Chapter 4

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The next day:

After school the girls were going to head to Spencer's barn to spend the night. But right before they reached her car, Noel Kahn walks right up behind them.

"Hello ladies" Noel said, as all 4 girls turn around to see Noel with his charming smirk planted on his face.

"Hey Noel" Alison responded, since she was closer to him more than the other girls. 

"So theres a party tonight at Penn State and I was wondering if you guys would like to come?"

"Of course" Alison responds, not even caring what the other girls would say.

"Cool see you ladies tonight at 9" Noel said, then walks away

"Its Thursday Ali we have school the next day" Emily said

"Relax Em we can skip tomorrow"

"I can't skip I have a AP Physics test tomorrow" Em argues

"Fine then we'll go and you can be lame and stay home to study" Ali replies, rolling her eyes at her girlfriend and hopping into the car

"You can't skip the test just stay home" Hanna asked, looking at her friend who frowned

"No I have to study this test is a huge part of my grade" Emily replied, as she gets into the car.


It was around 10 p.m when Ali, Aria and Hanna headed to Penn State, while Emily stayed home to study with Spencer because both girls had their AP test tomorrow.

"Yo Ali where's your girl at?" Noel asked, when the girls are inside the fraternity.

"She stayed home to study for some stupid test tomorrow"


"Tell me about it" Alison said, as she orders a drink. She already felt good since they had to a shot and a chaser at the door. 

"Careful Alison you might not wanna get to drunk for your girl" Noel said, chuckling a bit

"I don't care and she won't either so I'm drinking" 


A couple drinks later Alison and Hanna were both drunk except Aria who was the designated driver, but she went off somewhere. Later on, drunk Ali had found a cute college boy so she started dancing on him.

"Hey who's this" Hanna asked, when she spots her taken friend dancing on some guy

"I don't know... Hey whats your name" Alison asked, 

"Justin" Justin replied, smirking

"Well don't let him get to you or Emily will be upset" Hanna said, but she said it in Ali ear so he wouldn't hear her

"I know" 

"Hey do you wanna play a game with me" Justin asked, when Hanna walked away.

"Like what?" Alison asked

"Truth or Dare" Justin asked, she shrugs but follows Justin over towards the group of guys and girls, one of them being Hanna.

"Ok were playing Truth or Dare who wants to go first" one of the guys asked

"I'll go" Alison said

"Truth or Dare?" 


"I dare you to go give Justin a lap dance" 


Ali gives him a lap dance, she goes to gets off him but before she does he grabs her face giving her a sloppy kiss, and Alison being drunk can't help but kiss back. When Alison pulls back she looks over to Hanna who's facial expression is now shocked. After Justin leaves to get a drink. 

"I may be drunk but I do know you have a girlfriend"

"You don't think I know that" Alison replied, as she shook her head and tired her hardest not to cry. She's never cheated on Emily the 2 years they've been together. 

"Sure looks like you forgot as you were making out with Justin" 

"Fuck I've never done that before why couldn't I stop myself from kissing him" 

"Yeah well when Emily finds out your dead" 

"Oh hell no you will not tell Emily about this" 

"I'm not gonna lie to Emily who's been studying her ass off just because her girlfriend decide to make out with some college boy"

"Okay I'll tell her" Ali huffs, she didn't want to loose Emily but she didn't want to tell her either. Just then Justin walks over with a big smirk on his face. 

"Look Justin your cute and all but I have a girlfriend" Alison said, making Justin spit his drink that he was sipping

"What your gay?" 

"No I'm not gay I just happen to have a girlfriend"

"The fuck no thanks...bye" Justin said, standing up and leaving

Alison almost starts to laugh at how ridiculous boys can be sometimes. But now it was time to face Emily and tell her truth. 


Once the girls found Aria, she drops Ali off at Emily's house it was around 2 in the morning. Hanna making sure she told her bestfriend the truth.

"Em" Alison said, as she knocked on Emily's door

Nobody answers so Ali opens the door to find Emily slowly waking up on her desk. 

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"Yeah but that's okay" 

"So I have to tell you something" 

"Is this about the party you too went to?" she asked, rubbing her eyes to wake herself up.

"Yes... I kissed a boy when I was there"

"What?" Emily responded, her voice not able to speak as Ali's words hit her, she can feel herself now tearing up

"I'm sorry Em... I- I was drunk I know that doesn't make it better... I love you please believe-  " Ali explains, tears were threatening to come out of her eyes. She couldn't lose Em not like this. 

"Stop" Emily said, interrupting her. She shakes her head, her voice angry now. 

Tears were now falling out of both girls eyes "I'm sorry" Ali repeats. 

"Please just get out of my house. 

Alison nods her head, her head falls in defeat as she walks out of Emily's room. Oh Alison why do you always fuck things up. 


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