Chapter 1

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This is one of my first fanfictions so they're is a lot of grammatical errors throughout the story, I am going back and trying to fix them but its harder than you think when there are so many. And yes I know this story is all over the place, I'm even lost when I go back and re-read it. I also didn't pay attention in English class so yeah haha.


Location: Rosewood High

It was the first day of senior year, Alison looked at herself one more time in her car mirror to make sure her face looked beautiful as always. It was her last year at Rosewood, and she wanted to make sure the school didn't forget who she was.

"Hey Em, where's Ali?" Hanna asked, as she walked up to her. Emily was waiting in front of her locker for her girlfriend to show up.

"Its the first day of senior year, so she insisted on making some huge entrance as the Queen Bee." Emily responded, with an eye roll. She loved her girlfriend to death, but hated this side of her.

A few seconds later, Alison walks through the double doors and has everyone in the hallway stare at her as she walks by them. She flashes everyone her signature smile.

"Hey guys!" Alison said, as she walked up to Hanna and Emily.

"Wow what a beautiful entrance." Hanna said, her voice sounding sarcastic.

Alison ignores her and instead wraps her arm around Emily's waist and leans in for a quick peck. Everyone knew that Alison was dating Emily, even though people in the past had made side comments about Ali dating a girl, nobody has ever dared make fun of them for it.

"Thank you for waiting and sorry I took so long I had to make sure my outfit look good."

"Hey guys!" Spencer said as she walks up to the group with Aria right behind her.

"Hey!" Aria said, as well.

"So who's ready for senior year? Its going to be a memorable one." Alison asked the girls.

"Me! I just want to graduate already" Hanna replied, just as the bell for first period to start.


At lunch, Alison and the group sit in the middle of the cafe so everyone can look at Ali as she eats her food. As the girls are eating "Loser Mona" as Ali nicknamed her, walks up to their table with a big smile on her face while holding her tray of food.

"Hi Ali! " Mona said, in happy voice, making Ali roll her eyes.

"What do you want Mona?" Alison questioned, her voice laced with annoyance.

"Can I sit with you guys?" Mona asked, sounding gleeful.

"If you mean at the table of losers like you then sure."

"No I meant here."

"Why don't you go sit in the bathroom where you belong?" Ali said, in her bitchy voice. She was getting annoyed with Mona who wasn't getting her hint.

All of a sudden, Mona gets a sad look on her face and leaves their table, making Ali smile she was proud of herself.

"Well that was mean" Hanna said, watching Mona throw her lunch out and walk out the cafe. Hanna always had a soft spot for Mona because they used to be friends in 8th grade until she met Alison.

"Shut up Hanna" Ali said, glaring at her friend.

Of course Hanna does what she told, and doesn't talk the rest of lunch, Alison tells the girls the latest gossip, and acts like nothing happened. Emily wasn't really listening because she felt bad for her Hanna, and even Mona who honestly did nothing wrong, she didn't say anything like always and let her girl have her moment.


Once school was over Emily and Alison drive to Ali's house since nobody was home. Emily was still kind of mad at Alison for the whole incident at lunch, so she kinda gave her the silent treatment.

"So why you mad at me?" Ali asked, as they enter her room.

"I'm not mad at you." Em replied, as she sat down on the edge of Ali's bed and stared off into space.


Alison knew exactly how to get Emily to forgive her, so she walked over to her girlfriend and sat on her lap. She turns her whole body around and wraps her legs around her abdomen. Once she was in a comfortable position, she wraps her arms around Emily's neck and pulls her in for a long passionate kiss.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Ali asked, pulling apart when air was needed.

"Lets watch a movie and order pizza" Emily suggested. Any anger she had towards Alison had quickly vanished.

"Ok!" she responded, with a smile.


"So what pizza did you order?" Alison asked, turning on a movie. Although, she didn't plan on watching the movie, she just wanted to have some fun with her girlfriend while they were alone.

"I got us half veggie for you and then half  just cheese for me." Emily responded, coming back from the kitchen and plopping down next to her girlfriend.

"Good I can't wait for it to come cause I'm starving."

As they are watching the movie, Alison starts rubbing her hand on Emily's thigh knowing it would catch her girl off guard.

"Ali" Emily said, shruddering at her sudden touch.

"Yes?" Alison asked, in her innocent voice. She looks Emily in the eyes as she moves towards her center.

"I'm trying to watch the movie."

"Are you because I'll stop?" Alison challenged, as she slowly removes her hand away.

"Don't" Emily responded her voice growling, as she grabs Alison's hand back and puts it back on her thigh near her center.

A couple minutes later, the doorbell rings the pizza delivery person was here.

"Oh good the pizza's here!" Emily exclaimed, jumping up from the couch since she handle Ali teasing her any longer.

When Emily walks over to the front door and opens it, her eyes widened when she sees the person she last expected standing right in front of her...


The Queen Bee: EmisonWhere stories live. Discover now