𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞.

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"Let's sleep first, it's already late." Dumbledore announced, as Amara and Laurie took Caelum's things and look at the remaining people who's waiting for them.

"Hi, ma'am can I ask where should we sleep?" Amara asked politely, as McGonagall went to them and gestured to followed her, as they obeyed, The Potter's, Lupin's and Black's thinking if they should followed them or not.

As the future students went to there separate dormitory knowing that they had already dorms, the past-future students who's friends with Meg, Amara and Laurie went to one big room.

The Blacks wouldn't cared if they will be in one room with muggleborns or bloodtraitors.

The March-Brooke-Lawrence family stop by as McGonagall turn around.

"This is room of requirement, in the inside all the things you want is in the inside. Don't worry if you think that you will sleep with each other's, because you Black Families had a big room here, same with the Potter's Lupin's and March. So if you need anything else just called 'Lely'. LELY!"

the elf just popped beside Minerva, this caused the March sisters, Laurie, and John to jump in surprised. Daisy and Demi look at the elf in awe.

"Mommy! Look she's so cute!" Daisy point at Lely, Meg looked at her daughter, smiling.

"Auntie Jo, can we adopt her?" Demi asked her Aunt Jo wih puppy eyes. Meg looked at her sister amused, knowing that Jo would agreed to her niece and nephews.

Jo chuckled nervously, and look at her family giving a look that she needs some help but they just shrugged and smiled smugly. Jo turned back to Demi who's waiting an answer, "Of course, Demi dear! if you want then we could asked tomorrow if we can adopt, Lely. Is it okay?" She forced herself to smiled, as Demi nodded excitedly.

The other families who's with them watching them smiling, as Orion interrupted there family bonding, "Romeo mate, we need to talk." As he looked at his old friends giving a look 'all of you private room.' "also you, Minerva." The old friends of his nodded, as Juliet told the girls just wait them in there room.


The Marauders, and Jamila and Lily's friends having a serious conversation. As Sirius spoke.

"Prongs, do you trust Dumbles?" Sirius asked out of nowhere, as the two of his friends also look at James waiting to hear his answer. James sighs longily.

"I think i can't trust that old man, knowing that he's the one kidnapped my niece. I feel like he's the reason why this war between you-know-who and him, is his fault." James said, as Lily is in deep thoughts.

"What if he's the one who tell you-know-who's younger self, to asked Professor Slughorn about Horcruxes?" Lily said, as the group confused on her statement.

"He is." A voice said as they turned around to see the Slytherin gang ( Evan, Rabastan, Barty, The Lestrange's siblings, the Black sisters, and Lucius, even Severus.) and the future generations on the door. As Lily put another long couch for them, as they sit on the chairs, on their minds tell them not to cause a fight, they need to talk.

"Wait, how did you know the horcruxes?"

"Regulus told us how to bring down the dark lord." Bellatrix stated.

"And when Amara saw Dumbledore she didn't trust him already, and sometimes she's angry at me and our parents believing that old man." Harry scowled he's very mad at himself not believing his sister.

"After this movie, we need to tell them and also for our parents they need to know maybe they can help us." Lucius announced as the others agreeing at his words.

"I cannot believe, reggie is so blind at love." Barty shook his head thinking what they saw earlier.

"I kinda felt bad at Amara but atleast their happy family now." Narcissa smiled, as James looked at his sister who is not talking since the slytherin gang and the future kids.

"You okay, mila?" James asked, as Jamila looked at them.

"Maybe we need to take inheritance, i have a feeling that this is all Dumbledore's plan, he wants us to become an order. I remember he called me on his office and offered me to become a member of order of phoenix."

"Maybe we should plan this tomorrow." Bellatrix nodded at Jamila's word.

"Can we just sleep here?" Rabastan whine as the other rolled their eyes at him and they just went to their bed.

When they woke up they immediately changed their clothes and went to Great Hall to see anybody gossiping, eating or do what they want. After they eat Professor McGonagall stood up and announced.

"We can continue the movie." As others started cheering.



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