Chapter 18

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When they got home it was around 3:30 p.m so the girls changed into different clothes. Emily wore a black casual shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and white converse, while Alison put on a white crop top that exposed her back so you can see her tattoo and black skinny jeans and white 4 inch heels. While Alison was turned around Emily sees how hot it is to see her name on Ali's lower back, so Emily walks over towards where Alison's was and wraps her arms around Ali who jumps not expecting Emily to do that and Emily lowers herself towards Ali's lower back and starts to run her tongue all around her tattoo making Alison shiver in response

"I love seeing my name tattooed on you" Emily says as she plants small kisses on her back

And with that Alison turns around lifting Emily up and kissing her with passion. Ali is the first one to break the kiss because they had reservations at the resturant at 4 and she didn't want to be late

"Come on were going to be late I have dinner reservations for you at four at your favorite resturant" Alison says as she grabs Emily's hand

"Were eating at Pointview" Emily says in a excited voice 

"Yep now lets go or were going to be late its almost four" Alison says as she tugs on Emily bringing them to Em's car and heading to the resturant just in time 

After they finished eating which led to them almost being kicked out because the cute cocky waiter kept flirting with Emily 

"I can't believe you embarrassed me like that" Emily says although she wasn't mad at Alison cause it was funny

"Well that's what he gets for flirting with my girlfriend" Alison says 

"Your just lucky I'm not mad at you" Emily says as she smiles 

"Hey before you birthday ends I wanna take you somewhere special" Alison says ashe takes Emily's hand and intertwines them together

When they arrive at the boat Alison hopes Hanna made everything perfect just for Emily cause she's deserves it. 

"Why are we at your dads yacht" Emily asks 

"Because I wanna show you something" Alison says as they walk down the stairs of her dads yacht into another room 

"SUPRISE" everyone yells out as her and Emily reach the bottom of the stairs as her face turns into shock then smiles 

"Oh my god" Emily says as her smiles widen when she sees her dad then she runs up to him giving him a big hug  because its been so long since she'd last seen him

"Hi Emmy I missed you" Emily's dad Wayne says as he hugs her back 

"I- I thought you were stationed in Texas right now" Emily asks in shock

"Well Alison called me and my sergeant said it was okay for me too stay here for the next week" Wayne says smiling and Emily turns to Alison

"Thank you Ali you are the best girlfriend" Emily says as she hugs Ali 

The music starts playing and Alison and Emily hold hands while interacting with their friends. As the two girls are talking to Hanna, Wayne and Pam walk up to them as Hanna goes with Chris

"Hi" Pam says as she smiles at Emily and Alison 

"Hey mom" Emily says back "So that's why you were happy this morning" as Ali slightly hits Emily on the arm

"Well it is my daughters birthday and yes it is one of the reasons" Pam says chuckling a bit at Ali hitting Emily for that

"Are you guys having fun" Alison asks because the only people that they could talk to were her parents because it was mostly their friends there

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