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"No fucking way!" Camille screamed once she got her eyes on the front page of the New York Times

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"No fucking way!" Camille screamed once she got her eyes on the front page of the New York Times. A picture Eric had taken of spiderman swinging in the dark streets of Brooklyn was printed there in full size, underneath it Eric's credits for the photo were also published.

"Do you understand what's happening?" Camille screamed exited in the middle of the subway.

"My best friend is 15 and already made the first cover for the fucking New York Times!"  The girl said hugging him "I'm so proud of you Eric"

"Thaks Cam, I'm still having a hard time believing it. I took the picture two days ago and submitted it to my editor, but he didn't say a thing so I thought he had thrown it away" The boy said looking again at the picture he took.

The duo got out of the subway station and made their way towards Midtown High, many people hated High School. Eric liked the place, he like to participate in the classes as long as they didn't involve math or chemistry.

As soon as they entered the large hallways Flash jumped in between them hugging the boy "Well well, you are a famous journalist now huh. That's really cool, wanna join us for lunch? Liz told me to ask you guys to join us"

Camille rolled her eyes discretely as soon as Flash brought Liz's name up, she didn't have anything against the girl personally, but every guy was so in love with her, and that pissed off the redhead "Whatever" she mumbled.

"Hmm, sure?" Eric said string to get rid of Flash as soon as possible "Sweet, see you guys later then!" Flash waved goodbye and walked towards another group of his friends "Ugh, he is so two-faced, not a single week ago he was trying to get people believing you are gay"

"What?" Eric chocked in nothing but air "I know right? Completely absurd" The girl said laughing "Yeah... completely absurd" the boy mumbled.

The duo kept walking until they reached their lockers. Originally their lockers were apart, but after a long phone call to the principal's office in which Camille pretended to be her mother, the school changed her's to be closer to Eric's.

"Jesus, why do I have to go to chem classes? I hate that teacher, that room, and those classmates so much"  Eric cried out as he usually did before every class he didn't like.

"Ouch, that hurts" Ned chuckled and Peter gave a soft smile "Oh sorry dude, I completely forgot you two were in that class. Anyways, you guys actually like it right? So yeah, I guess I don't like you now"

"Oh c'mon it could be worse... like social studies" Ned teased Eric "You wouldn't dare to talk shit about my favorite class and teacher" Eric threatened the other boy.

"I'm just kidding... but now that you are here, congratulations on the picture you took of Spiderman. It was really nice right Peter?" Ned said poking his best friend.

"Yeah- it really was. How did you take it?" Peter inquired "Oh, I was actually using my camera to take a few nice pictures of the moon, and then he came down the road swinging. Super cool" Eric explained watching the scene one more time in his head.

"But that wasn't the first time you submitted something about spiderman to the NY Times right?" Camille asked her friend even though she already knew the answer "No, I wrote an article or two about his crime-fighting but they were never printed, just published online" Eric shrugged with a smile.

"I didn't know you liked Spiderman," Peter said more interest in the conversation "Who doesn't like him? He basically does what de Avengers do without destroying the entire city in the process. Maybe the people he fights are less dangerous, but at least he has an impact on people's daily lives" Eric explained closing his locker.

Peter blushed at the comment about spiderman, but Eric ignored it. The trio waved goodbye to Camille and walked together to Chem. Eric wasn't exactly friends with Peter and Ned, but Camille was a part of the Decathlon team and so were Ned and Peter, so that made them friends by having friends in common.


Eric finished his morning classes and headed directly to the cafeteria to grab lunch with Camille and Flash's friend group. The news Camille told him earlier about Flash spreading a rumor that he was gay worried him, Eric wasn't homophobic or anything like that, but he never looked at other boys with different eyes.

Coming to think on it he never looked at anyone with different eyes, he really tried to consider the option of dating Camille but he wasn't able to wrap his head around that idea and wasn't capable of looking at his best friend like that.

A loud whistle brought the boy back from his thoughts, he looked around and saw flash waving his hands at him trying. Eric smiled in response and made his way towards the crowded table. Camille was already there talking to some guys from the Football team.

"Hey everyone," Eric said sitting by Liz with his tray in his hands.

"Hello reporter Eric Hasting" Liz joked smiling, Ethan blushed a little but decided to say nothing back.

"Look I'm going to host a party this Saturday and a lot of people are going, my parents are going to be out of town so almost everyone is invited," Liz said grabbing Eric's phone and typing the info about the location and time of the party.

"I'll talk to Camille. But count us in" Eric answered smiling.

The group finished their meal together and after that, each one of them headed back to their homes or extracurricular activities. Eric had to hush back to the NY Times building, so he waved everyone goodbye and took off running towards the subway station.


Hi everyone! Thank you for reading the first chapter! So tell me, what are your thoughts? 

You guys know that you can always send me a direct message or leave a comment (and maybe vote?) here. Hope you guy's like it :) 

- Love, Matt <3

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