Chapter 25

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It was Halloween in Rosewood, tonight was Noel Kahns big Halloween party as well, lots of people got dressed in either sexy or scary outfits. Alison of course dressed in a sexy outfit, she was going to be a "school nerd", wearing really short shorts, a plaid v neck- t-shirt, a pink necktie and the big black nerdy glasses. 

"I can't belive you made me dress like a cop" Em exclaims, Emily by force was dressed as a sexy cop 

"Arrest me tonight please" Alison said, in a sultry voice, as she sizzles herself on Em who just grabbed her waist and shook her head 

"Come on were gonna be late" Emily said, as she grabs her phone that was charging on her desk

"Ooh I hope I get super drunk tonight so you'll be a good officer" Alison said, who was somewhat halfway there since she had two shots like 3 minutes ago, she wanted to pregame since Noel's parties are always fun and going in somewhat drunk makes it even better

"Lets go" she said, shaking her head once again, as she grabs her girlfriend hand and they walk out towards her car

When they arrive at Noel's there were lots of people there, cars were lined up down the street. His house had lots of scary decorations all around it. Once they reach his doorstep and knock on the door to be let in, Noel scares the girls by wearing a mask and shouting "Boo" 

"Damnit Noel" Alison said, laughing and lightly slapping him on the shoulder

"Welcome to the scariest Halloween party you guys ever been too" Noel said, laughing too as the girls walk in (A/N: Lets pretend that Noel and Emily have made up overtime, so Emily doesn't hates Noel anymore that's why she went tonight) 

The girls walk in together seeing lots of kids dressed up in all type of Halloween outfits, vampires, football players, cats, etc. 

And even tonight when everyone sees Alison, they all turn there attention towards there Queen and admire how beautiful she looked in her costume, getting all stares towards her as she heads towards there friends. 

"Hey you guys made it" Hanna said, who was dressed as sexy Luigi outfit

"Damn guys we all look good" Alison said, looking at her friend group, they were all dressed in sexy costumes, none looking scary or weird like some people here 

"Come on lets grab some drinks" Spencer says as they all head to the Noel's bar 

Later on Alison, Aria and Hanna were drunk while like always Emily and Spencer stayed sober 

"Hello officer" Alison slurs as she sits on Em's lap who sitting on a stool, Emily wraps her arms around her waist to hold Ali up 

"Hi" Emily says smiling at her drunk girlfriend who looked horny for her 

"I want you to arrest me I've done some naughty things tonight" Ali whispers seductively in Em's ear so nobody around them can hear, even though the music was blasting there were kids all around them 

Emily bites down on her bottom lip as she hears Ali whisper in ear, feeling her hot breathe made Emily feel herself warm up. 

"So lets take this arrest in a different room shall we" Alison says as she grabs her girlfriends hand and directs her to one of Noel's empty bedroom's. 

Once the door was shut, Alison was pushed against it and Em captured her lips in a long heated passionate kiss, during their kiss Em grabs Ali's wrists turns her around so she was facing the door and pins her body against Ali's like she was arresting her in a sexy way

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