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• Invitation •

As Eric predicted, the teenagers had to participate in Captain's America fitness challenge during PE class

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As Eric predicted, the teenagers had to participate in Captain's America fitness challenge during PE class. It wasn't that bad after all, it was called Captain America Fitness challenge but it was designed for teenagers so there was nothing there extremely difficult do be done.

Eric and Camille formed a pair as the Challenge required, while one of them rested the other one would be doing the exercise, eventually, the one resting would be responsible for helping the other part with some basic stuff like holding their feet or controlling time.

Ethan was focused on his abdominal crunches when a loud scream echoed in the court "Peter knows spiderman" Ned shouted.

"No I don't, I mean..." Peter was cut off by Flash.

"They're friends like coach Wilson and Captain America" Flash spoke up not losing the opportunity to humiliate Peter. Many giggles started to form around the court and Peter started to mumble and stutter

"I met him through... the stark internship... but I'm not supposed to talk about it" Peter stammered in between words.

"Wow that's awesome, you should maybe invite him to Liz's party. You two can also come" Flash mocked the two friends receiving another round of giggles.

The bell rang and interrupted the discussion, everyone started to get up and put their training mats and ropes away. Peter was still mad at Ned, but he couldn't say anything ng in the middle of all those people.

"Hey Peter, I'll bring your uniform tomorrow okay? I'll take it home to wash it and give it back to you clean" Eric said putting one of his hands on Peter's shoulder "Also, don't mind Flash, his brain cannot process the idea of another person getting the spotlight"

"See you guys tomorrow, by the way, I believe you Peter" Eric turned back on his heels and walked with Camille away from the court.


Camille went back to Eric's house for them to finish a History assignment. Eric's mom loved Camille, the girl was always super polite, pretty, and had a perfect Report Card, those qualities made the girl a dream girlfriend material for any boy, however, Eric didn't seem to notice the subtle opportunities the girl gave him for them to be something more.

Eric always felt conflicted when it came to Camille, he loved the girl but in the same way as brother and sister love each other there was nothing romantical about that relation. The boy tried to force himself to like Camille and maybe take another step, but his heart never followed his mind.

"What do you plan on wearing to Liz's party?" Eric asked the girl lying on the floor.

"I'm still unsure. Maybe a dress? I don't know how the weather is going to be like" Thew ginger said back looking at her friend.

"I wanted to dress something nice and be pretty, but at the same time I feel like having an all-black moment" Eric explained getting up to check his wardrobe.

"It's not a difficult job to get you looking pretty" Camille mumbled also getting up, Eric felt uncomfortable at the comment and just pretended like he didn't listen to what she said.

"So... black or red and navy blue printed shirt?" Eric asked showing the two options "Ugh, the black shirt is perfect for a funeral" Camille snorted.

"Jeez okay, printed shirt it is" The boy said hanging the shirt outside of the wardrobe "Let's keep it simple then, black jeans and a pair of navy blue boots" Eric finished getting the other pieces of clothing sorted out to iron them out later.

Camille was still distressed by the fact Eric completely ignored her even though he had clearly heard her "Look Eric I need to get back home and do some homework" Camille got up stuffing her scholar books inside of her back.

"Wait, what about our History presentation?" Eric asked trying to stop the girl "I can't do it today... sorry" The girl's voice cracked and she left as fast as she could.

Eric considered going after her, after all, they were neighbors but Camille probably left because she wasn't okay and Eric completely understood that sometimes being alone was everything someone needed. Most of the troubles and problems he faced he'd deal with them alone, the boy never felt comfortable enough to talk to his parents about it.

The boy decided to grab the used PE uniform and take it to the laundry down the block and wash it. Eric didn't want to hear his mom complaining about how sloppy and forgetful the boy was for leaving his uniform at home, he gave some bullshit justification to his parents and left the house.

Eric walked down the block and entered the noisy laundry, almost all of the machines were occupied with clothes, and the room in front of them was filled with people. The boy squeezed in between the people and dropped the uniform in one of the machines, after adding soap and the fabric softener he pushed a few coins inside the machine and selected the fast cycle.

Eric decided to wait outside, the excessive number of people inside the place made him leave and wait by the sidewalk. It would be thirty minutes until the clothes were fully washed and dried so he grabbed his phone and accesses the New York Times website.

"Puddle boy!" Eric heard an oddly familiar voice coming from the alley behind him "Hi?"

"You already forgot our last encounter? You know, when you fell" Spiderman came out of the shadows waving "Oh... you had to bring it up" Eric mumbled getting up from the sidewalk.

Spiderman laughed "What are you doing here right now? It's a bit late for a stroll around the neighborhood" The hero said.

"I came to do some laundry for someone" Eric explained checking the time.

"Are you doing laundry for other people? Is there anyone bullying you in school?"

"No! I'm doing this for a friend that borrowed me his PE uniform. I mean I'm not sure if he's my friend, I found him a really nice guy and after this whole uniform situation, he went a thousand points up in my list" Eric joked "You actually might know him, Peter Parker! He works with Tony Stark in some kind of internship program"

The comment caught Peter off guard and he had to take a few seconds to answer "Oh yeah, Peter is a good kid. I ran into him one or two times" Spiderman said.

"He knows your real identity?" Eric entered his reporter mode bombarding people with questions.

"No one knows my identity, that's why it's secret" Peter explained laughing.

"I have to go now, you know do superhero stuff" Spiderman said.

"Bye! Nice seeing you again" Eric shouted at the hero swinging away.

Eric chuckled and went back inside to check the clothes. They were almost done so the boy stayed there for a while until everything was done.


Hey guys! I just realized I forgot to mention something, you can all see that MJ is part of the stories even tho she didn't appear a single time. That is completely normal and she'll be a super important character to the story later. 

Oh! Don't forget to vote, it really motivates me :)

- Love, Matt <3

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