Chapter 11

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What a stunning cast


After breakfast the two girls went up to Emily's room and got ready for the day.  When Emily comes out of the bathroom after taking a shower with a towel on, Alison all of a sudden stops what she was doing and stares at her girl. 

"Ali what are you staring at?" Emily asked, after catching her girlfriend staring. Instead of answering Ali gets up from the bed, and walks up to Emily, she wraps her arms around her neck and pulls her in for a passionate kiss. 

"Sorry when I saw you that glorious bodies of yours dripping wet I couldn't help myself" Alison replied, in between kisses. Emily smirks against Alison lips at her response. 

"Knock knock" they hear a familiar voice. Alison and Em pull apart too see their friends walking in. The girls have walked in on them plenty of times so they weren't faze by it anymore, 

"What do you guys want?" Ali said, annoyance laced in her voice. She hated when her friends interrupted her time with Emily.  

"Yes come into my house without me knowing" Emily said, at the same time then she disappears into the bathroom. The girls came just in time before Ali ripped it off  and then they've would seen Emily's entire bare body. Which again they have seen plenty of times. 

"We were wondering if you guys wanted to go to the beach today since its beautiful out?" Hanna asked. It was 75 degrees in the middle of September, so in Pennsylvania that means lets go to the beach one last time before its -5 degrees out.  

"Yes!" Alison responded, she was happy they asked because she loves the beach

"Yes what?" Emily asked, as comes out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel and was fully clothed. 

"We just asked if Ali you guys wanted to go to the beach today, and she already said yes so you kind of have no choice now" Hanna responded. 

"Sure why not" Emily shrugged. 

"Are you guys like ready to go now?" Spencer asked, looking between her two friends

"Yeah gives a few minutes since you guys gave us no heads up to get ready"

"Yeah whatever" 


At the beach,

"Hey Ali come into the water with me its not cold at all" Emily said, walking up to the girls. 

"Of course" Alison replied, staring at how beautiful and toned her girl has become then got up and followed her girl into the water.

Alison and Emily played in the water, while Hanna and Aria texted their boyfriends and Spencer read her book. 

When the girls went back to their friends Ali goes straight back to tanning while Emily talks to Hanna. 

"Hey beautiful ladies" a decent young boy said, walking up to the girls. 


"I'm Chris this is Travis and Nick" Chris says smiling 

"I'm Hanna this is Emily Spencer Alison and Aria" Hanna says smirking at Chris

"Well are they single" Chris asks

"Sadly those two girls are dating but Spencer and Aria are free now" Hanna says


"I'm Spencer" Spencer said, looking at Nick and he smiles at her. 

"Travis you go talk to Aria I believe her name was" Chris said

"You girls free tonight?" Chris asked

"Well technically yes but we also have school tomorrow" Hanna said

"You guys in high school" Chris asked

"Yeah sadly were all Seniors we just had today off so we came to the beach" Hanna says 

"Oh were all freshmen in college we also had off too so we came to the beach our college is right nearby" Chris says

"Drexel University" Alison asked


"Oh that's the college I wanted to go to next year" Alison says

"You want to go to Drexel?" Emily asks who was half listening because she was texting her mom

"Yeah why not its a very expensive private university" Alison says

"I never even knew you had intrest into going to college you barely do anything in high school" Emily says 

"Of course I do I'm just undecided right now"

"So am I" Chris said


The following day, Alison wore a bright red dress with a dimond necklace

"Woah" Emily said, taking in her girlfriends beauty.

"Hi baby" Alison said, grabbing her girlfriends waist and pulling her in for a quick kiss

Just then Hanna walks up to the girls.

"Hey Emily look who's back again" Hanna said, pointing to the girl by a locker. 

Emily looks shocked when she notices who the girl is.


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