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• New Beginnings •

The dark and humid room was filled with first responders, FBI agents, and a few of the avengers in a few minutes after the little spider managed to transmit the distress call

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The dark and humid room was filled with first responders, FBI agents, and a few of the avengers in a few minutes after the little spider managed to transmit the distress call. Eric and Peter were together unconscious on the floor - Over there! - Tony screamed and pointed to the duo, the medical crew rushed to them and started checking vitals and placing collars.

Natasha placed her hand on the back of Tony's back and the man almost crumbled to the floor - I should have helped them, Nat, Peter asked me for help so many times - The male cried out - Self punishment won't do you any good right now - Natasha said with a comforting smile.

The medical crew split into two teams to be able to take care of both boys, Eric was being poked and moved around, his knee was pulsating with pain, and his head was spinning around making him want to throw up.

- This one still has a weak pulse - Eric heard as if he was really far from the person talking - Take him back to the emergency unit, there is a team already waiting for them - It looked like it was Tony Stark talking, his voice was sad, almost like he was crying. Eric's body was first immobilized and then scooped up and placed on a gurney after that more drugs were pushed into his bloodstream and he went back to sleep.

- What about him? - Tony asked getting closer to the team that was working on Peter - We are still trying sir - Said one of the MDs massaging g the boy's chest, another doctor had hooked the boy up to a saline solution and was pumping different types of drugs to try and get a response from Peter's heart.

- Okay we need to load him up fast and get him to the treatment facility now - The doctor ordered and the team pushed Peter's gurney back to the ambulance.


Eric was cold, his body was shivering and his teeth were clenched, the boy was totally confused and couldn't understand what was going on. His boy was aching and his knee was a constant pain dissipator. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the dimmed white light reflecting on the sealing, as well as the golden light from the sunset entering the room. Eric tried moving around a bit, but the pain in his body made that task really hard.

- Hey kid - A voice Eric knew, but wasn't recognizing whispered next to him - You are in pretty bad shape, but it seems like you are holding up - Tony said with a smile placing his hand on the boy's hand. Eric was confused and took a look around, his knee had horrible external fixators digging into his skin and going deep to his bones, and both his hands were wrapped in bandages, a drain was placed on his chest and the bag was filled with blood and his head was wrapped with more bandages. The boy almost threw up at the sight of his knee being completely wrapped around in metal from the outside going into his body.

Eric moved his hands to the external fixators in desperation - Calm down, these are not permanent, just until your bones start to heal, I know it looks ugly but it's the best option - Tony explained with a kind smile. Eric looked at the unknown man by his side, he was definitely tired, with messy hair, wrinkled clothes, and big dark circles around his eyes.

- Hello Eric, It's good to see you awake - Bruce said entering the room, Eric didn't make a single movement and that worried Bruce - It's me, Bruce, Don't you recognize me? - Eric slowly nodded no - Okay, that's a normal effect of open head surgery, you'll slowly remember stuff - Bruce said taking a look at his vitals.

- Open head? - The boy whispered using his hands to check his head and feeling the cloth wrapped around his head - It was just to draw some blood that was putting pressure against your brain, we need some time for the swelling to go down, but I'm sure you'll be fine.

- What about Peter? - Tony asked hopefully staring at Bruce - He is still in surgery, but apparently more stable - Bruce explained and Tonu only nodded - Peter - Eric tried the name and felt like that wasn't the first time his lips produced that sound.


Peter felt something slowly brushing against his hand, almost as if whoever was doing it might be afraid it might break Peter. The hero opened his eyes prepared to fight but wishing he didn't have to, his whole body ached and he was too tired to do so.

Peter looked down at his hand and then followed the arm of the person holding him, Eric's body was in a hospital wheelchair hooked up to various machines right next to him, Hastings was sleeping but he was still holding Peter.

Parker's slightest movement made Eric open his eyes and they filled with tears - Peter, oh god FRIDAY he is up - Eric said struggling to move due to the external fixator on his leg and the number of bandages - I love you! I love you! - Eric desperately said - I need you to know that because I don't think I was clear enough last time and that is on me -

- I love you too - Peter said smiling as widely as he could - What happened? - Peter asked taking another look around - I... I'm not sure yet, I went through open head surgery, so my memories are kinda fuzzy - Eric said - Dr. Banner said I shouldn't be too stressed in trying to remember or forcing my brain too much - Eric gave a shy smile.

In a few seconds Banner and Stark entered the room after FRIDAY warned them, Tony hugged Peter slowly trying not to hurt the boy, and despite the effort, Peter felt a lot of pain, but he remained silent about it - There are some folks in the waiting area wanting to check on you guys, can they come in? - Bruce asked and the boys nodded yes.

Camille, MJ, Ned, May, and Eric's mother were there to visit them, their visit was short to allow the teenagers to rest. Eric was able to convince Tony to bring a hospital bed for him to Peter's room and sleep there.

- Okay, no funny business here FRIDAY is watching and both of you are too hurt to try anything - Tony giggled leaving the room and making Eric and Peter blush.


Hey guys! Sorry for the delay to post!

Anyways, lots of love from Matt <3

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