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• Strawberry doughnuts •

Eric had the best night of sleep in his life after Dr

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Eric had the best night of sleep in his life after Dr. Bnner pushed the sedatives on his system, the boy couldn't even remember if he had dreamed during the night, the only thing Eric hoped was that he could get another shot of that sedative.

Eric yawned and rubbed his eyes once again, the boy regretted lifting his arms because that movement put a little bit of stress over his stitches making the wound hurt, his face was also covered in bruises so touching it made it hurt even more.

- Hey kid, how are you doing? - Tony asked entering the room, FRIDAY had warned him as soon as Eric showed any signs he might be waking up, the billionaire wanted to ask the boy a few questions and assess who's a fault it was for what happened.

- I feel like shit - Eric said smirking.

- Can I ask you some stuff? I don't want to disturb you so I can come back later - Tony offered with a soft smile.

- No, go for it! I mean I'm usually the one asking the questions so it should be fun to be on the other side - Eric said trying to sit up more comfortably but pain shot through his abdomen - Here let me help you with that - Tony said positioning the pillow correctly behind the boy - Thank you, Mr. Stark -

- So, why were you beaten up by a group of thugs? - Tony inquired sitting on the armchair next to the hospital bed.

- I'm not sure, I wrote and shared a lot of articles and pieces of evidence with my editor in the NY Times about their boss and the corrupt employees he had on the FBI and the Police. I guess they wanted to figure out who my source was and also shut my mouth - Eric explained taking a small sip of water.

- So who is your source of information? I mean this can't all be your investigative journalism right? - Eric smiled at the sentence and took a few seconds to answer Stark - Well, unfortunately, I cannot disclose that information. The source asked to be kept private so I have to follow those instructions - Eric said back. It wasn't a problem to tell other people, like his editor, that Spiderman was his source, but Tony stark actually knew spiderman so saying that the masked hero was his source was the same thing as giving the hero's secret identity on a silver platter.

- C'mon kid you gotta tell me, what happened to you wasn't nice and I need to find who did it so it doesn't happen to anyone else - Tony tried once again to get anything from Eric.

- I'm sorry Mr. Stark, but I'll exercise my constitutional right to remain silent - Eric said coughing a few times and feeling the stitches on his belly burning - I always wanted to say that - Eric coughed a few more times and Tony handed him the glass of water.

- Take a few sips kid, I'm sorry if I stressed you. I'll let you rest now, but this conversation isn't over - Eric gave a thumbs up to the billionaire as he drank the water, Tony left the boy's room after making sure he was okay.


After Tony left, Eric's mom came by to spend some time with her son. His father did not accompany her so it was relieving for Eric, For some reason, the man had changed a lot in the last few weeks, he seemed to be really excited about Eric's story on the first page of the NY Times, but his father started to progressively get colder and more distant from his son.

Unfortunately, his mom had to go back home to take care of some stuff over there, she said that Camille and a few of his friends would be appearing tomorrow to visit him.

Eric was watching the CNN news because there wasn't anything better on the TV in his room. His cellphone was probably lost during the conflict and his computer was back at his house, no books and no magazines there the room was extremely boring.

Two shy knocks echoed from the door and Eric looked at the frame finding Peter standing there with a pink box in his hands - Ibroughtdoughtnuts - Peter stuttered.

- For me? - Eric asked feeling his cheeks heating up, things were left unresolved with Peter after their trip to DC, none of them had mentioned the kiss because they didn't have time for that and rarely ran into each other until Eric's accident.

- Yeah, you brought me strawberry jam doughnuts when I was will, so I'm repaying the favor - Peter approached slowly with the box in his hands.

Two green teacups were also sitting on top of the box, so Peter first handed Eric one cup and placed his on the bedside table after that Parker opened the box and positioned it on Eric's lap - You can choose the one with more filling, I know you like the jam better the doughnut itself - Peter said.

- I'm sorry for what I did back in DC - Peter said after some seconds of awkward silence, Eric snorted and looked up as if he was mad - You did nothing wrong Peter, nothing! And the fact you are apologizing for it only makes me madder at myself for acting the way I did - Eric complained taking a big bite out of the sweet on his hands.

- I don't understand you Eric - Peter allowed the sentence to escape his lips, it wasn't a complaint it sounded more like a desperate cry for help.

- I'm sorry for that Pete -

- No, let me tell you something! You didn't misread the situation okay? I was feeling something, but I can't explain it I have a hard time processing normal emotions. But what happened there was a first and I freaked out because I didn't know what to do so I froze. My stupid brain can process the hardest chemistry equations but it fails to understand a normal thing - Peter said resting his forehead against one of his hands.

- There is nothing stupid about you Peter, nothing, don't say that ever again okay? Things only have an effect on us when we allow them to, so don't repeat the things Flash tells you and don't punish yourself - Eric smiled placing the straw on his lips and drinking some tea.

- On another note this cup is huge - Eric joked trying to soften the mood, but the last words he said were still echoing around Peter's head - Thank you, for being kind - Peter said looking down.


Oh guys I love this chapter so much! Like I think it is my favorite so far!!!

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As usual:

- Love, Matt <3

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