Chapter 12

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"Maya?" Emily questioned, looking suprised to see her ex- girlfriend from freshmen year. Maya was Emily's first girlfriend, but they broke up when her family had to move again to Washington D.C.

Maya walks over towards where she was a little confused to see Alison standing next to Emily.

"Hello Emily" Maya said, smiling softly at Emily.

"W-what are you doing back?" she stuttered from because in a state of shock of seeing her.

"My father got stationed here again" she answered.

"Really? that's great.

"So why is she standing next you?" Maya asked gesturing to Ali.

"Because im her girlfriend Maya is that a problem" Alison responded, glaring at her.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah for about two years now"

Maya was about to say something else but then the bell rings.

"Why are you dating Alison?"

"Because I love her"

"Yeah but remember what she did to us she made our lives miserable because we were dating"

"I know but I forgave her for it and she apologized for doing it"

"Really? you forgave her that easily"

"Yes I did"

"Don't you remember the harsh words she said about you and me how could you date someone who made you cry" Maya said, crossing her arms

"Look I know what Alison had done to me in the past you don't have to remind me but she promised me and she has been living up to that promise that she won't hurt me anymore"

"Wow Emily Fields what ever happened to you I thought you knew better"

"Em-" Ali's voice starts but then stops when she see's Emily talking to Maya but Alison can see Emily is tired of talking to her by the way she standing

"Hi Ali"

"What's going on here?" Alison asked

"Don't you remember the things you've done to me and Emily are freshmen year"

"Yes I do and I regret the things I did to Emily"

"Really I bet you do"

"Shut up bitch, why does it even matter you two aren't together anymore and this was what like three years ago...move on"

Instead of answering Maya rolls her eyes and walks away.


Later that same night, the five girls go to Caleb's house party. When the two girls go home, Emily doesn't feel good since she didn't eat and might of overdid it with the drinking tonight.

"Ugh I feel like shit" Emily groans, as she holds her stomach

"Baby lets bring you to the bathroom" Ali says as she grabs Em's hand guiding her to the bathroom down the hall

Right when they get their Emily runs to the toliet and throws up, as she's coughing Ali starts rubbing her back soothingly. When Emily is done she flushes the toliet and then goes to the sink to wash her mouth and brush her teeth while rinising with mouth wash

"I think its a good idea that you don't kiss me tonight" Em said, as she wipes her face with a towel

"Babe your mouth is clean" Ali said, pouting because she loves kissing Emily

"I know but still I just threw up and I don't think kissing me is a good idea even if its clean"

Before she even knew Ali plants her lips onto Emily. Emily shrugs and kisses Ali back before pulling away

"I'm fine babe" Ali said, smirking as she walks out the bathroom

"You're really gross" Em said, laughing and following Alison

"It would be gross if I kissed after you thrown up and you didn't clean your mouth which you did so I kissed you" Ali said, as the girls lay down on the bed and falling asleep.


The following night only Alison and Hanna went to the club since everyone else were studying for exams.

"We should totally do something fun tonight" Hanna said, as they were dancing

"Like what?"

"Get you a tattoo"

"A tattoo... really?"

"Yeah come on don't be afraid of a little needle"

"A little needle that goes into your skin about one hundred times"

"Come on it will be fun to see you get a tattoo whilst your drunk"


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