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Josh's POV-

Today is Kaylee and I's 3 month anniversary. We had school today and I tried to convince her to skip but she was very adamant about going to school. I decided that after school I would take her to a theme park. We had one in our town and I knew it would be perfect just to go have a night with each other.  I texted her during our last period and told her to me at my car after the bell rings. We had about 20 minutes left in the day and I couldn't wait until this evening. I know it's stupid but I know how Kaylee doesn't really care for rollercoaster rides but she would do them for me. I just can't wait for when she squeezes the life out of my hand when we go down the drop. I even planned for us to go on the skyride at sunset. I tried my best to make it seem like something she would plan but with my own twist to it. The bell finally and I made my way out to my car. Kaylee wasn't there yet so I just leaned up against the door of my car on my phone. A few moment later I see Kaylee running to me out of the corner of my eye. As soon as she got to me I immediately engulfed her in a hug .

K- hi joshy

J- hi baby. how was your day?

K- it was good! I was in such a good mood all day today knowing that I got to hangout with you tonight!

J- Well i'm glad you had a good day

We both got into the car and we intertwined our hands. I decided that before we went to the theme park we would go get food first. I knew Kaylee had been craving chick-fil-a so that's where we went.


She yelled

J- shh calm down baby

I said while laughing at her goofiness

K- Sorry I just got really excited.

J- I can tell!

We go through the drive-through and get our usuals. We got our food and ate while we jammed out to music. I haven't told her where we are going yet so she is a little confused.

K- bubby where are we going

J- I can't tell you it's a secret 

K- You know I hate secrets 

J- I'm sorry baby but you just have to trust me

I say while picking our hands up and kissing the back of hers. We drove another 15 minutes until we got to the park but for Kaylee it felt like an eternity. Every 5 seconds she was asking if we were there yet. One thing I love about her is that she has a side to her that only a few people have seen and it's that she acts so much like a kid but it's so cute.

J- Guess what 

K- whatttt

she says clearly annoyed 

J- we're here

K- really?

She says with a sudden boost of energy

K- where are we 

J- we are at the amusement park

I couldn't quite tell if she was excited or nervous

K- with like scary rides?

She said

J- they might be a little bit scary but I will be with you the whole time ok?

K- ok!

She said while grabbing my hand and pulling me while she skips toward the entrance.

J- someone's excited

K- yup

she says while popping the p

We bought our tickets and then head to the first ride. We stood in line for about 10 ish minutes before we got on.

K- Joshy i'm kind of scared 

J- don't worry babygirl I got you 

We climb into our seats and he pulls both of our restraint bars down. Se grabs my hand as we start moving forward. The first part wasn't bad cause she had her free hand up and was laughing and screaming. I just laughed at her cuteness. We start making our way up to the drop and she starts to panic a little bit.

K- josh josh josh i'm scared

I let go of her hand and put it on her thigh and take my other hand and put it on her neck and look her in the eyes.

J- I've been meaning to tell you this and I think now is the right time... I love you kaylee

And before she could say anything I smashed my lips onto hers. I feel my stomach drop as we descend downwards. We part from each other and got back to screaming and laughing. We finish the ride and walk to the skyride. The sunset was in 10 minutes and the line wasn't very long. Once we get in line we stood there for about 4 minutes. We get into the pod thing and sit close to each other.

K- I need to tell you something

she said once the sun started to set

I couldn't help but feel a twinge on nervousness in my stomach

K- I just wanted to tell you that I love you too and I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else.

I couldn't help but bring my lips to hers. We were in the pod for a little bit longer so we decided to take some pictures. All I thought about was how much I truly love this girl.

A/N- Sorry I haven't been posting much! I just got back from a vacation and I just wanted to spend time with my family. Please excuse how bad this one is, I just need to get back into my writing groove again!! And also thank y'all so much for 5.6k reads!! That's literally insane!

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