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Hey guys! I know a lot of you have been wondering why I haven't been updating as regularly as I should so I thought I would explain. I do ask that you please read this and not just skip over it. I feel like some people might not read this and tell me to update when I can't. So the end of my school year is approaching and with that comes testing. I have 3 tests/exams coming up and I have been EXTREMELY stressed. My face has started breaking out like crazy and for some reason I have just felt much more tired. I go to bed early but I still wake up in the morning exhausted. My homework load is actually insane. The amount of review packets and worksheets I have been getting is crazy. I have 1 to many projects going on in school and a gazillion practice tests. So if you can't tell I have reached my stress limit and I just needed to rant a little bit. So with that being said I think not only for myself but my grades, I need to take a small break. Not anything crazy. I will still be updating on days that I don't have much work to do and if I think that I haven't updated in a bit than I have pre written stories I can post. I have 2 requests that I still need to write and I feel horrible because When I went to school on Monday I was given a crapton of work and I had all intentions of writing them both on Monday but I just got so overwhelmed. I will write those 2 requests this weekend and If you have any requests please let me know and I will find time to write them for you. I just hope yall understand that I need more time to focus on these tests that are a pretty large chunk of my grade and a little less time to stress about writing stories. Thank yall so much for understanding. Again I will be posting just not as regularly as  I would normally. 

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