Chapter 9

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"Hey baby I-" came a young girl in a business suit with a sexy smirk on her face, but stopped once she saw Alison.

"Excuse me what did you just say? " Alison questions, her jaw dropping then looking directly at her dad who gave the "not now" look to the girl who came in. 

"Oh shit uh...wrong room" the girl said, quickly exiting the office and shutting the door. 

"Dad what the fuck? are you cheating on mom?"

"Ali please calm down" her dad said, reaching for his daughter, but she snaps back.

"How long have this been going on dad and I want the truth now?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"A few months"

"Dad what the hell is wrong with you mom is half way across the world, and you are cheating on her, how does she even trust you I can't even trust you anymore because you are a lying cheating father" 

"I know I don't deserve your mother"  

"No shit you don't" 

"I know Ali it won't happen again please don't tell her anything" 

"Well too bad, I'm leaving" Alison said, as she storms out of his building and goes to Emily's.

Later on that day Ali told Emily what happened, then after she was tired so they decide to cuddle and watch movies since there is no way that Ali was going home. 


The next day, 

"Wow thee Alison DiLaurentis is doing schoolwork" Hanna said, making the girls including Emily laugh. 

"Yes Hanna I am" Ali said, putting down her pencil while rolling her eyes.

"What did you do this time?"

"What do you mean I could just be doing homework for once"

"Alison I know you so well that I know your lying" 

"Well my dad said he'll have me expelled from school if I dont start doing my work or listen to my stupid teachers" 

"Damn sucks to be you" Spencer said, sarcastically

"No shit" Alison said, not caring to pick up on Spencer's tone.

When school was over, the girls were going to the movies since Em wanted to see the new Spiderman, but Ali really wanted to make out with her girlfriend in the back so they decided on some lame one. Once they got into the theater, no one was in there since it was 3 in the afternoon. 

"Why are we sitting all the way in the back?" Emily questioned, when they just walk in and Ali sits in the back 

"You'll see why soon" Ali replied, with a smirk but Em couldn't see it since the theater was dark. And she didn't even catch on to what Ali was talking about since they were in public. 

During the movie, Ali had laid her hand on Em's thigh but she was to into the movie to even notice it was there. But as soon as she starts rubbing it, Em gasps and puts her hand on top of Ali's. 

"What are you doing?" Emily said, shocked as she picked up on that Ali wanted to have sex in the theater

"Relax Em nobody's in here" 

Ali then slips her hand inside of Em's pants and starts teasing her girlfriend. 

"Ali" Em said, as she shuts her eyes and bites down on her lip. 

She keeps teasing her girl knowing its driving her wild, Em wanted to watch the movie but she couldn't focus on anything but the feeling of her girl's hand inside of her. 

"Please" she finally begs, and Ali doesn't hesitate as she plunges inside of Em's folds. 

Em was glad the loud action scenes were playing because she was embarrassed to be moaning out loud in public. 

"Fuck Ali" Em breathes out, as she inserts another finger "I'm almost there" 

Once Em comes all over Ali fingers, Ali slowly removes her hand and smirks "I've always wanted to fuck you in the theater" 

Em lets out a breathy laugh and shakes her head at her girl as she comes down from her high. Once the movie was over, the girls walk out hand in hand. 

"I feel bad for ever whoever sits there next" Ali said, as she kisses her girl hand and they leave the theater. Emily face flushes in embarrassment and Ali laughs at her how innocent her girl was. 


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