Chapter 6

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Today was the day Alison and Emily were not look forward too, school. They didn't tell their friends except Hanna, who obviously knew. 

"Where's Ali?" Spencer asked. 

"We broke up" Emily said, as she walks up to the 3 girls alone.

"Are you serious? what happened?" Aria asked 

"Well at the party she kissed some boy then she slept with Noel after I yelled at her"

"She slept with Noel?" Hanna asked, crossing her arms. She thought they broke up because of the incident with Justin. 

Then all of a sudden Cece and Ali pull up in Cece's car with Cece blasting some loud music as Alison gets out with her shades on and smirks at everyone around them. When she sees Emily looking hurt, Ali's heart suddenly feels full of regret, but she shakes that feeling away and lifts her head high walking down towards the school. 

Emily rolls her eyes then walks away, but not towards the school

"Don't you think we should tell her she's going the wrong way?" Hanna asked

"No she just needs some space, now lets see how interesting this day gets"

When the girls walk into the school Alison is pushing her way through the school, looking more annoyed per usual. 

The girls walk up to Ali who's fixing her hair in her locker mirror. She shakes her head at herself, then slams it shuts. 

"You alright Ali?" Hanna asked when Spencer and Aria headed to class, they were mad that Alison cheated on there bestfriend. 

"Never better" Alison responded, sarcastically. 

"You slept with Noel?" 

Alison shushed her "Can you say it any louder" then rolls her eyes. 

"When did this happen?" she asked, whispering. 

"After I told the news to Emily, I was walking to my house and Noel found me" 

"How could you after everything Emily's done for you" she said crossing her arms. 

Ali nods her head "I know"

Hanna walks away from Ali leaving her alone, she couldn't believe her bestfriend would do such a thing. 


When school was finally over after the long day for the two girls who didn't know what to do when they had a class together or had to sit right next to each other became really awkward because Alison wanted to talk to Emily so badly while kissing while apoligizing but Emily wants to punch Ali in the face then tell her she's a bitch for cheating on her so both had to keep silent and try not to make a scene in front of everyone.

Once Emily got home she just threw her bag on the floor and let out a loud frustrated sigh, seeing Alison and thinking about what she did made Emily's stomach feel sick to her stomach because how after dating for almost 3 years you can still cheat on them, but she knew Alison was stupid enough to do something like it.

Once Alison got home she was so close to crying that she ran upstairs closed her door and jumped on her bed face down so that her family didn't see her crying because the DiLaurentis' have really emotions because there rich snotty people, so when she got into her room where her parents didn't see her, she let it all out her tears everything was all coming out because of how bad she felt cheating on the one person that meant her world, and who did absoutely nothing in their relationship to make her make those stupid mistakes. And now who does she have that will deal with her or actually loved her. Nobody. And that was something Alison DiLaurentis wanted by dating Emily was real love. But now Emily doesn't love her anymore, and that is what Ali needs is love.


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