Chapter 17

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Emily's POV

"Happy Birthday baby" Alison said, when I wake up and I instantly feel her lips on mine. Wow I totally forgot today was my 18th birthday. 

"Thank you baby" I replied after pulling back from the kiss. 

"I have so much planned for you today" Alison said, smiling wide. 

"Oh, you didn't have too Ali" 

She shakes her head "Nope, today is your special day and so I must make it special"  

I let out a laugh "Okay fine" 

"Good so the first thing I have planned is a brunch with your mother... but before that happens" Ali says, as she strips her shirt off so that's she naked. 

*Alexa play Birthday Sex by Jeremiah*


The girls eventually get out of bed and get ready for the day, when they were done they head downstairs where Emily's mom was in the kitchen cleaning up. 

"Oh hi girls... and Happy Birthday sweetie" Emily's mom said, smiling ear to ear and giving Em a big hug.

"Thanks mom and why are you so happy today?" Emily asked

"Because its my daughters birthday and Alison has something I can't wait for you to see" 

"Okay" Emily replies, a bit skeptical about what Ali has planned for her. 

"Alright well lets head to brunch" Ali said, as they head into her car. 

 After they finished brunch Alison had another surprise for Em, but first they dropped off Em's mom and then Alison drove to the place.

"You are full of suprises today aren't you babe" Emily said, smiling. 

"I just wanna make my baby's birthday special" Ali replied, smiling back. 

"You are special to me"

"Awe I love you so much"

"I love you too" 

Once they arrive at the place Emily knew exactly where they were, it was where Emily took Alison on their second date which was outdoor go kart riding. 

"We haven't been here in so long" 

"It's been what more than 2 years" 

"Yeah about that"

When they're inside the race track place, Emily sees that Maya works here.

"Oh look Emily its your weird ex girlfriend" Alison said, as she spots Maya and Em rolls her eyes at Alison calling her a name 

"Happy Birthday Em" Maya said

"Thanks Maya and you work here?" Emily asked

"Yeah started last week" 

"Nobody cares Maya now turn around and never come back" 

"Excuse me I was just saying Happy Birthday bitch calm down" 

"Did you just tell me to calm down?" 

"Alright lets go" Emily said, interuptting their little banter and dragging Alison to the track

"Are you jealous of her" Emily asked, before they got

"Me jealous of her please I'm way more beautiful then her" Alison replied, rolling her eyes.

"Uh huh sure" 

"What's that supposed to mean" 

"Awe Alison DiLaurentis is jealous" 

"I am so not jealous Em" Ali said, sarcastically. 

Once it was their turn to race, they get situated in their seats Emily was in front and Alison was 2 carts behind. 

"Ready.... Set.... Go" the man said, as the flag goes down and all the carts leave the area and start racing around the track 

"Go Emily" Maya yells and Alison rolls her eyes 

Emily just smiles a bit and tries to catch up to Alison who was one cart ahead of her, Emily goes around that one and now she's right behind Ali

"I see you have a fan" Ali said, as she stays focus on the track and Emily rolls her eyes

Alison wins but the race was close. When they get out of their karts, Maya was waiting for Emily. 

"Good job Emily" Maya said, in a giddy way. 


"Do you not know what goes away means?" 


"I'm okay Maya you can go now" Emily said, in the nicest way possible

"Ok" Maya replies, as she walks away

"Anyways I have one more surprise for you"  

"I can't wait" Emily said, smiling as she follows Alison. 


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