Heyyy! The book itself is probably not going to be that great but it is what it is. So basically it is just cute imagines ( and maybe some smut ) about Josh Richards. If you have any suggestions or any particular imagines you want just let me know b...
I was laying on the couch trying to get comfortable as my husband of 3 years is in the office on a business call. Babygirl kept kicking me and of course in the bladder. So I get up and waddle to the bathroom as any women who has been pregnant for 9 months would be. I was halfway to the bathroom when I felt a big release of water. I was freaking out mentally but I knew I had to be calm. I walk as quickly as I could over to the office but I was in so much pain.
A- J-josh
J- hold on one sec, yeah baby what's wrong
A- my water
I couldn't even finish my sentence without bending over as another contraction came.
J- umm yes can I call you back my wife is fixing to give birth and I need to take her to the hospital.
He quickly hangs up the phone and comes to me and rubs my back.
J- breath baby, in and out, there you go
As the contraction came to an end. I grab onto Josh's hand an we walk slowly over to the door. Josh helps me put on my shoes and grabs the hospital bag. We make it to the car and right as I sat down another contraction came.
A- Ahhh josh please g-go faster
J- I am going as quickly as i can babygirl, just take deep breaths, we are almost there
I lean the chair back and squeeze josh's hand a little bit and then it was over.
J- your doing so good baby i'm so proud of you
He says while moving his hand to my stomach and rubbing his hand in small circles. We pull up to the hospital and josh run in to get me a wheelchair. My contractions were getting worse and and I had to wait a little while until I was 10 centimeters dilated. I decided that for my first birth i want an epidural. The nurses come in with the stuff and so i make my back visible and Josh comes around to the other side of my bed and intertwined our fingers.
J- Squeeze my hands when it hurts ok
I just nod.
J- it's only gonna hurt for a minute and then it's all gonna go away
Nurse- 1..2..
She then sticks the needle in my back. I wince in pain and then just like josh said it all went away
J- that's it! Good job baby
I lay back down and then all the doctors come in and tell me that I was 10 centimeters dilated.
Doctor- Amelia it's to push ok! You are strong you can do this
I nod and take deep breaths. My parents were there and so were his. The dads unfortunately weren't allowed in but the moms were there. Josh had one of my legs and held my hand, my mom had the other leg and josh's mom had the towel to wipe my forehead.
Nurse- When you feel a contraction push ok
A- ok
I felt a contraction so I pushed and squeezed josh's hand
A- uhhhhh ahhhhhh
Doctor- that was good keep going
I kept pushing and pushing for 15 minutes when finally it was the last push
Nurse- this should be the last one
I felt the contraction and I pushed as hard as I could.
A- uahhhhhhhhh
And our babygirl was finally here. They put her on my chest and I was crying happy tears.
A- she has your eyes
J- she has your dimples
Nurse - Alright we need to take her to measured and weighed but what is her name
Me and josh exchange a look. Nobody knows her name but us so this is a big moment.
J- Brynleigh Mae Richards
Both of our moms started crying and then they took her away.
Nurse- Would the dad like to cut the umbilical cord?
J- Oh yes of course
He walks over there quickly and they explain to him how to do it.
Josh's mom- Do you want me to take a picture?
A- yes please and can you send it to me?
Amelia's mom- Oh and me too
Josh's mom- of course!
She takes this picture: ( pretend it's josh )
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Josh comes back over to me and gives me kiss.
J- Baby you have no idea how proud of you I am
A- I'm proud of us
And now we were a happy family of 3.
A/N- Obviously I know nothing about birth but I did the best I could!! Make sure you leave suggestions!! And also be interested in a Pt.2 where she is grown up? Lmk