Chapter 22

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(A:N I'm fast forwarding to the girls on break)

"Finally its Christmas break" Alison said as she lies down on her bed with the girls. 

"We should do something" Hanna said

"We should go to my parents lake house in Miami Florida I'm kind of sick of the cold weather and snow" Spencer suggests

"Will they let you use it?" Alison asked

"Of course...long as nobody trashes the place"

"Alright sounds like a plan" 

"Can we use your dads private plane since all the flights are most likely booked since its Christmas?" Hanna asked

"Oh that's right um I'll call him tonight" Ali said. Eventually her father gave her the house after catching her having that party. Her and Jason only got grounded for 2 weeks. 

It was Monday morning and the girls were all at the airport. 

"I can't believe were going to Miami" Hanna said

"Me too" 

When they arrived at the airport the girls were escorted to Alison's dad private jet. 

"When we get there we should go to the beach" Aria said

"I was thinking we could go shopping" Hanna said, shaking her head

"No you go shopping all the time its Winter and were going to the beach" Emily said

"Come on I need to get one more pair of flip flops" 

"How about we go tomorrow cause you need to go so bad and the beach tonight"

"Fine we'll go to the beach first ugh you guys are so lame"

The plane ride to Miami was only 2 1/2 hours long the girls spent the remaining of the flight watching netflix or playing games on there phone, they're occasions where Hanna would just complain on how long the flight was, so the only way to get her to be quiet was they made a deal, which involved going shopping first then beach later on in the night. That had shut her up immediately and the girls were thankful for that. 

When they got off the plane they rented a car and then drove to the Miami shopping center. 

After their long successful shopping trip, they went to the beach house to change, then headed to the beach. 

Once they were change they go out the back door and all walk down to the beach together. When the girls find a spot they Emily goes into the water followed by Hanna. Alison and Aria started to tan while Spencer read a book. 

"Spence do you have liquor in your house" Hanna yells. Spencer rolls her eyes knowing Hanna was gonna ask that question sometime while they were here 

"Yes you want some" Spencer said, as Hanna nods so shr gets up and goes back to the house to grab a bottle 

"I'm so happy were here instead of Rosewood enjoying the beach instead of freezing in the snow" Alison said, as Spencer comes back with a bottle of Fireball and shot glasses

"Me too" Emily said, as the girls gather around their area. 

"So were taking shots?" Hanna asked, as she pour shots for everyone. 

"Yes" Spencer replied

"To Miami" Alison said, as she raises her glasses

"To Miami" the girl say in unison, and take the shot


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