Chapter 13

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"Where is this tattoo shop?"

"This way" Hanna points to a tattoo place that's called "Immortal Ink" it was still open because it had a flashing sign that read "open" 

When we walk in the tattoo shop it was small and the place had all these different tattoo designs around on the wall

"This place looks cool" Hanna said as she's looking around the tattoo shop 

"Hello" a tall man with black spiky hair comes out of the back room, he had tattoo sleeves on both arms

"She's looking to get a tattoo" 

"Well you came to the right place" the man replied, chuckling a bit 

"I'm Alison by the way" I said, smiling at the man

"And I'm Sean" Sean replies smiling back at me "Do you have an idea of what your getting?" 

"Well no I don't have an idea can you help me" I say thinking of getting one that has a meaning to it 

"Sure... how about a flower"

"No a flower is too basic" I reply still thinking of what to get

"How about Emily's name" Hanna said, in a happy voice

"Her name?"

"Yeah why not name tattoos are very common these days" 

"See come on Ali and plus you really love her and getting a tattoo will prove it even more"  Hanna says 

"That is true and I don't think I really need to get a tattoo of her name to prove that I love her even more " I say smiling 

"Whose Emily?" 

"My girlfriend"

"So your getting a tattoo with your girls name on you while your drunk" 


"Alright, come on I'll bring you to the room where my equipment is" Sean said, shrugging as he leads me and Hanna to a small room with a long black chair inside and the tattoo needles are next too

"So where would you like the tattoo?"

"I was thinking my lower back " I replied 

"You want a tramp stamp?" Hanna questioned, tilting her head to the side looking at me like I was crazy 

"Yes I always wanted a tattoo on my lower back so I think my first one should be there"

"Well you are kind of a tramp" 

"Shut up" I said, glaring at her but I wasn't mad 

"Are you gonna keep a secret from her.. you should totally surprise her" 

"No but I'm just not gonna be like "hey babe look I tattooed your name on my back"

"Okay just sign these documents and we can get started" Sean said, as he walks back in the room handing me these papers to sign

As soon as I signed the papers, he starts drawing a design on paper. I liked that he drew it in cursive with a small red heart next to it. Then we chose a spot where I wanted it, and I thought it looked perfect.

"Ready?" He asked, as he started up the tattoo gun and I was laying on my stomach. 


About an hour later, 

"Is she done?" Hanna asked, coming into the room 

"Yes" Sean responded, as he finished the final line and then turned of the gun

"Wow Ali that's beautiful" 

"Thanks I hope Emily loves it"  I said, as I stood up and my back felt on fire

"She will especially since its permanent" Hanna responded, as Sean wrapped the tattoo 

We left after I paid and Sean gave me instructions on how to take care of the tattoo. Hanna  dropped me off at Emily's house, I go up to her room and lay in bed witn her careful not to wake her up. I lay on my stomach because it would fucking hurt if I laid on my back. I wasn't used to the pain so it kept me up for a while. 

The next day I woke up still on my stomach I did eventually fall asleep but we have school today so I was exhausted as fuck. 

"Ali you slept on your stomach"

"Yeah my back kinda hurt" I said, just as Hanna walks in the room.

"Sup girls" Hanna says 

"Hanna what are you doing here" Emily asked

"Just seeing how my two girls are" 

"Oh well how was the bar last night" Emily asks as she brushes her hair

"It was fun and very eventful" Hanna says smirking

"Well I'm going to the bathroom you two need anything i'll be over there" Emily replies and going to the bathroom

"Why are you here" I ask in whisper

"To help you tend your back tattoo and why havent you told her" Hanna says also whispering 

"Oh right and I dont know how am I supposed too" I say 

"I dont know but don't keep a secret" Hanna says 

"I know"

"Come on once she gets out I'll help you with it" Hanna says whispering

"Our we having a whisper party in here" Emily says as comes out of the bathroom all dressed 

"No we good" Hanna replies, as we walks into the bathroom.

"Whatever now help me clean this" I say getting the items Sean has given us to take care of the tattoo

As Hanna is cleaning my back I guess I forgot to lock the door because Emily comes in 

"Alison" Emily says in shock as Hanna quickly pulls down my shirt and I roll my eyes at her not pulling it down earlier before Emily came in 

"Hey babe" I say not knowing what else to say

"Was that a tattoo I just saw" Emily asks crossing her arms over chest 

"Maybe" I reply 

"Alison don't lie to me" Emily says and I hate when she calls me by first name

So instead of answering I turn around and lift my shirt up revealing my tattoo 

"Ali" Em gasps as she sees her name in cursive on my back

"Yeah I kinda tattooed your name on my back" I say 

"Why" Emily says, staring at it 

"Baby I just got it last night and I got it because I love you and its in place where people can see and know that your mine" I say 

"I love you too and it makes me love you even more that you've done this" Emily says as she grabs my hips and pulling me in for a kiss 

"Well I better get going" Hanna says and I forgot she was still here

"Thanks Hanna for being there" I say 

"She was there when you got the tattoo" Emily asks

"Lets just say we were drunk and I needed some help" I reply 

"No problem what are friends for" Hanna says as she walks out of the bathroom "See you bitches in school" Hanna then yells

"And this why I should never let you two go to a bar together" Emily says as smirks at me 

"Well I'm glad you did or I would've never gotten a tattoo of your name" I say as I pull her in for a kiss 

"True now come on lets go to school" 


I only know about the tramp stamp tattoo is because i have one of my own haha

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