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• I'd never let you fall •

Eric was twitching on the black leather sofa, the boy was waiting for his name to be called by the secretary

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Eric was twitching on the black leather sofa, the boy was waiting for his name to be called by the secretary. The boy was inside one of the floors inside the New York Times building he had never been before, apparently, that was a place only for the big figures and important celebrities, even the food and drinks in their kitchens were nicer than downstairs.

"Eric Hastings? They will see you now" A smiling man appeared with a small notebook in his hands, Eric headed to the tall doors and pushed one of them. James, his boss, was standing next to another man, he seemed to be James's boss because he made the other male really nervous.

"Good afternoon gentleman" Eric said taking a deep breath.

"Hello young man. I'm Thomas Hellerman" The man sitting down said "I must admit you got us really curious" The man said once again.

"Eric, if you could present whatever it is Mr. Hellerman is really busy" James said a little impatient if that presentation was a complete fiasco his neck would also be on the line.

Eric handed one version of the evidence he had and cleaned his throat "One of my sources approached me with the information of a new weapon cartel in town, they have been involved with the creation of new super technological devices capable of mass destruction" Eric pointed out the pages on his report that corroborated to that affirmation.

"Apart from that, we also have reason to believe these criminals have contacts inside the Police and the FBI. All of the reports sent from this source to the FBI were intercepted and stopped by the same agent, their security system makes it impossible to discover the exact information on the agent" Eric explained flipping a few pages. Both men behind the desk seemed to be flabbergasted, James stopped sweating and his anxiety went back down, that intern really had a case.

"Who's this source of yours?" Thomas asked grabbing his cup filled with black coffee.

"Hmm, It's Mr. Spiderman" Eric said shrugging, the chief editor spat his black coffee "Like the Avenger Spiderman? How did you meet him? Can we get an interview?" Thomas asked getting up.

"I'm sorry sir, but he said I'm the only one allowed to act as his middleman" Eric apologized and the editor seemed a bit frustrated but didn't let that emotion disturb him "I understand that kid. going back to your story I think it's going to be a Headline and probably a whole corrupt[tion scheme. I'm sending this downstairs to fact checking and they will start working on publishing it as soon as possible" Thomas said handing James the papers.

"Wait up, I have something to ask. This is a really big piece of news and I've gotten many proposals for it..." Eric was cut off by Thomas.

"What did they offer you? How much money" Thomas asked.

"They offered to pay my college tuition" Eric said, he was lying no one actually offered that. But that was the right moment to make requests" Just that? I'll also hire you as an official consultant, no more intern days for you kid" Thomas said.

Eric shook his head violently agreeing with the proposal, James left the room as soon as possible with the evidence in his hand. Thomas thanked Eric once again and the boy left the office with the largest smile on his face. Thomas had asked Eric to come up with as much evidence, pictures, videos, and everything he could get his hands on, all of that material should be sent back to the NY Times team for evaluation.


Eric decided not to share any piece of information with his parents, he was extremely happy and proud of himself for what happened, he really didn't need his father talking shit about him and his mother keeping her mouth shut. The boy had a perfect excuse in mind, he was going to be the time he was forced to stay downstairs to talk about the school trip, he would probably need some convincing time, but as it was something related to school his mom would stay by his side and his father wouldn't have much leverage on the woman.

"Hi mom, hello father" The boy said joining the couple at the dinner table "Hi my love" His mother said and his father mumbled some sort of greeting.

"There was something I wanted to talk with you guys about. I am a part of the school's Decathlon team and there is a trip planned to DC to compete on nationals, I know it's kind of short notice but the school is paying for our hotel and transportation" Eric explained unsurely.

"Plus, you guys will get four days just for yourselves" Eric added taking a bite from a piece of broccoli "That actually sounds like a good idea, a few days away from home will give you some perspective of how the world actually is like, maybe you'll stop pretending to be a journalist" The man said.

"Oh sweetie I'm so proud of you, competing in a national event" Eric's mom said completely ignoring his father's sentence, Eric pretended to ignore what his father had said, but deep down it really hurts to be discouraged by his own father.

The family kept eating in silence, occasionally a few words were exchanged with his parents, Eric learned the hard way that if his mouth was shut there were fewer chances of his parents getting mad at him for any reason.

After the boy finished the dishes, he went upstairs, his parents were already in bed and their door was already closed. The boy took a shower and pulled the box filled with archives from the back of his wardrobe, he didn't give his boss 30% of all the evidence he had in that way there was a comfortable reserve of information.

Eric almost screamed when two light taps echoed from his window, a red and blue figure was hanging there waving his hands furiously. Eric went to his balcony and unlocked the glass door, the hero entered the boy's room "Hey, sorry to stop by unannounced" Spiderman apologized.

"No problem... I think" Eric said picking up the papers from the floor and stuffing them back inside the box.

"So I have a proposal for you, I identified a location in which some illegal weapons will be sold tonight. Would you like to come with me to watch them? I'm not going to fight a single person tonight, I just want to have a better idea of how they operate" Peter explained and Eric's eyes lighted up.

"Yes! Of course I want to" Eric said getting rid of his pajamas in the middle of the room and changing into some warm and waterproof clothes. Peter blushed a lot under his mask watching the boy in underwear in front of him, Eric grabbed his camera on the top shelf in his room.

"Okay, I'm ready. How are we getting there tho? Do you have a Spiderman car?" The hero chuckled "No, I'm not Batman. We are doing it just like we did the other time" Peter said going to the balcony.

"Do you think you can carry me around town?" Eric asked worried he might fall down "Of course I can! I've got really strong arms, and I'd never let you fall" Peter explained and Eric followed the hero wrapping his arms around the hero. Peter used one of his hands to hold Eric and the other one to throw his web.


Hey everyone! Thanks so much for reading! Please don't forget to vote :)

- Love, Matt <3

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