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• Night Terror •

(I know Peter doesn't have a dog, but this picture is just too cute) ~X~

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(I know Peter doesn't have a dog, but this picture is just too cute)

Peter and Eric headed up the elevator with their bags, as Eric had more luggage Peter was carrying the key and his stuff. Two big queen beds, a TV, and a bathroom with a big bathtub were the main components in the room.

"Is this the standard room?" Peter asked looking around "No, it says in the folder it is an intermediate room. I guess they were overbooked and we got an upgrade" Eric cheered reading the small brochure they received.

"Sweet" Peter said opening the heavy curtains and revealing a beautiful view of the city, it was raining a lot so he didn't open the glass window "Can I have this bed?" Parker asked pointing to the bed next to the window "Sure" Eric said back unpacking a few things.

"Mr. Harrington gave us ten minutes to come up and leave our bags" Eric said.

Peter got up and grabbed one of the spare keys "I hope they have good food, I'm starving. The last thing I ate was that lollipop" Peter said.

"Pete, It's 5 PM, I don't think dinner will be served" Eric laughed closing the room.

Peter and Eric ended up eating a cold turkey sandwich in the hotel café, as expected, most students got late and didn't get down to the lobby in ten minutes. Other schools started to arrive as well and in no time the lobby was filled with bored and tired teenagers.

Eric gazed around the room and spotted Camille cornered by a guy he had never seen, he look down at the girl's hand and found her right hand wrapped around her left hand's indicator finger "Do you see that?" Eric asked pointing at Camille.

"What about her?" Peter asked.

"Her hands, that's a code we have. It means 'I don't want to be here with this person come and take me away' watch me" Eric explained getting up from his seat, the boy walked towards his friend and wrapped one of his arms around her "Hey babe, is everything okay here?" Eric asked looking at the other male, the boy blushed a bit and left with some kind of stupid excuse.

Eric maintained his arm around Camille's shoulders and lead her back to his location "Thank you for that, he was dumber than flash and wanted to flex about his C- in AP Biology" Camille mumbled.

"That's awesome! The only secret code I have is a super long handshake with Ned" Peter said "Don't tell a single person okay?" Camille said and Peter agreed.

The trio walked back to a small section of the lobby where their group had gathered around Mr. Harrignton "Look guys, I know it's not ideal but due to the rain we are not going out for our shopping trip" Mr. Harrigtong said and a collective moan echoed "I know it's not what you wanted, but I managed to put it in our schedule tomorrow morning if this rain stops" The teacher said dismissing they all.

As they didn't have much to do they divided themselves into small groups, first they explored every single piece of the hotel, including the indoor pool, gym, sauna, and Spa. Eric and Liz got particularly excited about the indoor pool. After the tour, they sat in front of the main restaurant and played UNO with Camille's cards waiting for dinner time.


Peter was hungry and sleepy, Eric noticed it as soon as Peter finished eating he could see the boy was fighting to keep his eyes opened "I think I'm going to take a shower and head to bed. Goodnight guys" Eric said and Peter followed him.

Eric opened his bag and started to look for his pajamas and shower supplies "You can go first Pete, I can see you want to sleep" Parker thanked Eric and headed inside the bathroom. Hastings connected his phone to the charger and also picked up an outfit for tomorrow, he closed the blinds and made sure the AC was turned on at a comfortable temperature.

Peter exited the bathroom with his hair wet and his skin a little redder than usual "Goodnight Eric" Peter said getting under his blankets, Eric mumbled something back and entered the bathroom.

Eric wasn't feeling sleepy, after all, he slept for almost five hours on the bus, but he decided to try to sleep and relax in his small free time. He also didn't want to disturb Peter with any noise or lights. The boy finished his shower, brushed his teeth, and got into his pajamas, the room was already dark when he exited the bathroom, so he made his way slowly to the bed and got under a blanket.


Police sirens, the smell of smoke and blood everywhere on Parker's apartment. That defined Peter's dream, he was caught in a loop in which he would get late and watch may die, for some reason his nightmare was related to those arms dealers invading his apartment and killing his aunt, he had already seen May die three times during his sleep and that made his agitated.

Eric woke up when he listed to the boy next to him mumble a few things in his sleep and move around, Eric turned on a small bedside lamp and saw sweat building upon Peter's forehead, the blankets and pillows were all thrown on the floor and the boy was mumbling and crying in his sleep. Eric checked the temperature of the room once again to make sure it was colder and approached Peter's bed.

"Hey Pete, are you okay? I'm here okay?" Eric said gently placing his hand on Peter's shoulder. Parker moved around a bit and opened his eyes slowly, his beautiful chocolate eyes were covered in tears and red.

"I'm so sorry to wake you up Eric, I was just having a bad dream" Peter said drying his tears "Thank you for waking me up, I was caught in a loop" Peter mumbled with a sad smile.

Eric grabbed the pillows and blanket that were on the floor and sat by Peter's side "Do you want to talk about it?" Peter obviously wanted to, but that dream involved spiderman things he could not talk about, he just moved his head saying no and Eric agreed.

"Do you want me to stay here?" Eric asked and Parker mumbled yes.

Eric leaned his back against the wall and positioned a pillow on top of his legs, the boy tapped the pillow twice and Peter understood he should lay his head there "I'll be here and make sure you don't get trapped in a bad dream again okay?"

"But what about your sleep?" Peter asked resting his head on the pillow, he was really tired.

"Don't worry about it okay? I already slept a lot today" Eric said slowly running his fingers on Peter's scalp, Parker closed his eyes and enjoyed the massage until his eyes closed and he fell deeply asleep.

Eric ended up sleeping in that position with his hand on top of Peter's head.


Thank you all for reading <3

As usual, lots of love :) and see you guys on the next chapter!

- Love, Matt <3

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