Chapter 3

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It was 3rd period, Ali was currently in Science class and she was already getting really tired of being in school. So thankfully her long time bestfriend, Cece Drake agreed to skip school and go shopping with her. 

"Hey bitch" Alison said, when she got into Cece's Mercedes Benz. 

"Hey so where did you wanna go shopping?" Cece asked.

"The mall is fine" she responded. 

"Shouldn't you tell your girlfriend you're with me and not in school" Cece said, as she starts driving. 

"Oh shit right thanks for reminding me" Ali replied, she gets out her phone from her purse and texts Emily

Alison: Hey I left school and i'm going to the mall with Cece so don't bother waiting for me

Emily: Wow your already skipping school? and its only the second day I think that's a new record

Alison: Haha I know but I really need to buy new clothes 

Emily:  Well have fun see you at home

Alison: ok see you there

When the girls arrive, they spot both their ex-boyfriends hanging out in front of the mall. 

"Of course they are here" Cece groaned as they start walking towards the entrance

"Oh look at what we have here" Darren said, he was Alison's ex. Darren and Ali only dated for 5 months, he was a senior while she was freshman. One thing she learned while being with him is that he was a big dick. He treated her like shit and only was with her because of the sex. 

"Fuck off Darren" Alison said, glaring at him but he just laughs and rolls his eyes at her. 

"Hey Cece you still look good" Mike said, winking at her. Mike and Cece met through Darren and dated for a 2 months And just like Darren he was a complete dick too.  

"Ew" Cece replied, giving him a disgusted face.

"So how is Emily I've heard some things about you guys?" Darren asked

"Leave my girlfriend out of this" Ali replied, her voice indicating Emily was off limits

"Okay... lets go Ali we have some shopping to do" Cece said, as she grabs Alison by the arm. She directs her inside of the mall before she punched him in the face.

"I hate him so much he's the biggest dick in the world" Ali said, shaking her head. She was very thankful she started dating Emily who was so sweet and caring unlike him. 

"He really is I don't know why you dated him" 

"I ask myself the same question" Even from the start he was an asshole, but he was popular and so was she. 

"Come on lets start shopping I'm sure it will distract you from what just happened"  

After they finished shopping around 2:30 p.m,  Cece dropped Alison off at Emily's house since she was out from school.

"Hi baby" Ali greets, letting herself into Em's house and going up to her room. 

"Hey and wow what did you buy the entire store?" Emily asked, her eyes widen when she sees Alison bring in like 5 bags filled to the top of clothes. Alison sets them down on her bed with a satisfied smile on her face. 

"No silly I just bought a couple more dresses and shoes" Ali replied, giving Em a peck on the lips. 

"A couple?" 

"So how was school without me?"

"It was okay some of the kids didn't know what to do when they didn't see there "Queen" walking through the halls" Emily responded, air quoting the word "Queen"

"Well there Queen will be back tomorrow with even cuter heels and clothes" Ali said, smiling as she starts rummaging through the bags and pulling her new outfits out. 

A couple of hours later after showing Em literally everything she bought, they lay down on top of her bed and cuddle each other. 

"So what do you want to do now... watch a movie?" Emily asked. 

Alison stops looking through the clothes when an idea pops into her mind, she seductively smirks and Emily already knows whats going through her mind. 

"I have a better idea" Alison said, smirking as she wraps her arms around Emily's neck 

"Of course you do" Emily said rolling her eyes, but unable to contain the smile creeping up on her face.

Alison leans in to give her girlfriend a long kiss and you already know what happens after that. 


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