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• First Contact •

Eric left the New York Times building with his camera hanging on his neck, the sky was filled with orange and pink shades announcing the arrival of the night

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Eric left the New York Times building with his camera hanging on his neck, the sky was filled with orange and pink shades announcing the arrival of the night. Eric walked down the road extremely happy today, he got a bunch of compliments for his picture even his boss told him that he had made a good job.

Those praises only served as fuel to the boy's nosiness, he was completely focused on taking new pictures of Spiderman. The boy knew that the best place to find the new hero was in Queens as the hero's web-shooters could always be listened to in the dark streets and alleys of the neighborhood.

Eric strolled down the streets taking a huge detour from the normal route he'd take to his house, the empty streets are an intimidating place to wander through alone but that wasn't a concern to the young journalist.

"Okay, so if I was Spiderman where would I be now?" Eric took a good look around and then switched the focus to his ears looking for many different sounds.

"You really shouldn't be all alone in this neighborhood, this place can be dangerous" Eric heard a voice echoing from behind him "Well I know the place, but thanks for the heads up," The journalist said back turning on his heels to look back and find no one there.

"Shit I'm being haunted" Eric whispered to himself taking a few steps back and falling on his butt on a puddle filled with dirty water "Shit"

"For someone that know's these streets you seem to be way outta place" The figure that was speaking with Eric jumped from one of the buildings landing perfectly in front of the boy "You really are Spiderman" Eric mumbled in disbelief.

"Yeah, just helping out people from our community" The vigilante offered a hand to Eric and lifted him up from the puddle.

"What is the New York Times newest reporter doing here?" The hero joked getting closer to the boy on the floor.

"Do you know me?" Eric gasped.

"Of course, the only dude that actually took a good picture of me in action. Also, your name was underneath the picture and your Instagram is not private" Spiderman giggled, Peter was afraid that he might have overshared with the boy but he was able to give a good justification.

"Oh, that makes sense" Eric pondered for a few seconds "Would available be up for an interview?" Eric tried out his luck.

"Ermm sorry, I'm not a media type of guy. It was nice meeting you tho" Spiderman shot his web a few meters away and waved goodbye.

"Wait!... let me at least get a picture" Eric whispered the last part as Spiderman was already out of his sight.


Eric stepped through the dark alleys and busy streets like a pro to get back home as soon as possible and remove those wet and disgusting pants. The feeling of dirty water dripping down from his thighs was despicable, to say the least.

"Hey mom, hi dad I'll be back in a jiffy. I just need to hop in the shower and get rid of these dirty clothes. Love you!" The boy finished shouting from the top of the stairs. The couple laughed at their son's behavior and kept setting up the table together.

Eric's room had a huge window facing his backyard, the boy loved to grab a book and lay next to the big glass enjoying the book and the direct sunlight. The room had a small music station with lots of CDs and a player alongside the teenager's computer and school stuff.

"Hey Siri, call Cami on speaker" Eric screamed from inside the shower.

"Sup Eric? Are you in the shower?" Te girl asked troubled

"Yes! But you won't believe what just happened. I ran into Spider-fucking-man AND HE SAW THE PICTURE I TOOK" Eric screamed.


"I was walking down the road, and someone told me something about how dangerous the place could be. I turned to tell that I lived here and know the area. And then Bam! Spiderman jumps from a building" Eric described the scene as fast as possible washing his legs getting completely rid of any holdover from the dirty water.

"I also fell in a puddle of brown water, but that's not really important," Eric said with a small grin "Yuck" The girl said back and then laughed imagining the scene.

"I guess if you were the one falling I'd also laugh, so no hard feelings" Eric.

"Such a gentleman!" The girl complained "I wish I could stay on the phone!! My mom is calling me to go down and have dinner. I'll be there to pick you up for school tomorrow, you tell me EVERYTHING" Camille threatened Eric with her last words and then hung up.

Eric finished his bath and hopped inside a pair of cozy pajamas. His parents finished preparing dinner and putting it on the table for them, so the boy already knew he was going to be in charge of doing the dishes.

Their Dishwasher was completely destroyed a few weeks ago when Eric put a lot of heat sensible containers inside of the machine. The hot water completely destroyed all of the containers and the molten plastic got inside the machine rendering it useless.

Eric's mom, Sasha, even called a repairman to take a look at the appliance but the final diagnosis was that it was impossible to fix as the plastic was already hardened in all kinds of small spaces.

"How was your day today sweety?" Sasha asked handing the boy a plate filled with food.

"It was actually good mom, I even got to have lunch with a new group of friends" Eric said back taking the first bite

"We saw your picture on the cover of the New York Times. We are really proud son! I showed it to everyone at work today" Chris, his father, said messing the boy's hair.

Eric smiled at his parent's reaction. When he told them he wanted to be a journalist he felt they were a bit disappointed, his parents wanted a doctor or an engineer, but they got a journalist as time went by they seemed to be more comfortable with the boy's decision, or at least they learned how to hide their thoughts better.


Hey loves :) This is our second chapter. I have some chapters ready and I hope to keep a safe margin of them so that if something happens and I'm unable to write I can still publish something for you guys.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!

-Love, Matt <3

Journalist | Peter Parker X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now