• 19 •

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• Silent Cry •

The whole group got back to the hotel in a mix of happiness and exhaustion, the restaurant was open until later because the hotel had been notified about the fact they would arrive later, therefore the place was almost empty, a few guests also too...

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The whole group got back to the hotel in a mix of happiness and exhaustion, the restaurant was open until later because the hotel had been notified about the fact they would arrive later, therefore the place was almost empty, a few guests also took advantage of the extended time and also were finishing their meals.

Eric went back to his room earlier than Peter, Parker was talking to Camille and Liz and seemed to be really interested so he decided not to disturb them. The boy didn't really feel like sleeping, but he was tired of being around people. Eric caught a glimpse of the empty bathtub and decided what he was going to do until he felt really sleepy.

He changed into some swimming trunks and started to fill the tub, it took a while because it was big so it needed a lot of water. Eric grabbed a few shower gels and different colorful products, all of them were mini-sized so Eric used a lot of small tubes. Once the water came closer to the limit eric turned it off and dipped his fingers to check the temperature, the boy pressed the button to keep the water at that temperature and then entered it.

Immediately Eric felt every muscle on his body relaxing and being embraced by the warm water, a bathtub just became the boy's must-have when building a house.


Peter, Liz, and Camille were the last ones on the table, the boy decided to head back to his room and Liz stayed behind to drink a cup of warm milk. Camille shared the elevator with Peter until her floor but the ride was silent. The boy grabbed his magnetic key and entered the room, all of the lights were still on but the place was quiet.

Peter took a few steps and felt his senses spike at a sudden object coming towards him, Peter turned on his heels and grabbed the piece of fabric that Eric threw at him "Finally! I thought you were going to sleep down there" Eric said from inside the bathtub.

Peter unfolded the piece of fabric in his hand and found a colorful swim trunk "Oh so you were serious about the tub" Peterb says "Of course I was serious, I don't have a bathtub laying around my house" Eric says "So are you coming in or not?" Peter smiled in response and walked to a blind spot to get changed into the swim shorts.

Eric tried not to stare at Peter's body once the boy walked from the door to the tub, Eric looked back to his phone and finished texting MJ "Who are you talking to?" Peter asked trying the water with his hand "MJ, I told her to come down and bring Camille with her" Eric said throwing his phone away from the tub.

"Oh nice, if we didn't invite them we would probably be ignored for a few days"

Peter wasn't feeling sad, it was more of an uncomfortable feeling, he was happy about the fact that he was going to spend some time alone with Eric, for some reason he got excited about that, but apparently, the girls were joining them. That also made Peter start to question himself, the signs that he had been seeing in Eric were really flirtatious or if it was the way the boy normally behaved.

The bathtub was big enough for two adults with their legs completely extended to fit in without having to touch each other. In a few minutes, the girls arrived, Camille was in a bright orange bikini and MJ was wearing a simple black swimsuit. The redhead was carrying four tall glasses and MJ a bucket of ice with two bottles of champagne.

"Where did you find it?" Eric asked whit a huge grin appearing on his face "The room by ours had a couple in it and they had a huge argument with the hotel manager about the quality of the food, the manager sent them an apology letter accompanied by these two bottles, but the couple left for another hotel two hours ago" MJ said locking the door.

Peter and Eric were smashed against each other to make room for the girls, everyone actually fitted inside of it and there was still room to move around a little. They had to cross their legs but it wasn't completely uncomfortable.

MJ poured everyone drinks and they enjoyed the funny feeling of the little bubbles dancing around their tongue. Peter's metabolism was faster than everyone else there, so when his friends started to feel tipsy he had already processed all of the alcohol and was back to his best state of mind.

The teenagers lost track of time, the tub had its heating system on so they would feel the water getting cold. Therefore they stayed drinking, talking, and laughing for a few hours. MJ's phone buzzed twice and she extended her arm to check it.

"Camille let's go. Liz told me Mr. Harrigton was looking for us, she told him we were at the indoor pool but he had already been there apparently" MJ said exiting the tub in a rush "Let's take the stairs, we can also leave the ice buckets, bottles and glasses there" Camile said dring the excess water away from her body "Goodnight girls" Eric said with a soft smile.

The two girls have a goodbye and leave the room in a rush. Eric extended his legs once again but did not move back to his old position he kept his body pressed against Peter's "How can your body be warmer than the water?" Eric asked.

Peter didn't know if the steam or the comment made his cheeks blush but he smiled a bit before answering "I guess I'm just better at producing and maintaining heat" The boy said back "Oh, that look's like Captain America fast metabolism... too sad he can't bet drunk"

"I mean I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now" Eric giggle looking at Peter "You seem to be too well, I'm kinda sorry for you" Eric laughs on again starring at Peter's eyes "I really like your eyes, I feel like I've said that before but they are worth mentioning again"

At that time Peter was sure he blushed due to Eric's not-so-subtle comment. Peter giggled in response and felt Eric's lips pressed against his, he didn't push the boy back and didn't avoid the kiss but he felt weird, he hated the fact that Eric was only kissing him because he was drunk and that we couldn't even remember it I the morning.

Once Eric opened his eyes he saw Peter look sad and uncomfortable "I'm- I didn't mean to- I'll go. I'm sorry" Eric said getting up from the tub "No Eric, wait just-"

"I get it, I think I misread the situation or just got too brave because of the alcohol, it won't happen again I promise" Eric said and left the bathroom closing the door behind him. Peter stalled inside the bathtub for a few seconds and then entered the shower to get rid of the foam and soap.

Parker left the bathroom with a towel around his waist and found the room extremely organized, when he glanced at Eric's bed he saw nothing there and the boy's bag was also missing. Peter hushed to his phone and pressed MJ's number on speed dial.

"We have him Peter" Was the only thing the girl said.


As soon as Eric left the bathroom he started to pack his stuff fitting everything inside his luggage and not caring about folding his clothes or anything like that. He took a fast look around the room as soon as he heard the water stop running from the shower.

Eric didn't even change his clothes, he just packed his stuff and left for Camille, Liz, and MJ's room. Once he knocked on the door and his best friend answered it half asleep, but once she saw her Eric chin dripping with tears from his eyes she pulled him inside the room immediately and hugged him, not a single question was made towards him but the three girls could already imagine what was going on and Peter's phone call to MJ only confirmed their suspicions.


Yes, I'll leave all of you on a cliffhanger <3 Deal with it!

I'm just kidding, I'll be back sooner or later

- Love, Matt <3

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