Chapter 27: Friend or Foe

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The cold wind rushed through Orchid's hair as she fell.

She felt almost... betrayed.

Although she never got to know Iris well, Orchid would have liked to consider her a friend.

But she couldn't give up now, she had something worth fighting for.

She wouldn't let the Shadow win, she needed to do the right thing.

She closed her eyes, cancelling out the world around her, summoning her sparks, summoning the light.

Almost instantly, it was like she was being given a warm embrace as she felt something brace her fall.

She opened her eyes to the fluffy white clouds and looked down to see a million golden sparks of light gathered underneath her feet, gradually descending from the air to take her down to a safe height where she was able to jump off.

"Orchid!" She heard a yell as she turned around to see Everbloom had summoned a patch of grass, gliding down.

"Iris, she brought the Shadow into the school. We need to stop her before she can do anything worse." Orchid said gravely to Everbloom.

Everbloom nodded in understanding, a leafy green glow shining from her hands in preparation.

A sudden void of galactic matter appeared in front of them as Iris slowly walked out of it.

"Well, well. And here all along you must have thought Lyra would be the one to be alongside the Shadow. Honestly, everyone underestimates me, don't they." Iris sighed as a dark foggy mist of ebony followed her trail.

"Iris, you can't do this." Everbloom said, almost a sad look on her face.

"Everbloom, after Orchid came along, did you even care about me? You think I'm going to bother listening to you now? Such double standards people have these days." Iris's eyes turned a pure black as the mist slowly started to circle around her quicker and quicker, lifting her into the air.

"Under the glory of the Shadow, enjoy your last steps." Iris snarled before dissipating into thin air.

A blast of strong wind pushed Orchid and Everbloom back as they turned around, barely dodging as Iris struck at them with a blade of starlight and darkness.

Orchid summoned the sparks blocking each attack, seconds away from being hit by the blade each time.

"Everbloom, help me!" Orchid gasped in panic, by pure luck blocking Iris's attack.

"I, I can't Orchid." Everbloom stood in silence, the green glow slowly diminishing from her hands.

"She's my friend, I can't attack her. I'm sorry." Everbloom sighed in defeat.

A friend?

Iris, she was Orchid's friend too.

Everbloom was... right.

She couldn't attack Iris.

So she needed to stop her another way.

Iris stabbed the blade towards Orchid, her black hair flowing in the wind, and in a last attempt to save herself, Orchid summoned a giant group of sparks.

Time went in slow motion as the blade slowly hit the sparks, exploding in a fury of light.

Orchid squinted her eyes shut as she and Iris were thrown away from eachother by the impact.

Feeling the dust settle around her, Orchid slowly got up and opened her eyes.

She wasn't in Etarnaya anymore.

She was back in the dark indigo room with no walls from her vision, the same girl in front of her.

Orchid jumped back, startled in shock as she heard the Shadow sing.

"A ring, a pin, a pendant I find. Two stones made of magic, one dark and one light. Bring it together and soon it will seem, all of the world will belong to me. Possessing hearts, and reading minds, soon a power that will be mine. Bring those together and soon it will seem, all of the world will belong to me."

"Orchid." The girl in front of her spoke.

She turned around, her face wasn't blurred anymore, it was Iris.

"Orchid, help me."

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