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Final Battle

Peter raided the facility knocking unconscious the two guards at the door, the hero took the tiny spider in his chest and dropped it on the floor making it map the building and look for Eric

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Peter raided the facility knocking unconscious the two guards at the door, the hero took the tiny spider in his chest and dropped it on the floor making it map the building and look for Eric. Peter had to hide behind a wall when a few guys came running down the hallway with strange weapons in their hands, the boy climbed to the ceiling and used his electric web to drop them to the floor.

Peter kept walking through the ceiling and updating the map Karen was making for him, the entire base was jamming his signal so he was having difficulty transmitting to Tony his location and looking for blueprints online.

The hero dropped a few of the gadgets that came with his suit on a table covered with computers and servers, the little machines fried all of the circuits deactivating the surveillance system and internal radio. As soon as Peter did that all of the lights turned red and an alarm sounded - Okay Karen, now they know we are here, you need to have my back - Peter said - OF course sir! - The AI said back scanning the surroundings for thermal, radiation, or sound alterations.

- Okay sir, there is a group of five people heading through your left bearing normal weapons - The AI said and Peter prepared a non-lethal booby trap - Any luck in finding Eric? - Peter asked as the web bombs went off and strapped the criminals to themselves completely blocking the entrance they were using.


Eric was doing his best to ignore the pain in his knee, but the sensation was making him want to throw up. The noises outside were scaring him, but at the same time making him hope that someone was there for him, also the boy could hear a metal tapping sound approaching him and a cold object climbing up his arms.

- Eric Hastings - The small spider said scanning the boy's face - Injury detected, administering morphine and diclofenac - The little robot stated giving the boy two shots in his thighs - Oh hi, are you with Spiderman? Is he okay? We need to go help him - Eric said trying to move, but he was still strapped to the chair.

- Calm down, injury, no movement - It was obvious that the little spider had a more simplistic AI responsible only for its main tasks, the robot walked around analyzing the room and scanning everything - Tranmisson site spotted, stay put - The spider said crawling up the walls -

- Wait, help me get out of this thing - The boy complained - Stay put! - The spider ordered back climbing up - Who are you talking to?! - A guy inquired entering the room - My...myself, I... I do that when I'm nervous - Eric stuttered a lot - C'mon, we have a breach in security, stop wasting time - Another person passed by and called him.

Eric looked up to where the little spider went and a little shine from a laser cutter could be seen. The robot had found a weak spot in the structure, so it was cutting a hole to pass the antenna through and send a message back to the Avengers Tower.

A figure was thrown through the door breaking the steel unit and hitting the table in front of him - Spiderman! - Eric screamed trying to move and help the hero up, but all he did was drop the chair he was sitting on making it impossible for him to see what was happening.

The boy wiggled around a bit but that made his knee start to complain again, the wet stick floor was also a problem for him.

- We don't need to fight okay? I'll let you go and won't walk about this whole artel thing - Peter offered getting up - It's too late for that now, your stupid friend opened his big mouth, and now you are going to die for it - The vulture said back opening his big metal wings.

Peter threw his web on the ceiling and used it as an impulse to kick the vulture in the middle of the chest sending the villain flying away - Okay Eric, we don't have much time - Peter placed back the chair up, but when he stared to untie the knots the vulture came back flying and took Peter with him throwing the boy at the concrete wall at full speed.

- PETER! - Eric screamed desperately, the villain got on top of the hero and started hitting him with punches and his wings, overpowering Peter. The teen used his electric webs again, but Vulture's wings were insulated, so they stopped working for a few seconds, which was enough for the boy to get back up and kick the villain to the other side of the room.

Eric saw the little spider coming back down towards him and climbing up his hands once again. The villain released his wings and the thing started flying around the room taking Peter from behind and dropping him on the floor. A warm sensation came from Eric's wrists and he realized the robot was using the laser cutter to release the boy from the restraints.

The wings went once again flying around the room breaking a concrete pillar and dropping a part of the ceiling on Peter - No! - Eric tried to get up but his knee failed and the rope was still tied around his feet - Plasma cannon... hurts more than you - The little spider said using the latter it had to point to a weapon in the corner of the room.

Eric limped to where the thing was and picked it up - Stop it! Or I'll shoot you - Eric said pointing the cannon to the middle of Vulture's chest. The villain had his foot on the part of Peter's neck that was sticking from under the rock and pointing his gun at the hero's face.

- You don't even know how to use that - Vulture said back facing Peter once again. Eric pressed the trigger and a blinding light filled the entire room - Shit - The boy heard and saw a hole with the size of a basketball ball in the Villans' chest.

The vulture fell to the floor and was already dead, Eric limped to Peter ignoring his pain and his knee that had the same texture as mashed potatoes. The teenager fell by Peter's side and the boy was already unconscious, maybe because of the adrenalin, or love, who knows, Eric pulled Peter from under the rock and hugged his body.

- Peter no, please, I love you, Peter, please - Eric started crying and hugging the hero's body - No one can take you from me Pete - Eric cried out clinging to the body - Please wake up my love - The boy sobbed and felt his consciousness disappearing too, the pain had gotten to a point he couldn't stand anymore, at least not awake.


Hey guys! So... yeah... cliffhanger

Se ya'll soon <3 Love, Matt

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