Chapter 3: The Woman with the Pearls

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The plane slowly ascended into the sky, it's nose touching the puffy white clouds.

Orchid heard a cough next to her and turned to see the woman with blonde hair sitting next to her.

Orchid worriedly glanced at Mr Passer, but he was distracted by the magazine he had picked up.

'Fascinating, I never knew that!' Orchid heard him mutter under his breath.

"Hello." The woman spoke in a misty voice.

"Um, hi?" Orchid forced a nervous grin.

"The clouds are so pretty, don't you think? Normally I prefer being down there, but the clouds just look so calm as if they are waves on a summers day, once we reach our destination, the clouds are even more beautiful." The woman said dreamily and looked outside, fiddling with her necklace.

"Yeah, I guess so." Orchid looked outside.

The woman was right, it was as if the clouds were lounging and relaxing.

But something seemed off.

The plane seemed to be going extremely high now, a bit too high than usual.

The woman could notice Orchid's concerns and smiled.

"It is time." She tapped Mr Passer's shoulder.

"Hm, what is it Via?" Mr Passer looked up from his magazine.

The woman gestured outside.

"Ah." Mr Passer got up, "I'll be back soon", he smiled at Orchid and walked off towards the front of the plane.

"I suggest you hold on tight considering it is your first time." The woman grinned at Orchid.

"First time for what?" Orchid questioned.

"Going through the Glight of course." The woman smiled.

"The wha- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A blast of wind came soaring at Orchid, as if the plane was traveling at the speed of light, wind blowing through her hair.

Turning her head to face the window, Orchid was shocked to see purple's and blue's with dots of white surrounding them.

Looking at the other passengers on the plane, it was as if they hadn't even noticed what was going on.

But just as soon as it had started, it had stopped.

The sky turned to it's ordinary blue and the clouds were there as puffy as ever.

For a second Orchid thought it was all a dream, but looking at the woman smiling next to her seemed to trigger that memory.

Orchid sighed.

Not a dream.

Mr Passer came back to his seat with a slight frown on his face.

"I think I did it a bit to low, don't you think Via? I am sure at least one if not all the humans down there had seen it." Mr Passer sat down.

"You did great, besides, only non-humans would be able to see this high anyways." The woman smiled.

"Can someone please tell me what is happening?" Orchid said, out of breath from all the shock.

"Well, I suppose it is time for me to come clean to you." Mr Passer took a deep breath.

"Orchid, you are no human, you actually belong to the nearly extinct clan of the Light Walkers." Mr Passer said solemnly.

That statement was so absurd that Orchid couldn't help but snicker at it.

"And let me guess, we are currently in a parallel universe." Orchid added.

"Oh yes, that is a very close guess as a matter of a fact." The woman said.

"Wait, is this a dream?" Orchid pinched her arm.

Ouch. Not a dream. Again.

"I am afraid not, welcome to the land of Etarnaya, the Realm of Magic." Mr Passer smiled.

At that moment the plane started descending.

Orchid sat there in silence as the plane touched the ground and stopped.

Could this be the reason why she had streaks in her hair?

Is this the reason she always felt so different?

"Come on Orchid, we have lots to do, and lots to explain." Mr Passer stood up and smiled.

"Um, well it was nice meeting you miss..." Orchid stammered.

"Viavilla Terianna Amphadoria, but you can call me Via. I believe we shall meet very soon Orchid Sunriser." Via smiled and walked down the aisle.

Orchid grabbed her suitcase and stood up, following Mr Passer who had began walking towards the back of the plane.

"Wait, so how do you know my parents? Where am I going to stay?" Orchid asked him.

"Well, me and your parents are close friends, the whereabouts of where you are going to stay is going to be decided soon I believe." Mr Passer smiled.

The back of the plane lead to a somewhat crowded, what seemed to be an airport.

"Give that back Valor!" A boy's voice suddenly broke in.

"No-way! You know it is my turn Mint! Mum said I can have it!" A girl's voice responded.

Orchid looked at the squabbling siblings.

The one called Valor was approximately a two or three years older than Orchid and the other one was at most 18, both arguing over a shiny looking stick.

They resembled Orchid in a way with dark black hair and amber eyes, but what really surprised Orchid was that in their hair lay fiery coloured streaks.

"Um Mr Passer?" She asked.

"Yes Orchid?" He turned around.

"Do you know who they are,?" Orchid asked.

"Who?" Mr Passer looked around confused.

"Those two siblings over there, arguing?"

"Sorry but, there is no-one here like that description." Mr Passer took one last look before yet again checking his phone.

Orchid turned around, the two siblings were still there but it was as if no-one else could see them, as if they were... invisible.

Before she could find out more, Mr Passer had continued walk towards a smooth quartz staircase.

Dragging along her suitcase, Orchid trudged up the stairs.

Looking at the two siblings filled her with a sense of hope, whether they were an illusion or not.

'I am not alone.'

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