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Alison's Point of View:

Today was the day, I was looking forward to but somewhat dreading. Graduation. I was able to get my diploma and walk the stage as everyone says goodbye to their Queen Bee. Me and Emily had broken up since we decided not to do a long distance relationship, since she was going across the country to the University of California, Los Angeles to major in nursing and I'm going to college, thanks to my dad I got accepted into Penn State University, so the next best decision we made was to remain friends for now.

"You guys ready to get the fuck out of here!" Hanna said. Our families had gathered together at Spencer's house to get ready.

"Hanna language." Mrs. Fields said, but we knew she wasn't mad.

"Sorry Mrs. Fields, but I'm just so excited to never step foot into this place again"

Hanna got accepted into New York University to become a fashion designer, then she would go work with my mom in her business.

"Me too!" Aria agreed. She was going to Rhode Island School of Design, majoring in photography.

"I just want to get these speeches over with I hate speaking in front of crowds" Spencer said, since she was the valedictorian and the president of our class

It took Spencer a long time to decide if she wanted to go Dartmouth or Yale, and the bitch wouldn't stop complaining about it for weeks on end, but then she eventually chose to attend Yale to become a lawyer like her mom.

2 hours later....

"Alright graduates its time." Mr. Colton said, as he leads our class to the football field where we sit down on the chairs and face everyone.

I watch as every one of my classmates get their diploma and it somewhat makes me sad that I'll never see them again.

"Alison DiLaurentis, Penn State University"

I wave to the crowd like a queen as everyone cheers and claps for me, then as I walk back to sit the entire whole class bows for me.

Once Spencer finishes her speech we throw our caps in the air, and then go meet everyone to take pictures.

"Nice speech Spence to bad I have no idea what you were talking about!" Hanna said, making everyone laugh

"Only people with a brain would understand it." Spencer replied.

"So now what?" Emily asked, as we gather in our group away from the parents.

"Well we have all summer to hang out with each other lets make it last while we can" I said, looking at all of my girls as they nod their in agreement.


5 years later,

"Miss. DiLaurentis you have a phone call" Maria said, the secretary of our company. I was the CEO of Dilaurentis Corporation in New York which deals with business and Real estate .

"Ok" I respond, as I head into my office and pick up my phone. "Hello" I answered.

"Hi babe how's work?" Emily asked, making me smile.

"Good I just got out of a meeting, so I'm going out for lunch soon how's work for you?"

"Ugh never ending, I just don't understand why some patients can be so rude when I'm just trying to help them."

"Just get them done and you never have to see them again" I replied.

"I know, oh! I have to go someone just paged me, I'll see you at home!"

"Ok bye I love you!"

"I love you too!" she quickly responds back, then hangs up the call.

I was lucky to get Emily back 2 years later into my sophomore year of college. We ran into each other at a school's football playoff game, since her girlfriend at the time wanted to go, which led us to talking again and then we slept together and realized we needed to be together again so she broke up with that girl for me.

We also bought an apartment in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Emily had gotten a job working at the New York Hospital as oncologist.


3 years later,

"Mommy are we there yet?" Jacob asked, me and Emily's 2 year old son.

"Soon." I respond, as we were going to Aria's wedding of her and Ezra, who rekindled in England, when Aria took a semester off to travel the world.

About 20 minutes later, we are back in Rosewood. It was nice to see the familiar old buildings. We drive to my church where the wedding ceremony was being held.

"Emily, Alison!" Hanna screams, as she runs up to us in her heels and gives us a hug.

"Hanna!" Emily and I said, in unison.

"Come on Aria's in the building next door with Spencer getting ready come on" Hanna said, but first we give Jacob to my parents before running over to go see Aria.

When we walk into the room Aria was getting ready in, I look at how beautiful her dress .was

"Hey you two made it" Aria said, turning around.

"Sorry were late traffic the New York is ridiculous, but wow Aria you look stunning"

"Um I came from Italy and still made it on time" Hanna said.

Emily lets out a laugh "You came two days ago and stayed in a local hotel!"

"Whatever still made it here on time"


After the wedding me, Emily and Jacob went to the hotel where Hanna was staying since my parents sold our house when me and Jason left.

"Can I go play with Ian?" Jacob asked, Ian was Hanna's three year old son.

"Okay" Em replies, she grabs his little hands and direct him out of the room "We'll be back" since Hanna's room was right down the hall

When Emily comes back, she lays next to me as I was watching tv.

"I love you Em so much" I said, as we cuddle into each other.

"I love you too Ali"

"I can't wait to get married" I said, turning to face her.

"Me too" she replied, looking at me as well.

"We have to get married in Paris on top of the Eiffel Tower"

"Paris? why there"

"Well I always wanted to go there and plus its the city of love and I love you so we have to get married there"

She lets out a small chuckle "Okay "

"Do you promise me we will do that one day get married in Paris?"

"I promise you"


And that's exactly what we did one year later.


Ok so this is the last chapter of this story, I am so thankful for you guys who have actually read this and enjoyed it. I am only ending because I've been writing this fanfic for about 2 years now and it needs to be done.

Again, thank you to everyone who's read this story, I'm sorry I kind of rushed the end but I really wanted to end it for various reasons. I love you all and I'll see you guys soon.

The Queen Bee: EmisonWhere stories live. Discover now