Chapter 7

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After Alison had stopped crying and cleaned up her makeup she went for a walk, not knowing where but she needed some fresh air. So she quickly threw on sweats and a over sized hoodie and walked around Rosewood for about 2 hours. She was thinking of how stupid she was, how Emily deserved better and what big mistakes she made in the past couple of days. Emily was her whole world though, she's been since they met in 5th grade. While she was walking around town she spotted Emily sitting on a bench, listening to music and staring off into space. 

"Emily" Ali blurts out and Emily immediately turns around not expecting to see her ex. 

"Please leave me alone" Emily pleads, as she tries walks away. 

"No just hear me out please Emily" Ali said, her eyes begging.  

Emily knew that she deeply missed her girlfriend, now matter how much she fucked up, she loved her and that will never change. No matter how hard she forced herself to leave her, she just physically couldn't. 

"Lets here it" Emily says, crossing her arms. 

Alison first takes a deep breathe then starts "Okay... Well at the party I was really drunk like I had no control because I didn't eat and all I was thinking about was you not being weird or anything but your honestly always on my mind and so when I got drunk I was thinking about you still but until I felt the boy who I said kissed me I honestly thought it was you because you know you were on my mind the entire night even drunk Em and that's why"

"Then why did you fuck Noel right after you could've told me then" 

"You didn't let me explain" 

"Why did you fuck Noel?" Emily repeats

"Because I was upset and I wasn't think straight my head was all over the place cause you screamed at me so I thought we broke up then Noel found me as I was walking home and he brought me to his apartment then we had sex and I wish I had never done it and I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Emily and I want you to forgive me so badly" Alison says, as tears falls down from her face. 

Emily uncrosses her arms and goes up to Ali's face whiping the tear away, then she pulls her in for a tight hug as Alison cries even more

"I'm ss-sorry for ruining our relationship I will do anything to take you back and earn your trust" Alison stutters as she sniffles into Emily

"I accept your apology" Emily whispered

"Really?" Alison responded, as she pulls backed 

"Yes" Emily replies, as she reaches up to wipe the tears away

"Thank you Em"

"Please promise you won't cheat anymore I need to earn your trust back" 

"I promise no lying or cheating to you anymore you have my trust cause I can't live without you it was like a big piece of me was missing when you weren't here"


Later the girls finally left and went to Alison's house. The girls were exhausted after a long day so they cuddled into each other and eventually fell asleep.


A couple days later it was Saturday, Alison and Emily wanted to spend time with their friends for the weekend so they all decide to hang out at Spencer's parents lake house. So they all gathered up in Spencer's Range Rover and headed up to the lake house.

"Damn girl you have a really bad bitch attitude I find it really  cool" the other college boy says

"Thanks" Alison says using her signature smirk

"So now lets play beer pong" Spencer suggests as everyone nods all getting up and walking over towards where tables were set up

"Ok here are the teams Ali and Hanna me and Aria Spencer and the random boy" Emily states

"Why can't I be on your team babe" Ali said, in a whining tone

"Cause when your drunk I'd rather not be on your team"


"First round is me and Aria vs Alison and Hanna" Emily said, as she grabs the ping pong ball for the game

"Lets fucking go" Alison said, as as she takes a drink from he cup. Emily laughs at her girlfriend and shakes her head. 

First shot Emily misses, then Hanna throws and misses, then when it was Aria's turn she makes it

"Ha bitches" Aria said, laughing then high fives Emily

Alison is up next and she also makes it in it the cup., 

"Easy" Alison said, smirking proudly and winking at Em

Then Emily makes it in the cup after a couple of goes Emily and Aria are winning

"Ha the blondes are loosing" Emily said

"Shut up Emily" Hanna slurs as she misses and so does Alison

"Yes we won" Emily said, as she smirks and high fives Aria 


"Ok now Emily and Aria vs Spencer and the kid" Alison said 

When they look around Spencer and the other boy were not anywhere to be

"Where did they go?" Emily asked

"Making out I bet" 

"No you idiot we were getting drinks" Spencer said, as she walks up to them with the kid 

"Whatever you two are up" 

After Emily and Aria lost to Spencer and the kid because Spencer used her mathamatic skills to get the ball into the cup, the girls went back to the lake house to go late night swimming. 

Emily and Alison were swimming around, laughing and playing like kids in the water

"Emily...Alison come over here" Hanna said, but the girls couldn't see her becuase it was dark

"Where are you guys" Emily said, as the girls start swimming towards their friends

All of a sudden they felt someone grab both of them from behind. 


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