Chapter 20

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After hearing that phone call that my mother was in the hospital, I tell Emily to drive me there because I have no idea what had happen to my mom and it got me really worried and scared to death. We quickly but our books back and run out of the school and towards Emily's car. When we reach the hospital & the people tell me where my mother was. As we reach her room my dad was standing outside talking to Jason and Courtney. They all looked upset but they weren't crying 

"Hey dad what happened to mom" I asked, looking at my dad

"Sweetie your mother was in an accident she was in a very bad car accident she's in a coma right now so they aren't sure when she will wake up" my dad explains, as my eyes start to tear up cause I can't loose my mom 

"Can I go see here" I asked, trying to hold my tears back

"Sure" my dad said then I turn to Emily

"I'm going  alone if that's okay" 

"Of course" Emily says with a nod "I'll be in the waiting room area" 

When I walk into the room, I gasp seeing my mom in critical condition. I walk over to her and grab her hand.

"Mom I'm sorry this happened to you I hope you can hear me because I love you and I don't want to loose you not now because this family is a mess with you guys divorcing and Courtney being back and you being gone it will never be the same in the house so please don't give up I know you can fight through this you have been the best mom ever and I can't thank you enough for what you have done I know you are strong because you made me strong no matter what happens" I say as I rub my thumb across my moms hand 

I sit in silence for a while listening to that annoying beeping sound as I look at my mom just praying that she doesn't die. 

"Hey Ali I think you need to go home and relax ok" my dad says 

"But I don't want to leave my mom" 

"She's not going anywhere I promise" my dad says then looks at Emily "Can you take her home you can stay if you'd like" 

"Sure" Emily says as she stands up 

"You can skip school tomorrow and stay with her all day" my dad says and I nod following Emily out the door 

The ride home was silent except Emily was playing her music as she drove. I stared out the window the entire ride home thinking about my mom. When we reached my home I get out but Emily just stay's in the car 

"Are you coming?"

"I thought you wanted some time to youself"

"You skipped school for me Em so I think you should come to my house" I said. Emily nods getting out of the car following me into my house 

We head up to my room and I plop myself onto my bed laying so my face was in my pillow. I look up to my left too see Emily going to sit on the couch in my room pulling her phone out. 

"Why you over there" I ask confused and Emily looks up from her phone towards me

"I just thought you wanted some space" Emily says and a tiny smile forms on lips because I love how Em is so understanding of me and cares so much

"No baby come here" I said, she gets up from the couch and we cuddle

Eventually I fall asleep to take a nap since it was around 4:30 and I think Emily did too. This past month has been crazy for the both of us so taking a nap in each others arms is so needed

The next day I actually had to go to school because I already have so many absents already I was going to loose credits and not graduate. 

 I went to go visit my mom later on, one of my dads drivers took me there since Emily was at swim practice. 

"Hi dad how is mom" I asked

"They say she will wake up tomorrow and she will be going to rehab for 2 months so they can monitor how she is doing since she was so close to dying" my dad says  

Just then Jason walks in the room, his hand in his pockets

"Hey sis" Jason said

"Where's Courtney?" 

"She had to go visit an old friend of hers she said" my dad said, and I nod. 

I go sit down in one of the chairs where Jason had sat down and looked at my mother. It pained me too look at her but I am glad she is waking up tomorrow. 

As were sitting in silence all of a sudden alarms start going off of the machines and loud beeps start going 

"What's going on" we all ask in a panic 

All of a sudden nurses and doctors rush in all going crazy to get us out of there 

"No" I hear my dad yell but the doctors are strong enough to push him back and lead him out of the room 

"Mom" I said with tears forming in my eyes.


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