Chapter 5

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After Alison left Emily's she was balling her eyes out as she walked down the dark streets of Rosewood. Emily was the best thing that ever happen to her and of course she fucked things up.

"Alison?" someone calls out in the distance and Ali turns around to see Noel Kahn in his car.

"Noel?" Alison said, stopping as his car pulls up in front of her

"What are you doing in the streets alone in the dark wheres Emily?" Noel asked.

"I'm going home because I cheated on her" Ali said, as she starts sobbing once again

"Oh shit what did you do?" He questioned.

"I kissed some stupid college boy at the party and I've never done that before"

"Well come on you can come to my place its right there"

Alison wipes her eyes and nods her head, as she gets into Noel's car and he drives them for like a minute down the the road.

Once Alison and Noel are inside, they both sit on his couch and stare into space.

"How drunk were you" Noel asked.

"Pretty drunk but I've been to parties without her and I don't know what happened this time"

"Did he kiss you first or did you?"

"He did but I kissed back"

"Why did you do that? you have Emily"

"I don't know I keep asking myself the same question"

When the room turned silent Ali and Noel just looked at each other not knowing what to say but instead they both crawl over towards each other and kiss. There kiss was very rough and kind of passionate. They both knew this kiss was all about comfort because Noel just went through a breakup and Ali is about too. As they continue to kiss, Ali lifts Noel's shirt up not caring that she was doing this now. Once his shirt was off hers came off too then they pull off each others pants still kissing. Sure they have hooked up before Ali started dating Emily but its been a while. After most of their clothes were off Noel slid down his boxers and Ali removed her thong, Noel pushed his dick inside of Ali making her whimper at the contact since its been a while since she's been with a guy. Once they finished having sex, Alison was even more mad at herself.

"I can't believe we just did that" Ali said, as she catches her breath

Noel nods his head in agreement "What were we thinking"

"What the fuck is wrong with me I just cheated again on Emily and hasn't been 24 hours"

"Yeah you can't hold this one from her"

"I'm sorry I have to go" Ali says, as she stands up from the couch and puts on her clothes.

"Don't apologize I'm the sober one here I should've stopped us I know you have a girlfriend"

"Yeah I'm not drunk anymore this is my fault" she said, as she walks out his door and runs to Emily's house. It wasn't far, but her vision was become a blur as more tears came out her eyes. Once she reaches Emily's house, she walks in and goes to Emily's room who was now sound asleep in her bed.

"Em" Ali whispers as she walks over to Emily's bed.

"Alison...what the hell are you doing here go home"

"I can't I'm sorry i did another horrible thing and I don't want to keep this secret from you as much as I want to you"

"What do you mean?"

"I had sex with Noel"

Emily was now flabbergasted at her ex girlfriend's actions "Are you kidding me right?"

"I wish I was"

"Wow I'm so done with you Alison... I never want to see you ever in my life again, just take all your stuff and leave my room" Emily responded, she was lost for words. How could you cheat on someone you love? Its never been done to her and it felt like a knife through her chest. "Get out of my house now"

Ali nods her head, she doesn't say a word and leaves.


Haha I made matters worse. Sorry.

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