Chapter 16

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When they were done Emily body was so exhausted and so was she since it was around 1 am in the morning and they had school the following day.

"Good night baby" Alison said, as she cuddles closer to Em's body.

"Good night babe" Emily replied as she quickly drifts off to sleep.

Ali stays wide awake though, thinking of how lucky she is to have Emily as her girlfriend no matter how much she was a pain in the ass Emily still stayed with her and that is one of the reasons why Alison loved her so much and even when they fight or she does something stupid like cheat she will forgive her and it makes Ali want and love her even more then before. After pondering about her life, she quickly felt sleep taking over her body.


The following day,

Alison wakes up to a text notification from her mom who barely contacted her, but she figured she was always busy with work.

Alison's mom: Hi sweetie sorry I haven't been able to contact you in a while but the office was keeping me busy and I barely had any time to breathe anyways I'm coming home tonight love you

Alison smiles at the text, she was happy that her mom is finally coming home, I think the last time she saw her was when she came home for Christmas.

"Emmy" she lightly shakes her girlfriend to wake her up.

"Yeah?" Emily says, as she slowly comes out from her slumber.

"Sorry to wake you baby but my mom is coming home tonight"

"That's good baby" Emily replied, her voice sleepy.

"Sorry for waking you its just I haven't seen her in months and she's finally coming home which makes me so happy.

"No its fine Ali, I'm happy she's coming home cause i know how much you miss her" Emily says, and she leans down to give her a peck.

"What time is it we have to get ready for school" Alison asks as she looks at her phone that read 6:30

"Its 6:30 and school doesn't start til 7:45 you woke up a little earlier then usual" Emily says as she looked at the alarm clock but it doesn't really matter there always late anyways

"Well I'm going to get dress I still have my 5 inch heels here" Alison asks

"Yes there in my closet" Emily says as Alison goes to take a shower and Emily starts picking out her outfit

As Alison is still in the shower her phone rings and Emily goes over too see that Hanna is calling

"Hello" Emily answers

"Ali- Emily oh hey" Hanna bites down on her tongue so she doesn't say anything.

"What's up?"

"Where's Alison I need to talk to her about something" Hanna quickly replies.

"She's in the shower be out soon"

"Oh okay well tell her to call me asap when she gets out" Hanna responds before quickly hanging up.

Emily shrugs as she puts Alison's phone back down and goes towards the mirror to look at herself. When Ali comes out of the shower Emily hops in because on school days they don't have time mess up

"Oh before I shower Hanna called she needed to talk to you about something" Emily said, then disappears into her bathroom

Alison dials Hanna's number back as she starts getting dressed.

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