Chapter 14

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"Does your tattoo still hurt?" Emily asked, as they were getting dressed.

"Kinda but not as bad as it did yesterday, I just need to apply this anti-bactierial soap to it everyday" Alison replied.

"I heard it its going to itch really bad in a couple of days"

"Yeah it will"

So what do you want do today? since we aren't going to school?" Alison asked, walking up to Emily and wrapping her arms around her petite waist.

"How about we go to the park and have a picnic?" Emily suggested.

"Sounds like a plan"

When the girls arrive at the park they were basically alone, except for the two other couple who were walking their dog. Emily laid out the blanket then Ali brought out the food from Emily's mom picnic basket.

"This is such a beautiful day to have a picnic." Emily commented, as she poured them two glasses of red wine.

"And I love that I'm spending it with my beautiful girlfriend." Alison replied, taking a sip from her glass.

Once the girls had finished their food, they put it back in the basket and cuddled on the blanket and talked about what's on their mind.

"So what are we going to do when we graduate high school?"

Alison tilts her head, "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean like I- I don't want to stay in Rosewood, I want to get away"

"Okay?" Alison replied, still not getting what Emily was getting at.

"I'm just wondering if you want to do

Later that evening Emily and Alison went to Spencer's barn with the girls to hang out.

"Are you okay?" Ali asked, since Em was drinking tequila

"Yeah I'm fine I set the tequila down so I wouldn't drink it all" Emily w

"Good because I don't want you to re live what happened last time" Alison says whispering too

"Me either baby" Emily says as she wraps her arms around Ali's torso since Emily was in back of Alison on the couch

After the movie ended and Hanna turned off the tv they all sat around in a circle to play games they always do

"So what game are playing tonight" Hanna says

"Lets play Spin The Bottle"

"Were all girls and 3 out of 5 are not gay" Hanna says

"Who says I'm gay" Ali asked, and Hanna rolled her eyes.

"Whatever I'm not kissing any of you"

"Come on we'll do pecks" Ali says

"Why do you wanna play spin the bottle all you can kiss is Emily" Hanna says

"No because it'd be fun to play so grab a bottle and come on"

"Why do you wanna play spin the bottle?" Em asked, as Hanna went to fetch a bottle

"Because its a great game plus I wanna kiss you"

"You don't have to play a game to get me to kiss you ya know"

"I know"

"Alright here's your stupid bottle" Hanna said, as she hands Ali a coke bottle

"So.. .who wants to go first?"

"I'll go" Emily replied, smiling as Ali hands Em the bottle

When she spins it, it lands on Hanna

"I am not kissing Emily" Hanna said

"Why not?" Emily asked

"Because one your my bestfriend and its just weird" Hanna says

"Why I'm a great kisser asks Alison" Emily replies smirking

Hanna just groans as she gets close to Emily giving her a quick kiss

"There" Hanna says

"See wasn't that so bad" Alison says

"How are you not murdering me for doing that" Hanna says

"Because I know it means nothing to Emily" Ali says as Emily wraps her arms around Ali

"Okay Aria your next" Alison says

Aria shrugs then spins it landing it on Alison

"Alright come here Aria" Alison says as Emily relases Ali

"This is so weird" Aria says as she gives Ali a kiss

"Spence your up" Alison says then as she goes back to Emily

"Fine" Spencer huffs as she spins the bottle it landing on Hanna

"Great" Hanna says as she gets up going over towards Spencer

The two girls lean in at the same time there kiss lasting longer then expected

"Woah" Aria says

When the girls pull back they blink both in shocked that they did that

"Um" Hanna says as she backs away from Spencer

"Well that was weird" Emily replies

"Okay baby its back to you" Alison replies as she watches Spencer and Hanna looking shocked and doesn't know what to do

Emily spins it and it lands on Alison who grabs her girlfriends face pulling her in for a deep long kiss

"That was longer then Hanna and Spencer's was and theirs was long" Aria says as she earns to laughs from Emily and Alison and two glares from Spencer and Hanna

After their movie night was Alison and Emily head back to Emily's house

"How did you know there kiss was gonna last longer" Emily asks as they reach Alison's car

"Lets just say I've watched those girls interact for a very long time" Ali says as she hops in car smirking


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