Chapter 2

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At the door was Paige, Emily's girlfriend. "Pigskin" as Ali called her back in the day, had dated Emily for like a couple of months until Alison admitted she had feelings for her bestfriend.

"Hi Emily its nice to see you." Paige said, as Emily half smiles and nods her head. This is awkward because the last time they talked, Emily was breaking up with her.

"You too... how are you?" Emily asked, curious to know how her ex was doing.

"I'm good, I recently started this job so I can start saving up for college, how about you?"

"Nice and I'm doing okay"

Alison wonders what's taking so long for Em to bring the pizza in, so she gets up from the couch to see who it is. When she see's Paige she rolls her eyes and walks up to the door, lightly pushing Em to the side.

"Oh! hello Paige." Alison greeted her, with a fake smile.

"Hi Alison" Paige said, her voice sounding nervous. She quickly hands the pizza to Ali and says "Well uh- your total is $12.43."

"Thanks Paige and here," Alison said, handing her a ten and five "Keep the change." she smirks at Paige then walks away.

"Sorry" Emily said, giving her an apologetic look.

"No it's okay." Paige said , as she turns back around and walks away as Em closes the door.

"Emily come on!" Alison yells, from the kitchen.

"Why do you have to make things so awkward?" Emily asked, as she walks into the kitchen grabbing a soda for herself.

"She's the one who showed up with pizza" Ali stated, as took a bite of the pizza.

"Yeah, but you still didn't need to get up and come over giving her attitude"

"Whatever now let's eat I'm hungry." She could care less about Paige feelings.

After they finished eating they went back to watch the rest of the movie. During the movie Emily's phone wasn't on silent so her loud ringer goes off.

"Hey shut that off I'm trying to watch the movie" Alison said, not keeping her eyes off the screen.

Emily ignores her as she gets up from the couch and heads to the kitchen. She looks at the caller ID: its Hanna.

"Hello" Emily says, when she answers the call.

"Hey Em are you doing anything right now?" Hanna questioned.

"I'm just over at Alison's...why?"

"Well, me, Spencer and Aria are going to the club you guys wanna come?"

"Uh...yeah sure we'll be over your house soon" Emily says, hanging up when she walks into the room she see's Ali still into the movie.

"So who called you?"

"Um... Hanna she asked if we wanted to go to a club tonight and I said yes... you okay with that"

"Of course, when are we leaving?"

"I told her were quickly get changed and head over there"

"Oh shit" Alison says, as she gets up from the couch and runs up to her room to go get ready. She needed to look perfect if they were going to the club.


Around 10 p.m the 5 girls and their boyfriends arrive at the club downtown. While at the bar someone taps on Em's shoulder.

"Emily?" the young boy says, when Emily turns around.

"Mike" Emily says, she recognizes it was her best friend from intermediate school but he moved to California they were in middle school.

"Wow its been so long, and you still remember me" Mike says, smiling

"Of course we were like best friends of course I'd remember" Emily responds, smiling back.

"Um.. excuse me who are you?" Alison asked, slurring her words since she was drunk.

"Mike...who are you?"

"Alison...her girlfriend"

"Oh well I gotta go find my girl who's probably drunk right now see you Fields and Alison" Mike said, then leaves the girls alone, but not for long as the group walks up to them.

"Hey there you two are" Spencer said

"Hey" Emily replies, as she grabs  her girlfriend waist before she fell

"You guys ready to leave"


The group leaves the club and Alison is stuggling to walk.

"You need help Em" Spencer asked, while smiling as well

"No I got her"


When they get home to Alison since nobody was home for the weekend, Ali immediately attacks Emily with kisses making Em laugh

"Babe" Emily mumble against Alison's mouth

"Hm" Alison says as her tongue slips into Emily's mouth making Em moan. They continue kissing as Ali starts lifting her shirt up and throwing it somewhere on the ground. Once she threw her shirt off all of Emily's clothes start coming off. When Ali gets to a her center she throws her panties down pumping a finger into Em

"Fuck Ali" Emily moans out

"I love it when you swear" Alison says

"Mhm" Emily moans as Ali continues pumping in and out then adding a 2nd finger

"Ali" Emily screams then says "I-I'm almost there" then Ali pulls her fingers from Emily

Breathing heavily Emily leans up to give Alison a good passionate kiss

"I love you" Emily says

"I love you too" Alison says then Emily can see her eyes getting exhausted from her drunk stage which is almost gone

"Babe you look tired maybe you should fall asleep" Emily says and Ali nods laying down on her bed immediately falling asleep. When Emily see's Alison is fast asleep she starts feeling herself drifting of into peaceful sleep too.


The following day,

"I swear this school loves me" Alison said, when they arrive at school.

"Well I think they just stare at you because you wearing heels and the noise they make is making them state at you"

"Or they are staring at there Queen Bee who is trying to make an enterance and they are staring at her" Alison says

Before Emily can respond, Alison's phone starts ringing

"Oh it's Cece" Alison said, as she gives Emily a kiss on her cheek and walks away, chatting wtih Cece.

Emily sighs as she walks to class.


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