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• Trick or Treat? •

Halloween decorations were already up in most of the houses

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Halloween decorations were already up in most of the houses. Eric was usually the one that decorated his home, but after his injuries, his mother wouldn't allow the boy to get anywhere close to a stair or the house's roof. The woman convinced his father to put up decorations with her while the boy went to school, but that meant his father would have to work during the night.

Eric and Camille had the first class together so they went straight to class, the duo actually enjoyed literature class and did the weekly reading so the teacher wasn't a pain in their asses. As the bell rang the duo exited the classroom and met Peter, MJ, and Ned in their next class.

Eric and Peter kissed for a slipt second, barely enough time to touch their lips once they met, but Flash saw it and he would not waste an opportunity to mess with Peter - Oh wow Parker I always knew you were too soft, I just never expected for you to be a fag - Flash giggled and only his two stupid friend laughed too, the rest of the class was a little shocked by the slur used.

Eric grabbed the glass bequer in front of him and threw it in Flash's direction, if it weren't for Peter's fast response bumping into Eric's arm and deviating the trajectory the item would have smashed right in the middle of Flashes - Are you fucking stupid? Listen to me...-

- No, now you will listen to me very carefully because I won't repeat myself. You better enjoy your little, stupid and meaningless life because I've just made my personal business to end you and everything you stand for. There isn't a single;e thing in this world I'm not willing to do to see you being shamed and scared back to the dark and dirty place you came out of. Maybe if someone actually loved you, you wouldn't be such a bitter little bitch! And guess what, no one cares how much money your parents spend with you! They just do it because they don't love you enough and need a way to cope with it because you are SO FUCKING UNBEARABLE - Eric got it all out of his chest.

- I... I - Flash tried to say something, but he could only stammer - Let's go Peter - Eric said leaving the room with Peter following him. As soon as they exited the building Eric pressed Peter against a wall and cried on the other boy's chest - I hate him, so much - Eric complained still buried in Peter's chest.

- You can't stress over what he says, that's precisely what Flash wants to happen - Peter said hugging Eric back.

- You're right - Eric said drying his face - I was going to invite you guys to go trick or treating with Camille and me today. Do you think Ned and MJ would be up to it? -

- I'm in, we can ask them later if you want - Peter said with a soft smile - Do you want to go back to class? I know how much you like chemistry - Eric said.

- Yeah, but I like you better - Peter said sealing their lips again.


Eric ran down the stairs in his Vampire costume, the boy unlocked the door and saw Camille dressed as a bride, MJ as Harley Quinn, Ned as Thor, and Peter as Superman.

- Hey guys come in - The boy said taking a step back and making room for his friends - You look amazing! - Camille was the first one to compliment him - My mom is going to one of her friend's house and were are leaving a bucket of candy on the front porch so we can go to different roads without caring about handing candy - Eric said pointing to the big bucket filled to the top with different types of chocolates and gummies.

- Alright! Let's do this - MJ said excitedly - You guys want anything before going out? Some water or to use the bathroom? - Eric asked but all of them said no. For some reason, Peter and Ned seemed to be a little quieter than normal, but that wasn't noticed immediately by Eric.

The friend group left the house in a hurry and started going from door to door, Peter was actually really impressed with how many people were on the streets for candy, ranging from small kids accompanied by their parents to groups of teenagers like him and even some older people on the streets.

Eric was walking next to Peter and they were talking about some random stuff and shyly holding hands when a small scream accompanied by a series of cuss words come from behind them - Camille? - Eric said running towards his friend that was laying in the middle of the street - This damn New York city planning was done by a complete son of a bitch - The girl complained checking her ankle.

- I think I've sprained it - The girl said trying to stay up on that foot but failing miserably - Okay, I'll help you get home - Eric said throwing her arm over his neck - No, you stay here, you almost had no time to talk to Peter this week, Ned and MJ can help me -

- Are you doing this just so I can have some alone time with Peter? - Eric whispered in Camille's ear - No, I've actually sprained my ankle lol - The girl said leaning her body against MJ and Ned - Bye guys, don't forget to pick up more candy for us! - MJ said walking back to Camille's house.

Eric walked back to Peter and wrapped his arms around the other boy's arm - Are you okay today? You look so quiet and distant, did I do something? - The journalist asked worriedly.

- No! Of course not babe, you did nothing, I just got a lot of stuff in my head... from my internship - Peter said hugging Eric back as they walked to a small playground at the end of the street.

- I'm here if you need to get anything off of your chest - Eric said taking his phone out of his pocket "Hey sweetie, I had more than one glass of wine so I'm staying over and your father is coming here after his work so the house is yours. Don't destroy it and don't have strange people over, love you"

Peter was also typing something on his phone but Eric wasn't able to see what or to who it was - I guess I have the house to me, wanna crash at my place? - Eric said smiling and slightly blushing.

- I'd love to - Peter said taking a lollipop from his candy bag and popping it in his mouth - I think we have enough candy to get diabetes - Peter said looking at both bags - Good because this cape keeps getting tangled in my arms and this fake blood in already sticky - Eric said - Let's get back home, I can give you some clothing and we can shower. I mean, I can shower, and then you can shower, not together that be crazy huh - Eric said turning red.

- Yeah it would - Peter said blushing back but in a more suggestive tone - The duo went back to Eric's house gossiping about different people and giggling a lot, they had everything for a perfect night ahead of them.

Eric unlocked the door and Peter was holding the empty candy basket that was in from of Eric's house, the journalist removed his key from the front door and locked it once both of them were inside.

A small metal click was heard by Eric and as soon as he turned a gun was pointed at the middle of his face - Sit down - The voice said, there was a figure completely covered in black clothing, even the eyes were covered with big glasses and the hands with gloves - We need to talk - Another figure came from the living room pointing another gun at Peter. Their voices seemed to be scrambled digitally, which was awkward for someone in front of him, but as the person holding the gun was in front of him he just obeyed - The last time we sent you a message it seemed like you were unable to get it, so we will be clearer now - The figure spoke tying the boy to the chair.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! I had to break it in half because it was getting too big, hope to see all of you soon

love, Matt <3

Oh! Don't forget to vote and comment <3

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