Chapter 23

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Later on they all got dressed and decided to watch a movie, Spencer made popcorn while Hanna made cosmos. Emily and Alison were all tangled up on the couch as Emily absentmindedly rubbed Ali's hand, while Ali was focused on the tv show she was watching before they started watching the movie. 

"So what movie are we watching?" Hanna asked, as she brings a tray of cosmos handing everyone a drink, then plops down on a bean bag chair.

"Let's watch Bridesmaids?" Spencer suggests, as she grabs a handful of the popcorn.

"Nah I wanna watch something scary" Hanna said, also grabbing popcorn and shoving it all into her mouth at once. 

"No I hate scary movies I'd rather watch Bridesmaids" Ali perks up, she hated scary movies for various reasons. 

"Fine" Hanna groans, as she lays back against the couch and crosses her arms. 

Once Spencer puts the movie about a half-hour into it, everyone gathers in a circle since they never watch the movie, they usually play games and when its not there turn they sort of watch parts of the movie.

"Lets play Never Have I Ever?" Spencer asked, everyone shakes there head

"No that games stupid lets play Two truths One Lie" Hanna says

"Okay" Ali says knowing she's good at this game cause she's one of the best liars there is

"Alright so who's up first" Hanna asked as she looks around the circle and tapping her chin as if she's thinking "Hmm.. I think I'll pick Spencer to go first"

"Alright" Spencer shrugs then starts to think of what too say " Ok I have only been to Mexico once, my dad got arrested in college for the possession of heroin and my sister is a secret FBI agent"

"I think the lie is your dad got arrested in college for the possesion of heroin" Hanna said, and Spencer nods "I only know that because if your dad was arrested for heroin he would've been kicked out and have never became a doctor" the girls were impressed that Hanna was even thinking of that that. 

"Okay Alison your up" 

"My brother still had a collection of action figures in his closet, I had a cat named Whiskers when I was a child and I drank red wine once at wedding and it got all over my white dress" Alison asked, as she smiles mischievously. 

"Your lie is that you had a cat named Whiskers as a child" Spencer said, because nobody knew what was the truth, since Ali was great at lying. 

"Nope the lie is I drank sparking water once at a wedding and it got all over my white dress" 

"Okay baby your up" Alison says clapping that she won, then looks at Emily.

"Hmm... this is going to be hard since you know everything about me, but as a child I only wore clothes that were only blue, my mom used to be a drug dealer and swimming isn't my favorite hobby in the world its watching Modern Family" Emily said, trying to think of some things Ali doesn't know or at least remember that she said it.

"Your mom used to be a drug dealer is the lie no way Pam selled drugs" Alison responded. 

"Actually your wrong my mom used to be a drug dealer at age 16 but at the age of 19 she stopped, and the lie is the blue clothes I wore lots of different colors" Emily said, smiling that Ali got that wrong.

"You like Modern Family more than swimming" Aria asked, tilting her head thinking that was her friends favorite hobby.  

"Yeah its her favorite show its on everytime she watches tv" Alison said, answering for Emily who nods

"Okay so lets play another game?" Hanna said

"What about Aria?" 

"Eh sorry Aria I'm bored of this game"

"I'm okay with that" Aria said, smiling that she didn't have to play

"Actually I'm going to bed " Alison said, as she gets up and goes into her bedroom since it was around 2:45 a.m now. 

"Well I guess its time we all go to bed" Spencer said, as they all nod and say their goodnight's.  


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