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• Grocery Shopping •

Eri grabbed the small grocery list hanging on his fridge and headed down the road to buy the stuff his mother requested

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Eri grabbed the small grocery list hanging on his fridge and headed down the road to buy the stuff his mother requested. It was a cloudy day and the temperature was weird, so Eric grabbed a sweater and left home.

The boy was a bit distracted by the usual traffic and people walking on the street to see a big and muscular arm pull I'm inside a narrow, dark, and smelly alley. Eric lost his balance completely but a pair of arms pinned him to the brick wall holding onto his neck.

"Hey pretty boy, time for us to have a talk" In total three men were there, they didn't wear any type of thing to conceal their faces. The bigger one had really dark skin and huge arms, he was the one holding Eric against the wall by his neck.

The second one was shorter and fatter but had a strange thing attached to his arm. The third one was a completely normal person, his face and body had nothing special about them.

"You've been writing stories about the wrong people. Who gave you the information" Eric felt the grip around his neck relaxing and his lungs feeling with air "I wrote them myself, no one helped me..." The first punch came from the fat man, it landed in the middle of his face and probably opened a wound in Eric's lips.

"We don't like liars, we don't have much time but we are eager to punch a nosy son of a bitch" The third male said with a grin.

"I'll ask once again, who is helping you?" The first male inquired landing a single punch on Eric's ribs.

"I got the information online, someone was selling it on an encrypted forum. I used NY Times corporate card and paid a lot of money for it. Guess I wasn't careful at hiding my digital footprint" Another punch followed by two kicks on Eric's knee and belly.

The boy fell to the floor despite the stronger male trying to keep him pinned to the wall "Listen to me your little bitch I'm going to treat you like the faggot you are if you don't comply, give me another unsatisfactory answer and I'll show you how we take care of fag's like you" The fat man said kicking Eric once again followed by the other two throwing punches and kicks everywhere.

The boy couched up some blood and laid down on the floor gasping fr air. Eric's vision was blurred and everything happened around him extremely fast, a fast figure passed through the alley and webbed the criminals to the wall.

They even tried fighting back, but spiderman was relentless in breaking an arm, dislocating a shoulder, and completely destroying a knee with a kick. The three dudes exited the alley running as best as they could and entering a car down the street.

"Eric? Talk to me, what's happening" Peter kneeled on the side of his friend.

"My stomach... it hurts" The boy complained and spat some blood.

"I need to take you to a hospital C'mon" Peter said throwing one of Eric's arms over his shoulders.

"No, no hospitals... I don't have insurance" Eric complained holding his stomach.

"Karen get me a car" Petr said and the SUV in front of him unlocked itself immediately.

The little spider on Peter's chest got out of the suit and entered the car engine, in a few seconds the vehicle turned on and it started to drive furiously to the Avenger's Tower.

"I already notified Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner, they are waiting for you guys at the entrance of the medical floor" Karen informed, Peter positioned one of his hands on Eric's back trying to stabilize the boy inside of the car, Karen cut through traffic like a pro, they managed to get to the Avenger's tower in record time and a medical team was already waiting for them.

Eric was loaded in one of the ER gurney's and rushed inside of the building. Tony had his arms crossed over his chest by the entrance, the little spider crawled from the engine and went back to its spot in Peter's chest.

Parker took his mask off as soon as he approached Tony and the billionaire saw the kid's eyes were filled with tears "Please don't let him die Mr.s Stark" Peter cried out drying his face.

"Calm down kid, the best doctors are taking care of him, why don't we walk inside and you explain what happened" Tony said with a soft smile leading Peter inside.


Eric slowly opened his eyes and the bright fluorescent glow made him close them once again. A constant beeping could be heard in the distance, his head seemed extremely light and his body numb.

"Oh he is awake" Eric recognized his mother's voice "Finally" His father's voice also echoed from a distance.

"Mom?" The boy said opening his eyes once again. He looked around and concluded the hospital seemed completely different from any other hospital he had ever been to. The design on the glass walls and technological screens and machines proved to him that he wasn't in an ordinary hospital.

"We need to leave, now that he is awake can we go?" His dad sounded bored "The doctor said you should rest honey, we can't stay here but I'll be back tomorrow morning. I love you okay? Don't worry about anything" The woman said leaving a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"O-Okay mom" Eric said feeling some pain in his abdomen "You treat him like a fucking princess, that's why he is..." Eric could hear his father's voice echoing from down the hall.

"Mr. Hastings, it's good to see you up" Dr. Banner entered the room alongside Tony "How are you feeling?" Tony asked.

"Like I was hit by a bus" Eric tried to joke, but his ribs complained when he tried to laugh.

"Well, you've ruptured part of your abdominal aorta and cracked two ribs. Apart from that a few cuts and bruises on your torso and face" Banner explained taking a look at Eric's chart.

"We needed to perform an exploratory laparotomy so you'll need to stay here for at least a week" Bruce explained with a soft and sad smile.

Eric focused his eyes on a figure spying from the door with his curious dark brown eyes "Peter??" Eric coughed again and felt his stitches burning, Peter looked like he had been crying for a while and tried to disguise it by throwing some cold water on his face.

Tony Stark turned to look at Peter as if he was ready to murder the boy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb. I just needed to check on you" Parker said.

"How are you here? I mean we are at the Avenger's Tower right?" Eric asked looking around.

"Yes, Peter is my intern he works here a few times a week. When spiderman brought you here the news traveled fast upstairs" Tony intervened with a smile "But visiting time is over and I don't know what he is doing here" Tony spoke up once again.

"I'll leave now I'm sorry" Peter looked down "No you can stay if you want... wooow what's that" Eric turned slowly and looked at Banner pushing some white liquid on his bloodstream "It's a mild sedative, you need to sleep now"

"Oh, okay Mr.s Hulk. Good night doctor Stark. Bye Pete, love ya" Eric mumbled as his head became heavier.


I don't really know what to write here lol, but it's a double update so yay!

- Love, Matt <3

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