Chapter 10

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"Do you have any idea how stupid you are?" Alison responded, to a kid who answered a question in class.

"Alison Dilaurentis that's enough!" the teacher said, shaking his head at her.

"What its true?"

"All of your teachers had a meeting with the principal and we know about that you will be expelled from school if you interupt our learning with one of your comments"

Alison just rolls her eyes and nods her head in understanding. After the bell rings Ali and Hanna walk out together.

"Wow I can't believe Mr. Peterson just called you out like that in front of the class" Hanna said, but Ali just ignores her and goes to find her girlfriend.


After school was over Emily and Alison go to Emily's house to watch tv. The two girls laid down on the couch and spooned each other.

"Babe" Alison said, she couldn't stop thinking about her dad and how he was cheating.

"Yeah?" Emily said

"What do you think"

"About what?"

"My whole dad situation like him cheating and me being expelled?" Alison asked.

"Well what I think is its wrong that he is cheating on your mom because your mom is so nice the last time I talked to her and yeah your parents seemed really happy with each other but the expelled part well I think you should do your work and stop talking back to the teachers"

"Right? they seem so happy I don't know what happened and ok so they don't need to expell me from freaking school just because I won't do my work they could say it in a different way"

"Yeah expelling you won't help because then you won't be able to graduate so there has to be another that you can do your work and stop talking back to the teachers or calling them names"

"Hello babe I'm Alison DiLaurentis I can't help myself with the teachers and me calling them names"

"Ali you called Mr. Kingston a dumb fat scumbag you can't do that" Emily argued.

"He is though...ugh I don't wanna talk to you anymore about this"

"Why?" she questions

"Because this is going to end up in a fight and I hate fighting with you" Ali replied, as she tries to relax "And I don't want to ruin our relationship"

"Ali this won't ruin our relationship I'm just trying to help you out cause I care about you so much" Em responded, giving Ali a quick peck on the lips

"I love you" she said, pulling her in for more.

"I love you too" Emily responded in between kisses, as things started to heat up.

When Emily pulls back from Ali, she directs them to her room gently pushing her onto the bed, and start stripping out of their clothes. Once they are both naked, with Ali on top because she the more dominant one in the bed. Alison starts to lick and kiss all around Emily's body, from her breasts to teasing in between her legs.

"Please Ali" she begs, and that's all it takes before Ali spreads her legs and starts licking and sucking her. "Fuck" as she buckles her head around Ali's head as she feels Alison's tongue licking and sucking the inside of her.

"Ali shit I'm gonna come" she moans out loud, Ali feels Emily body squirt something inside of her mouth and she swallows it.

When they are done Alison rolls off of Emily, and lays down next to her as Emily comes down from her high.

"Are you tired yet?" she asked, once her breathing has even out.

"No why?" Ali smirks, knowing why she was asking that.

"Good because now its your turn" Emily responded, as leans down capturing Ali's lips and giving back what her lover just did.


Fighting always leads to make up sex.

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