Chapter 8

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After the two people who put their hands around the girls mouths starts laughing, they remove their hands and it turns out to be Hanna and Spencer just messing with them.

"Oh my god you guys" Alison said, glaring at her friends then crossing her arms. 

"Gotcha Queen Bee" Hanna replied, laughing

"Why did guys have to scare us like that" Emily said

"Because it was funny duh" Spencer said, who was also dying of laughter.

Later on the girls went back to Spencer's lake house and relaxed for a bit.

"Are you two dressed?" Hanna asked, with her hand over her face when she walked into the girls bedroom.

"No just hold on I'm almost coming" Alison said, winking at Emily who rolled her eyes since she was reading a book and Alison was painting her toes. 

"Gross ew the fuck Ali" Hanna said, horrified

"She's kidding were not doing anything... what do you want?" Emily replied

"Well there's a resturant that's open late you guys down?" Hanna asked, slowly removing her hand from her face

"No thanks I'm too tired to do anything now " Emily said, as she lets out a yawn and puts her book down

"Alright well we'll be back" Hanna said, as she exited there room

"Did you really have to do that to poor Hanna?" Emily asked

"Do what?" Ali asked, innocently

"Say your coming like nobody needs to know or hear that" Emily replied, shaking her head

"You like it when I make you come" Ali said, smirking

Emily doesn't answer but just nods her head and gets comfortable in there bed, eventually falling asleep.


The next day

"Excuse me losers your in front of my locker" Alison said, to the kid talking to his friend, the kids saw who it was and quickly move away from her locker.  

"You could've said that any nicer" Spencer says

"I said excuse me what more could they want from me" Ali replied, putting her books and makeup back into her locker

"Hey guys" Emily said, as she walks up the group

"Hi babe" Alison said

"Look its Loser Mona and her posse of freaks" Alison said, as she see's Mona and her friends walk in the school and walk pass Alison

During school Alison got called to the principals office where they discussed about Alison being expelled for not paying attention in class, she threated the school but then was stopped when they told her father that he agreed with school. So as soon as school was over Alison headed to her dad's job. 

"Hello" Ali greets, the lady at the front desk

"Hi what can I do for you?" the woman asked, as she looked up from computer and gave a small smile 

"I'm Alison DiLaurentis I'm looking for my father" 

"Oh your Mr. DiLaurentis daughter nice to meet you" 

"Yep that's me, so where is he located?" Alison asked

"He's on the 30th floor...elevator on the right side down the hallway"

Ali nods her head as she thanks the women then goes over to the elevators

"Wait" a person said, just as the elevator was about to close

A cute boy dressed in a suit and tie runs in right as the doors are about to close. 

"I hate elevators" the boy said, as he taps the floor above where Alison was going

"Cool" Ali replied, not really caring

"I'm Brett" Brett said, smiling at Alison. 

"Alison" Ali replied, giving the boy a half smirk

"Well its nice to meet you Alison... just letting you know you're really pretty" Brett said, as he held his hand out

"Sorry but I have a girlfriend" Alison said, as she jsut stares at his hand. 

"Oh... that's cool" Brett said, taking his hand away. He wasn't phased that Ali had a girlfriend. 

She was also happy that he didn't make a weird face about it or say that she's too pretty to like girls. 


"What's her name?"


"Pretty name" Brett said, as the elevator stopped and the doors opened

"Well Brett this is my stop do you have anymore questions that you want to ask before I leave?" Alison asked, clearly annoyed at his attempt to talk to her 

"Nope" Brett replied, chuckling as Ali steps out of the elevator

Alison walks down towards the long hall trying to find her dad's room. At the end of the hallway  she finds the room that had "DiLaurentis" on the front of it. 

"Dad" Alison asked, as she opens the door to see her dad typing on his computer

"Oh hi Ali its nice to see you here" Ali's dad said, as he looks up at his daughter and gives her a small smile


"So what brings you here?"

"I wanna talk about why you agreed to having me expelled for just being late and not learning?" Alison asked

"Because your learning is important, having you late and not doing anything in class is bad for..." Alison's dad said, but not finishing because they were interuppted. 


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