Chapter 24

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One month later...

"Come on Alison leave him alone" Emily said, as she grabs Alison's hand tugging her back, but Ali pulls away and stays where she is. 

"I swear if you ever do that again I will make your life miserable" Alison said, her voice stern. 

But this boy showed no fear, he didn't flinch or cower in fear from her. 

"Yeah okay your not as scary as you think you are" He responded back, earning a gasp from everyone because nobody talks back to Alison

"Excuse me?" Alison questioned, not expecting him to reply to her

"You heard me Miss Queen Bee I said you're not as scary as you think you are" he replied, smirking at her. 

It sent chills down her body because it resembled someone she didn't even want to mention.  

"Congrats your standing up to me you think that's going to make you great well you messed with the wrong person let me just tell you I know who you are I know your secret and I will tell everyone about it" Ali said, proudly

"Im pretty sure you don't know me and you probably will never will but I know exactly who you are" 

Ali had nothing to say, she had a different a feeling about this person and they were probably right about knowing everything about her. 

"Oh my god Alison DiLaurentis has nothing too say" a person in the background said

"Shut up" Alison snaps at whoever said that 

"Oh look thee Alison DiLaurentis doesn't have anything too say, oh no now she feels powerless" 

"Who are you?"

"My name is Dan Johnson I'm also so your sisters bestfriend she told me to watch out for you"

"Wait a minute you know my sister... how"

"We met at Radley and I was just released last week, while in there we made a promise to bring down her precious little sister" Dan replied, then he walks away knowing he won this battle

Everyone around them stands in silence watching Alison stand there confused on what just happened she wanted to know what her sister had planned for her in Radley. 

"Ali" Em said, snapping her fingers in front of Alison, breaking her out of her daze 

"Sorry" Alison apologized, as she looks Em in the eyes 

"Come on Ali lets go to your home" Em said, as she grabs her hand and they leave the school

The entire car ride to Ali's house was silent. Emily knew that Alison wouldn't talk because of what happened. 

"Hey Ali were here" Emily cooed, and Ali snaps out of her thoughts looking up to see that they were in front of her house

Ali quickly unbluckles her seatbelt and follows Emily who was already at her front door. Once they are inside, and go up to her room Ali lets out a huge sigh 

"I'm sorry you had to see that side of me again" she said, as they sat down on the bed and spooned each other 

"I can't believe he knows your sister from Radley" 

"When he said that I was like oh shit this kid is literally crazy, that's why he wasn't scared of me like everyone else is"

*Ring Ring* Caller ID: Unknown

"Hello" Ali says, when she answers her phone

"I hope you enjoyed my little surprise this morning sis there is more where that came from"  a familiar voice repsonded. 

"What the hell is wrong with you Courtney" 

"I think you already know the answer to that" 

"What do you want from me?"

"Everything... you ruined my life when you came into the picture and now I'm determine to ruin yours" she replied, hanging up

Alison didn't even move after she hung up the phone, she now feared for her life because her sister was capable of ruining her life even being on the other side of the world. 


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