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• Wheelchair Ride •

As promised Camille, Ned, MJ, and Peter went to visit Eric at the hospital, the boy was already feeling better and the doctors encouraged him to take a few steps a day, nothing that could stress him too much, just walking up and down the hallway o...

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As promised Camille, Ned, MJ, and Peter went to visit Eric at the hospital, the boy was already feeling better and the doctors encouraged him to take a few steps a day, nothing that could stress him too much, just walking up and down the hallway once a day was already a good start.

Camille had to be held by MJ, she almost jumped in Eric's arms when she saw her friend was okay. Even MJ was sweeter than usual, the girl brought two books from her collection to Eric so the boy would have something apart from the TV to distract himself.

Peter and Ned went downstairs to the cafeteria to buy two cups of coffee for MJ and Camille, the girls didn't want to drink coffee but they needed the same time alone with Eric to talk about the whole Peter situation and how it all seemed to be sorted out in record time.

- I guess when it all happened I put things in perspective, I felt like I was going to die and these situations make us realize that petty arguments and discussions are not worth it - Eric explained with teary eyes - I don't know how Peter feels about the situation, but on my end everything is fine -

- Do you still love him? - MJ asked looking up, Eric didn't need to answer the look he gave her and his teary eyes were enough of an answer to both girls - At least let me get back on my feet and then I'll worry about my heart - Eric joked and soon after the boys walked back inside the room.


- Mr. Hastings? It's time to take a few steps - A nurse appeared interrupting the teenager's conversation - Really Suzy? Can't you put on my chart that I already walked today? -

- That's not how it works young man - The woman said smiling - But if you want to one of your friends can go with you. It would actually help me because I have a ton of paperwork to fill - She said looking around the room.

- You seem responsible, and I've seen you here before, Would you mind taking a few steps with him around the floor? - Suzy asked pointing to Peter - M...me? But what if it hurts, I don't want to hurt him - Peter stuttered.

- It is normal to feel some pain during the healing process if he stays in bed for too long his leg muscles can atrophy - The nurse explained.

- Okay then, but you three go wait me in the hallway because I need to tie the straps from this hospital gown otherwise my ass will be exposed - Eric giggle - I'll take you guys to the waiting room - Suzy said accompanying the three friends.

Peter blushed a lot and Eric laughed again - Don't worry Pete, you won't see anything just stand here because I'll need your help getting up -

Eric removed the blanket from his leg and slowly turned in bed putting his legs to the side of it. Peter extended his hands and Eric grabbed them to help him get up, the boy held onto Peter for a few seconds until he could sustain his weight.

Eric grabbed the straps and tied a knot on his back - You can't use underwear under that? - Peter asked genuinely curious - I wish I could, but the doctor said I could only use sterile clothing in here to avoid infections - Eric shrugged.

- Okay let's do this! - Eric took a deep breath and started walking slowly towards the door.

Peter wrapped one of his arms around Eric's shoulders holding the boy close to him but also giving full autonomy about how fast he'd walk and where they would go. Eric was walking at a way slower pace than Peter imagined, but Parker said nothing as he didn't want to frustrate the other boy.

Eventually, the two boys got to the end of the hallway, Eric asked Peter for them to stop for a few seconds so he can breathe a little and manage the pain on the incisions - You should take me to see the place you work at someday. It would be really nice - Eric tried making small talk.

A mischievous smile appeared on Peter's face - Lean against this pillar, I'll be back in less than a second - Peter promises and leaves before Eric can say anything, Parker does as he says and comes back in less than a minute pushing a wheelchair down the hallway.

- I'm sure Mr. Stark won't mind if I show you a lab or two - Peter says helping Eric to sit down - I mean he can't be mad at a child in pain right? If anything goes south I'll pretend I'm having a stroke - Eric joked as Peter pushed him down the hallway.

As the two teenagers were already inside of a restricted access part of the building there was no need for identity checks on the elevator, Peter pressed the button corresponding to the floor where the labs were located and the teenagers were there in no time.

- This first lab is the biology lab, Doctor BAnner usually uses it so we are not going in - Peter explained - The next one is the weapons and suits design laboratory, I spend most of my time here with Mr. Stark - Peter said as the electric door slid open.

- Hey kiddos - Stark said once he saw the two teenagers entering the lab - Oh... hi Mr. Stark - Peter stuttered - Chill I'm not mad - Tony giggled. Eric got up with some difficulty and walked to an unfinished Iron Man suit in the middle of the room.

- If you tell me who your source is I'll give you a special interview on the tower! - Tony said walking up to Eric - Sorry sir, but I can't - Eric said taking a 360º look around the suit - C'mom I'll let you take a ride in a suit - Stark offered hoping to convince the young journalist - Not gonna happen -

A small smile popped up on Peter's lips, the boy was actually impressed on how faithful Eric was at the promise he made with spiderman - You chose well Parker, he's tough! You remember me of Pepper, she's determined - Stark joked walking back to his table

Peter and Eric blushed like crazy avoiding any kind of eye contact - Oh, you guys are not happening yet? Sorry, my bad - Tony says also uncomfortable - No worries tho I'm sure the situation will change sooner or later - The billionaire finished leaving the lab for coffee.

After that talk, the duo left to see the rest of the tower, none of them mentioned what Tony Stark brought up, but the topic was bubbling in their minds.

Peter managed to take Eric back to his hospital room after the long ride, Eric was in a moderate state of pain but he didn't want to burst Peter's bubble so he managed to hide the pain. Peter heard a few words from Suzy after they came back to the hospital room, but the nurse was happy to see Eric happy.

- By Pete, see you - Eric said waving goodbye as the beautiful brown-eyed boy left.


Oh, they are such cute babies <3 Love them!

See you guys on my next update!

- Love, Matt <3

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