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Shut up Parker

Eric was discharged on the next day, as the boy wasn't being pumped with medication his wounds did hurt a lot and his movements were limited, but the doctor assured his mother it'd be more dangerous for him to stay in the hospital and contract an ...

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Eric was discharged on the next day, as the boy wasn't being pumped with medication his wounds did hurt a lot and his movements were limited, but the doctor assured his mother it'd be more dangerous for him to stay in the hospital and contract an infection. The painkillers made the boy groggy but surprisingly not sleepy, probably because he stayed the whole day in between his bed of the couch Eric's body wasn't getting tired.

A new habit was built on his last week at home, the first thing was that the productivity regarding the article and investigation skyrocketed, but the boy also started to spend a lot of time in his backyard late in the night watching the stars.

Eric's parents were already asleep and the boy was feeling really anxious, he wanted to invite Peter to go out someday but couldn't wrap his head around the idea of typing that message and sending it. Eric had already written three different messages and deleted them after reading them a few thousand times.

On the other hand, Peter was checking his messages when he saw Eric was typing for a very long time, but never actually sent anything. Peter decided to check on the boy, he suited up and slowly exited his room door dressed as spiderman.

Eric rested in one of the sun loungers in his backyard and placed the glass filled with lemonade on the table next to him, the boy enjoyed the stars, or as much as he could see in the middle of a polluted and bright city, the main stars could be seen. Eric didn't know anything about the sky or how it worked, which was probably why he liked it so much.

Eric was frightened for a few seconds and considered screaming at the top of his lungs when a dark figure appeared in the sky and jumped down next to him - I've been mugged and almost killed a few days ago. You can't jump on me like that - Eric complained.

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you - Spiderman said sitting in one of the sun loungers - So how are you feeling? I mean, apart from the part where you got almost killed - Peter asked trying to sound cool.

- I'm anxious and confused, I don't really know what to do and I'm too shy to take action - Eric said without any context - Peter has been keeping me awake. Well, I like him, a lot. And I don't know what to do about it, because last time we had this conversation he said he was confused and I also was confused because I never liked anyone the way I like him and I need to stop talking because I'm about to have a panic attack - Eric said taking a sip of his drink.

Peter remained silent, he was afraid to say anything and give his identity away, but at the same time he wanted to rip off his mask and kiss Eric right there - On another note, Tony Stark is dying to know who's my source, and he had some really good offers, but I didn't take it -

- Yeah Peter told me Stark was looking for the person with information and told me to take care -

Eric took his phone from his pocket and started typing - I'll invite him to come here tomorrow afternoon, do you think it will be weird? Probably right? Yeah, definitely weird - Eric said.

- NO! I think he'll love it. Peter talks about you, I think he might like to come here - Spiderman said almost jumping.

- Damm, I hate being in love - Eric mumbled and Peter felt his cheeks burning inside the mask - Peter is cute and he doesn't even realize it. It pisses me off how kind and handsome he is, it won't be long until other girls or boys, way hotter than me, start to take interest in him - Eric said.

- Eric! Are you in the backyard again? The doctor said you need to rest! - His mother screamed from upstairs and the boy got up - Shit, I have to go, it was good talking to you - Eric said limping back inside.


On the following day, Peter came by because Eric managed to control his anxiety. His mother was out with some of her friends after the boy begged her to leave the house and his father was working. Parker knocked on the door and heard a few slow steps coming and opening it.

- Hey! Welcome - Eric said stepping aside and making room for Peter to come in - Hi, how are you feeling? Beter I hope - Peter said - Oh almost new - Eric said lifting his shirt and showing the stitches almost completely sealed.

- I still can't believe this happened, I mean I do my best to keep the city safe but - Peter instantly froze feeling like he overshared - At the internship, I work closely with the Avengers so I feel like I am a part of the process - Peter corrected - I'm sure you are Pete - Eric said with a smile locking the front door.

- C'mon I was just finishing the dishes - Eric said turning off the Taylor Swift playlist playing in the background. Eric realized he had called Peter over but he didn't know what to do once Peter got there, he had no plans he just wanted to hang out with the boy.

Peter was really happy he was there, he couldn't remember the last time he felt so happy just to see someone - So... I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie, or... I'm not sure - Eric said scrathing his head.

- Well if you don't mind I would really like to check your vinyl records, Mr. Spiderman told me you had quite a lot of them - Peter said smiling - You bet - Eric said getting upstairs and struggling a bit, but Peter wasn't in a hurry so he patiently waited.

Peter helped Eric to get all of them on the floor, the boys were basically inside an LP Sleeve fort surrounded by all kinds of music. For the most part, Eric's collection was composed of pop music, but he also had some rock and indie records.

- So this is the first re-recording she released after her masters were stolen... and are you paying attention? - Eric said explaining all of the Taylor Swift drama regarding her albums. Peter was focused on what the boy was saying, more specifically on the way his pink lips moved and how he would nervously bite his lower lip.

- Yeah, sorry I got distracted - Peter said shaking his head and taking the LP from Eric's hand - Distracted by what? - Eric asked taking a look around - You - Peter giggled taking his eyes off the disk and to Eric's face.

- Oh... - Eric said blushing a lot. Peter took a deep breath and ignored all of his desperate thoughts, it was the first time he said "fuck it" to all of the concerns and doubts eating him from the inside.

Peter leaned forward and touched his lips to Eric's, at first Eric froze, but Peter moved his tongue inside the other boy's mouth, and instinctively Eric's arms wrapped around Peter's neck pressing their lips even harder.

Eric fell on his back on a pile of LPs and Peter followed the movement without breaking the kiss, Eric groaned in pain once Peter's weight pressed against it - Oh shoot, I'm so sorry - Peter said getting up.

- Shut up Parker - Eric said pulling Peter down again and joining their lips once again.


Oh my god, it has been so long! I'm so sorry for that... the thing was that I simply couldn't write and I didn't want to deliver a shitty job. I think this is good and that's why I'm publishing it!

Lots of love for you guys... from Matt <3

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