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• We don't talk anymore •

Two days passed by since Eric slammed the door in Peter's face

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Two days passed by since Eric slammed the door in Peter's face. Two days passed by since Eric was last seen in school. Two days passed by since Peter was able to sleep. Two days passed by since MJ, Ned and Peter talked.

After the first 12 hours of taking the sleeping pills, Eric buried his head in everything he had about the arms-selling business, he convinced his mom he had a good enough of a student to skip a few days of classes and told Camille he had a strange stomach bug so it would be safer for her not to come close to him. Camille knew he was full of bullshit, but after seeing Peter completely destroyed with dark circles deeper than the ocean around his eyes she knew something was up and did not want to be all over Eric's business, he needed some time for himself.

Hastings was able to organize and compile all of the missing pieces, he was able to get to the name of the agent responsible for stopping the investigation inside the FBI, locating the factory and the main distribution routes alongside the biggest buyers. Eric was working 24/7, he knew that if he stopped he would start thinking about Peter, he couldn't do that because he was afraid of what his own reaction could be.

Eric used it as a strategy to keep his brain occupied with stuff all of the time and steal his mother's sleeping pills when he needed to sleep and not think. He would work listening to music and with the TV on to get as many stimuli as possible minimizing the ability of his brain to process other information.

Once all of the work was ready, printed, compiled, and saved the boy dropped it by the NY Times headquarters and went back home, his mother had received a call from the school and the boy knew he would have to eventually get back, but just like he did with everything else he ignored that keeping himself busy with house chores.


Eric woke up a bit groggy the following day because of the pills, he got inside the shower and changed into a hoodie and a pair of black jeans. After having breakfast he went to school as usual. The boy was already feeling a strange tightness around his chest and his throat insisted in get dryer by the second.

Midtown High was loud and crowded as usual, a few people nodded and waved at Eric and he answered them with a simple nod and kept walking to his locker. Once he opened the metal door he stuck his head inside the compartment and took five deep breaths. Five fingers touched the boy's elbow and a pair of arms wrapped around his body, the vanilla scent invaded his nose and he knew Camille was there.

Eric took one good look at the redhead his lower lip shivered and his eyes immediately filled his tears, Camille offered back a sad smile followed by another hug - I don't want to know what happened, from now on I am your guard dog and I will bite - She said interlacing their fingers. Eric sniffed twice and used the hoodie to dry a lonely tear - You and me, always - We said walking to class with her.

Seeing Peter was a scary sight, Eric entered the room and shot a one-second glare at the boy. Peter's hair was greasy, his dark circles were even worse, his skin seemed oily and some acne was popping on his face. Peter was also fully dressed in dark clothes and no nerdy hoodies which was odd. Parker looked up excited when he saw Eric entering the room, but his happiness did not last for long, Eric walked completely unbothered to his table and sat his stuff on top of it, Camille sat by his side blocking the vision he could have of Peter so that was a plus.

Eric seemed fine on the outside, but on the inside, he was a mess, the boy could feel his body pounding inside of his head, his breath was too short and his vision was foggy. Camille stayed with him during the entire day and Peter didn't even try to come closer to them so that was... beneficial?


Peter was feeling like shit, and that was an understatement. He was unable to check on the neighborhood for the last two days and that was the least of his concerns. Peter was also completely incapable of paying attention to classes and once he saw Eric in his class he almost lost it, Parker knew hastings all too well, and the boy was broken, he was a really good actor and was doing his best not to let it be seen by other people, but Peter wasn't just like everyone else, he knew Eric.

MJ and Ned were waiting for Peter after class, Eric and Camille walked through them as if they were no one special and that made Ned and MJ sadder. Peter was the last one to leave class, he was slow and sleepy so it took him some to organize his stuff - Hey Peter - Ned said - How are you? - MJ followed.

- How does it look? - Peter said back sharply - I'm sorry - The boy regretted it immediately - It's not your fault, I did it, I told you guys to do that. I'm sorry I'm really tired and... - Peter started crying like a little child and couldn't finish his sentence so sorry, I didn't want to make you guys lose your friend, I didn't want to lose him and that's why I did what I did, but I'm so fucking stupid - Peter said in between tears and sobs - I'm sorry, but I have to go - Peter said leaving the class in a hurry.

- Problems in paradise Penis Parker? Did Eric kick your sorry little ass and realised he is too much for you? I mean come on, why would he be with a loser like you? - Flash said giggling with all of his friends and Peter simply lost it.

The boy threw his bag on the floor and grabbed flash by the shoulders throwing him on the floor and getting on top of him - Shut it Flash! - Peter said punching him right in the middle of the face a few times until people treated him to get in the middle of the fight, but Peter was stronger and faster than a normal teenager, so he was able to hit Flash a few more times before being pulled from there and thrown on the other side of the hallway.

Peter saw everyone looking at him scared and in the middle of the crowd there was a completely shaken Eric frozen in time, Peter hid his head in the middle of his legs and started to cry - I'm sorry, I'm so sorry - The boy mumbled. Ned and MJ helped him up and left school through the backdoor with him.


Peter eventually got home, took a shower, and calmed himself down. Peter was eating an entire tub of chocolate chip cookie ice cream in front of the television when a breaking news warning interrupted everything.

- What we have now is a live feed of the FBI operation in one of the factories the cartel was using to produce mass destruction weaponry, S.W.A.T teams are on hold, and S.H.I.E.L.D agents are also entering the place, we will be back with any updates - The reporter inside of the helicopter said while the camera zoomed inside the agents entering the plant.

- We are going to keep all of you at home posted, later today we will discuss how a teenager in high school was able to dismantle a gun-selling cartel. The reports elaborated by the boy were actually the information the authorities needed to raid the place! This is the story of Eric Hastings, the young and promising journalist in the New York Times - The reporter said as a picture of Eric popped up on TV.

- Holy shit Eric - Peter said putting on his suit and jumping out of the window.


Yay! Another chapter, I've been really inspired these days!

Anyways, see you guys later, love, Matt <3

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