm making a mold of my foot for Laurie to remind him that i have a nice feet, oh! And Louis too. [ as she put a mold on her foot in the basket. Amara made a disgust face. ]

"Seriously?" Laurie and Louis said in sync as Amy tried herself to hide, and Sirius chuckle at this.

"Siriusly." He chuckled and nodded as Jamila and Bellatrix throw him a shoe. "Ouch!"

Meg : Mr. Brooke writes that farher is still very weak but improving. [ Meg reading the letter as she look up to them.] Mr. Brooke also says that Mother, is the best nurse a man could ask for. [ Jo sighs and put her foot down and walked to the kitchen.]

Jo : I wish all the letters were from Marmee and not Mr. Brooke.

"You really disliked me back then, huh. But I can't disagree you, you know i understand you that year." John says, saying that it's totally fine.

Meg : I'm grateful for the letters.

Beth : I think the purple is very fitting for Mr. Lawrence. [She walked to Amara and Amy, Amara seen cleaning her violin. And Amy is molding her foot, as they look up to Beth.] Do you agree, Amy, Amara? [ Amara nodded.]

Mr. Lawrence softened his eyes, he misses his daughter in anything but blood.

Amy : Quite, the design is very cunning.

Beth : I had to thank him for allowing me, to play the piano at his house all the time, and oh you should look at their music room, Amara. It's so clean and gorgeous. [ Amara smiled at her, as she look at Beth now giving all her attention to the young lady.]

Amara : Really? Well if i had a free time i would lovely to join you, but i have a tight schedule right now but don't worry I'll always teach you any chords. [Beth smiled at her and nodded eagerly.]

Amara and the March family tried themselves not to cry, they really really missed Beth so much, they don't want to be sad because they know Beth wouldn't love that.

Meg : I'm going for groceries. Jo can you get more firewood? [As jo hummed at her in response.]

Beth : You haven't seen the Hummels, we should go.

Jo : We barely have enough to feed ourselves besides i have to finish this story. [ Beth look at her sad.]

Jo look down feel ashamed at her choose of words, same with Amy and Meg.

Amara is the very one who felt ashamed she feels that she's the one why Beth sick that day.

Juliet and Romeo felt speechless at their daughter's word, Juliet turned around to them. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"We just don't want you to get worried." Jo said still looking down as Juliet sighs.

Beth : Marmee said-

Amy : Marmee told us to do lots, but we can't possibly do them all.

Amy muttering sorry to her mother who just look down sighing.

Beth : I always go myself and sometimes Amara went with me. And you haven't keep your tasks. [ As Beth put the shoes on the table loudly, causing Amara to worried.]

Jo : We do, we work.

Meg : Don't worry, sweet girl. We'll find a time.

Beth : But it's been weeks.

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