Chapter 21

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I sat in the waiting room area alone, crying as my dad stormed off somewhere and Jason went to go find where he went. I just hope she isn't going to die I can't loose my mom at such a young age.

"Ali" I hear someone call me, I look up to see Emily

"Emm" I say as I hurl myself towards her hugging her as tight as I could as more tears fall down my face

When we both pull away, Emily pulls something out of her pocket

"Here I brought you something to eat figured you were hungry since you have been here all day" Emily said, as she takes out a small bag of pretzels

"Thanks" I said, half smiling and taking the snack I try to eat but my stomach was in knots

We wait in the waiting room area for like another hour or so until a doctor comes in the room probably with news on my mother.

"Is she going to live?" I asked, as I was getting nervous

"Yes she is sorry we had you waiting so long we just did a procedure on her that saved her life altough the car accident did make her tear her ankle so she will be on crutches for a bit until it can heal again" the doctor says and I smile at the good news

"Thank you so much I need to find my dad" I say wondering where he went off too

"No worries the front desk saw him storm off so when we got the news she called your brother since they are friends and told him the news they should be here to get you two home" the doctor then says and I nod as we walk towards the elevator it was about 11 pm at night

We go to my house after I say goodbye to my mother even though she was sleeping peacefully, Emily stays with me as we cuddle in each others arms eventually falling asleep. 

The next morning it was Saturday and I just wanted to spend my morning with Emily because I need to make up for her staying up with me late at night. 


Later that night I decided to throw a party at my house since my dad was taking care of my mom. 

"Hey Ali" a voice said, from behind me and I turn around to see my ex boyfriend Darren here 

"Who the fuck let you in" I said, rolling my eyes as I crossed my arms "Please leave me alone"

"Yeah you would like that wouldn't you"  

"Darren please go"

And to my luck he leaves, I watch where he goes and he follows another blonde girl

"Hey I saw you with Darren are you okay" Emily asked

"I'm fine just need a drink" I said as I take a sip that is strong and tastes like shit but I need it too get drunk 

"What are you drinking I can smell it from here" Emily says as she lifts my drink to her nose cringing the smell hits her 

"Its Bay Beach a mixture of bourbon and ciroc" I said, as I take another sip while shrugging

"Gross Ali why would you mix those" 

I take another sip, then I get up and grabbing my girlfriends hand and dragging her to my room. Emily knew what I wanted so she sits down on the edge of my bed looking at me with desire in her eyes, she bites her lip staring at me. I mean I did wear the tight strapless romper just for her eyes only...Well I couldn't help that everyone stared at me because I am the Queen Bee. I walk over towards Emily as I sit down on her lap so my legs are on either side of her and I'm facing her, I crash our lips together as our tongues collide together. We continue to kiss as I feel her wrap her arms around my dress and tug my zipper down, once it comes off I bring our lips together again this time it was slow but still heated. Then all of a sudden she turns us around and push me onto the bed getting on top of me and then leaning down to kiss me passionately. Ugh I need to feel her now. 

"Em I need to feel you now" I say my voice struggling with moans in between as she attacks my neck hoping she doesn't give me a hickey like I did which had been not seen by anyone thanks to makeup. 

As were kissing all of a sudden there's a knock on the door and we freeze hoping its not who we think it is, but when we hear the voice I know I'm totally fucked.


The Queen Bee: EmisonWhere stories live. Discover now