Chapter 19

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Later on after the party had ended Alison couldn't stay over Emily's cause her whole family was home and Ali suggested it wouldn't be a good idea for Em to stay because there house is going to be like World War 3 now that there all of them are home. Alison sat in her room all night texting Emily on how much she missed her and how she was sorry about not sleeping with her on her birthday. 

"Hey mom wants you to come downstairs" Courtney says as she opens up Alison's door 

"Why" Alison asks her tone bitchy

"Just get your ass downstairs" Courtney says as she shuts her door 

Alison groans leaving her phone down on her bed as she gets up and going downstairs. She sees her family all sitting at the table. There family was different from any other family in Rosewood, The DiLaurentis had lots of money and power for generations everyone knew of them

"What's going on" Alison asks as she sits down next to Jason and her dad 

"We are getting a divorce" Jessica says 

"Wait why" Alison says afraid that she have to move away from Emily 

"Because your father told me what has been happening for the past few months and years" Jessica says 

"Please tell me were not moving" Alison says 

"Why cause you can't be away from your precious Emily and then you can't be Queen Bee Alison" Courtney says with a chuckle that Alison found very unpleasant from her past

"We decide to give you and Jason the house and Courtney can move to Italy with me" Jessica says 

"Um wait they get the house and I have to move to Italy with you" Courtney asks

"Yes we know you can't live with your sister and I'm shocked she allowed to be in the same room with you" Jessica says 

"And I'm moving to Malibu California the office had found me a better place to work and live" Kenneth says 

"I wanna go to California with you" Jason says in a whining tone

"Sorry Jason but you have to stay here with your sister" Ken says making Jason groan 

"You actually trust me and Jason to live alone" Alison asks 

"Of course your guys are 17 & 20 so why not plus my father had left me alone as a child at your guys's ages so I figured why not do the same" Kenneth replies

After they talked some more about the living rearrangements Alison went back upstairs in her room to call Emily 

"Hello" Emily answers when she picks up

"Hi baby I have great news" Alison says 

"What is it" Emily asks

"My parents are getting a divorice but I'm living here with just me and Jason alone" Alison says

"Wow that's great and your dad finally told your mom what has been happening" Emily says 

"Yep now me and Jason can throw the ultimate parties and not get in trouble plus when Jason isn't home me and you can have alone time" Alison says as she moans into the phone 

"Ali" Emily warns as heat shoots through her body just hearing Ali say that

"Mhmm baby come over" Alison says in her seductive voice 

"I can't not tonight my parents want me home" Emily replies "Plus I thought you didn't want me to come over since your house was gonna be like World War 3 or something" 

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