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• Itsy bitsy spider •

Peter was desperate, he had already cried and panicked and right now he had ordered FRIDAY to do another sweep of the entire town looking for Eric

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Peter was desperate, he had already cried and panicked and right now he had ordered FRIDAY to do another sweep of the entire town looking for Eric. The car used by the kidnappers was found abandoned next to an alley and they used the sewers to move to another location, Tony was on the phone with various authorities, but none of them had any kind of updates.

Ned and MJ were also there trying to calm Peter, but they were also losing it, Peter got up and headed to the bathroom, MJ and Ned followed him closely knowing something was up - Guys, I can't stay here. I'm going out in my spiderman suit and I'm going to check the entire town if I have to - Peter said - I need you guys to pretend like I never left the building, if Mr. Stark asks I'm in the bathroom or something like that. Ned already helped me deactivate the suit tracker so if he finds out I'm not here I'll still have some time - Peter concluded taking off the clothes that were on top of the Spiderman suit. MJ and Ned agreed with the decision and helped Peter out of the Tower.

Peter went directly to the place where Eric was last seen, he knew that tracing back the steps of the criminals was his best chance of finding his lover. The hero activated the special lenses on his suit and the car tracks popped up in blue on the street. Peter went swinging around New York following the lines, it was obvious they had used a long and mixed route to make sure no one was following them and that's probably why Peter went by the same places a few times, but once he got to where the car was parked he entered the vehicle and changed the lenses once again, Eric's fingerprints came up as well as all of the other people inside of the car, a few droplets of Eric's blood were also left there. Karen took a few minutes to reconstruct the scene based on the evidence she had there and Peter saw how Eric was hit and how were his wounds.

- You took longer than I expected - A voice came echoing through the radio - That's better for me and worst for Eric, you know, more time for questioning - The voice said laughing - Look, you need to let him go okay? I am his source, I am the one you want, don't hurt him - Peter pleaded - Ooh I know you are his source, I've known it for a long time, but my man told him he should stop writing about me and he did not, so my men are downstairs teaching him a lesson, let's see how long until he tells me you are his source - The male voice giggled once again

- Sir, you need to exit the car now! A countdown sequence has initiated - Karen screamed in Peter's ears and the boy jumped out right before the car exploded Peter layed down on the floor for a few seconds trying to control his breath - Okay, so where now? -

- There is a small trail we can follow down to the sewage system, but you will be at a disadvantage, you are not a good fighter in enclosed spaces. Sir. I highly recommend you wait for Mr. Stark and reinforcement - Karen warned Peter, but the boy was already cranking the manhole up and jumping inside.


Eric felt his head pulsating, his nostrils were invaded by the humid smell and his eyes couldn't see much. The boy was disoriented, in pain, and had his hands tied behind his back with a lot of tension on the rope, he even tried wiggling his arms around but he was unable to move them.

- Look who's up - A male voice came from his side snatching the bag around his head, the room was pitch black, but a huge questioning light was hanging in front of his face and burning his eyes - Shit - The boy mumbled trying to get used to the light, a bucket filled with ice cold salt water was dumped on him and a punch came straight to his stomach.

- All at once? - Eric joked coughing out some water - We are here to break you boy, so that's what we are going to do -

- Yeah, I've guessed you are just the strength of the operation, you don't seem that bright. That means you are not in charge - Eric giggled when another punch hit his face and the two criminals shared a confused and worried look.

- This will make him open up - The sound of an electric resistor charging up immediately made Eric shut up, the wire touched his chest and he immediately screamed in pain pretending to pass out - I told you it was too much for him - One of the criminals said while Eric kept his muscled relaxed and his eyes closed.

- Whatever, let's go to our brake - The two dumbest people Eric had ever seen left the room and the boy got back to his position looking around the room and searching for things that could help him to get out of there - You are definitely smarter than I expected - A stronger voice came from the top of the room and jumped in front of him.

- Vulture... it lives up to you, old, ugly, and feeds off of dead and defenseless pray - Eric said back starring at the man - You talk a lot considering you are the one strapped to a chair -

- Well if I'm going to die I might as well do it without regrets am I right? But I guess you won't kill me until I tell you who my source is, so I have plenty of time to insult you - Eric felt like he was winning the discussion and the Vulture's laughter made him question himself - I am aware of your jig with spiderman if you think that's why you are here you can rest assured -

- Then why am I here - Eric inquired - Well, let's just say you are the piece of cheese I'm using to attract that big rat Spiderman is - Vulture said taking an instrument from his table - Just to make sure you don't try any funny business - The villain said hitting Eric's knee with the springloaded hammer breaking it in various spots.

Eric never felt as much pain in his life, even the post-op from the laparotomy, when doctors literally opened him up and moved his organs around hurt this much, the boy started crying and felt a slight pinch on his arm - This will help with the pain, as long as you don't try to walk - Vulture said leaving the room - Do you think your daughter would be proud of you? Because I'm sure Liz would hate it! - Eric shouted and Vulture froze.

- What do you know about her - Thevillan said running back to where Eric was, the boy intended to keep his lips sealed, but the villain placed his hands on Eric's broken knee and the boy cried out - She's my friend! Please stop, that's why I didn't leak your name, I had respect for her and for your family - The boy cried out loud like a little kid, the vulture pushed more painkillers in his bloodstream - Shit kid, look I... this is just how things happen okay? You shouldn't be messing with this type of person - The vulture said.

A sired echoed everywhere and a small smile popped up on Vulture's lips - It's time to check on the itsy bitsy spider, and I'll be sure to take the bug spray with me - Vulture said while his wings attached to his back - LEAVE SPIDERMAN! LEAVE! - Eric screamed with all of his strength, vulture used a piece of dirty fabric and filled Eric's mouth with it - Now be quiet and maybe I won't kill him so painfully - Eric's eyes could only produce tears, his vision was foggy and his throat burnt but there was nothing he could do.


Hey!!! So... we are really close to an end... but don't be sad! I'm already working on another two fanfictions for you guys, I'm not really sure but I'll keep all of you posted!

Poor Eric :( 

Lots of love, Matt <3

Also, please don't forget to vote and comment :) I love to talk to you guys

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