Heyyy! The book itself is probably not going to be that great but it is what it is. So basically it is just cute imagines ( and maybe some smut ) about Josh Richards. If you have any suggestions or any particular imagines you want just let me know b...
I woke up to the sun shining through my window and my beautiful girlfriend on my bare chest. It was a bout 9 am. I layed on my phone for a few minutes and then she started moving around.
J- Morning babygirl
S- Good morning babe
We shared a quick little morning kiss and took in each other's presences for a few more minutes
S- you know what
J- what stella?
S- heyyyy
J- what wrong?
S- why did you call me stella?
J- I don't know what's wrong with it?
I ask genuinely confused
S- I like it when you call me baby or babygirl or something like that
As she sits there a pouts I can't help but ask myself could I have been any luckier
J- I am so sorry baby it will never happen again
I joke
S- goo but anyways we should have a pool day!!
She got so excited so how could i say no
J- Of course how about you get ready and I will go make us some breakfast. How does that sound?
S- Amazing
I watch and the petite girl runs to the bathroom in my shirt that goes down to her knees. God I am so in love with this girl.
I get up and join her in the bathroom so I could brush my teeth. We take this picture and send our streaks:
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I let her finnish getting and I run down stairs and make some pancakes which are her favorite. A few minutes later she comes down in the bikini with her hair in a messy bun:
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I walk over to her and give her a hug.
J- you look gorgeous babygirl
S- Thank you baby
she says as she gives me a peck on the lips
J- I made pancakes so eat up. I'm going to go put a bathing suit on
S- Okay i love you
J- I love you too.
I run upstairs and put on a bathing suit and then run back down stairs.
S- you look so fine babe
J- thanks baby but uh have you looked in a mirror
S- very smooth
J- I know I have been working on that one
We both just laugh and talk while we eat our pancakes. We are both done so we walk outside to the pool.
I immediately jump in.
J- Come one baby
S- No bubs i want to tan first
J- Please
S- fine but only for five minutes and then you have to tan with me.
J- deal
I watch her as she walks over to the stairs and slowly steps in.
S- bubba its coldddd
J- it's not that bad. I'll come get you
I swim over to her. She is hesitant but then slowly makes her way to my arms.
J- atta girls
she latches onto me as she is still getting used to the cold water
J- You wanna go under?
She nods her head yes
J- alrighty ready 1..2..3
We go under for a few minutes and then go back up
S- if i go down the slide will you catch me cause I can't touch over there.
J- Of course babygirl
she gets out and makes her way over to the slide
S- are you ready?
J- yup!
I see her and i get ready to catch her and when I feel her hit my hands I follow her under the water and then pull her back up. I watch in awe as she wipes her eyes and then smiles at me.
S- what?
she says as she giggles
J- nothing your just so beautiful
S- will you tan with me now?
J- yes
we both get out and she interlocks our hands as we walk over to the chairs. We both sit down and just enjoy each others company and the warmth of the sun.