F A M I L Y P T. 2

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This is kind of like a sequel to the last one!  @charlyxjosh 

After the birth we didn't stay at the hospital for long.  Rain was healthy and so was I so they let us go. Josh went to the car and got the car seat. I got rain dressed and took a few pictures while we waited for him to come back up. She was so tiny and looked so much like Josh. After I got done taking pictures of her Josh had made it back to the room. He held her in his arms so gently. While he held her I got dressed into some different clothes and packed up all of our stuff. Sway had already come to visit her and we had to send them to the store to get diapers. The phone call was about 20 minutes just trying to direct them towards the right kind of diapers. But they somehow managed to do it. We get Rain strapped into her carseat and called for the nurse. She brought a wheelchair for me. Josh carried Rain and the nurse pushed me out while I held the bag in my lap. Josh had pulled the car up to the door so we didn't have to go far. The nurse watched josh put rain in and made sure she was secure. Josh shut the door and then helped me out of the wheelchair. He shut my door and walked over to his side. He got in and started the engine. 

C- It feels good to be going home

J- oh I know baby

C- And with an extra little body

J- she looks so much like you

He said looking at me when we got to the red light

C- she has your eyes 

J- what can I say little Rain is taking after her daddy

C- I was hoping she would

I say as I leaned against the window

J- why do you want her to look at me

He asks

C- well every day I look at you and think about how thankful I am to have you in my life and I've just always wanted my kids to look just like you so  I can always think about how lucky I am to have them in my life too

J- I love you so much more than you will ever know

C- I love you more 

J- um that's not possible

C- whatever you say

For the rest of the ride back to sway we sat in a comfortable silence. We finally made it back and we pulled into the driveway and parked. I slowly climbed out of the car and grabbed the bag while josh grabbed Rain. Josh used one arm to carry rain and had the other around my waist for support. I climbed the few stairs and we made it to the door. I opened the door to see everyone sitting on the couch watching TV.

C- we're home!

I say loudly yet quite enough so I wouldn't wake her up

All of a sudden they all came rushing towards us to get a look at her. They were all yelling at each other and trying to be the first one.

J- guys back up and quiet down, she's sleeping

( B- bryce, JA- jaden, BL- blake, N- noah, Q- quinton )

B- Josh's fatherly instincts are already kicking in I see

He says as they all started walking towards the couch

C- you'll all get a chance to hold her but you're going to have to wait your turn  

I say as I turn to the chair that Josh set her down in. In unbuckle her from her car seat and hold her in my arms for a few seconds. Josh told me to give her to Jaden first so I did. I handed her off and watched how all of the boys sat in aw. Once all of the boys got a chance to hold her I went upstairs into her nursery to feed her. After I fed her, I burped her and changed her diaper.

C- Josh

I yelled

J- yeah 

he said poking his head through the door frame

C- can you hold her while I take a shower?

J- of course baby

he said taking her from my arms. I slowly get up and make my way to the shower and turned it on. I was exhausted and I haven't slept good in days. So after my shower I put of comfy clothes and asked josh If we could take a nap. He said yes so we had to address some ground rules with the boys

J- ok guys so Charly is exhausted and hasn't slept good in days and we are going to lay down so that means you're on baby dudy. Please be very gentle with her, she is very fragile. If she gets fussy bounce her on your leg slowly. If she doesn't stop come get us. Don't get too loud because it might hurt her ears an-

JA- why are there so many rules

C- because there is no telling what you might do with my daughter

BL- you are right but that doesn't mean there needs to be so many rules

J- It kinda does

C- watching after a newborn baby is a lot of work. They sleep a lot and so you can't wake them up by being loud and they get hungry  and need their diapers changed a lot. Some day we will have training on all this so I can sleep in peace but until then come get us if you need us.

Josh and I started walking towards our room. We peeled back the sheets and climbed in. It felt so good to be in my own bed

C- this feels so good

J- I bet so

he said while rubbing my back

C- we probably need to get a pump sometime soon

I said while nestling into our bed

J- what for?

C- so that way I can pump milk and put it in bottles so if we ever need the boys to watcher her, she has something to eat instead of them coming to get us

J- mhm I like that idea

C- it would just take a long time to get the bottles filled

J- oh

C- it's ok though cause I can just rest

J- true true

The room fell silent as we both fell asleep and had dreams of how perfect our life is now. Only to be woken up not long after first falling asleep to the boys yelling down stairs. Moral of the story is expose the boys to throw up before they watch a baby that does it all the time.

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