Josh's POV-
Today was the day. Vance was going to the dentist at 9:30 this morning to get her wisdom teeth taken out. Vance doesn't really like teeth nor the dentist. It was 8:30 and Vance was still sound asleep on my chest. I didn't want to wake her up but I knew I had to because we had to leave the house at 9.
J- V baby it's time to wake
J- yes now c'mon
I say as I pull the cover off of the top her.
V- bubba stop
she whines
J- we have to leave son you need to get up baby
Vance's POV-
I woke up to Josh telling me to get up. Today was the day that I was getting my wisdom teeth taken out. To say the least I did not want to go. After josh pulled the covers off of me I finally go up.
J- good morning sunshine
He said as he pulled me into his warm embrace. I just stood there for a minute and then told him that I needed to go get ready. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face and brushed my hair. I walked back into Josh and I's shared bedroom and I put on some black leggings and his sweatshirt.
J- you ready baby
V- I guess
J- everything will be just fine
Me and Josh walk out to the car and he places his hand on my thigh and we make our way to the dentist office.
10 minutes later....
We pull into the parking lot of the dentist office. I told josh he could film it and put it on his youtube channel
He looks over at me for a second after screaming his lungs out
J- no? ok then. Well today Vance is getting he wisdom teeth taken out after 4 times of rescheduling this appointment
He says while looking at me. I just throw my head back into the seat and roll my eyes
V- your just being dramatic
J- I am not but it is time to go in
V- Your going to have to drag me out of this car
J- I know
Josh got out of the car and came around to my side and opened the door. I carefully picked me up and set me on the ground. He locked the car and then grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dentist office. He opened the door and we walked up to the front desk.
V- hi I have an um wisdom teeth removal today
(front desk lady- FDL)
FDL- ok sign these papers and then bring them back up here ok honey
V- ok thank you
Me and josh go and sit in the chairs.
J- I'll fill them out baby
He says while taking them out of my hands. He finishes filling them out and takes them up to the front desk lady who says someone will be out in a minute. He comes and sits next to me. About 5 minutes a nurse comes out and calls my name to go back. Josh pats my leg, tells me he loves me and he'll be here when I get done. I walk back and they get me in a chair and then the dentist comes in.
D- ok so just take deep breaths and we are going to put you under and the star the procedure
The nurse came over to me and sticks my arm with the needle. I flinch a little and then they lean me back. And not even 1 minute later I was out.
Josh's POV-
It has been about 2 hours since she had gone back and they had just come and got me and told me she was done. I follow her back to the room she was in. She looked so cute with her chubby cheeks and drowsy eyes.
J- Hey V how do you feel?
V- who's dat?
she asks the nurse next to her.
N- that's josh you boyfriend
V- I's hwaf a bowyfwiend?
N- yeah
V- dwamn he's hot
We all just laugh at her cuteness. The nurse goes and gets a wheelchair so they could wheel her out.
J- alright baby you ready to go?
V- yweah
I lift her up and put her in the wheelchair
V- I's fwalling I fwalling
She screams.
J- Babes shhh your not falling
We started going down the hall and she puts her arms out and starts to pretend she is an airplane. She finally stopped when we got to the exit door. I wasn't gonna say anything cause it really didn't matter to me. I thank the nurses and walk around to my side of the car.
J- how do you feel
At that very moment she started sobbing.
J- whats wrong baby
V- y-your jwust sow nwice
She said while sobbing and then it was like the flip of a switch
V- ok i fink i'm fwine now
She said while patting her eyes
J- do you want to call your mom
V- do i wants to cwall my mom OF CWOURSE I WANTS TO CALLS MY MOM
J- ok ok
When we stopped at a stop sign I scroll through my contacts to find her moms contact. I click call and made sure it was hooked up to the bluetooth
VM- hey hun how did it go
J- it went we-
V- hwi mwommy
VM- hey baby how do you feel
V- why dwoes everwyone keeps askwing me how is feel?
J- no reason
V- what's ins my mwou- AHHHHHHH
J&VM- what's wrong?
J- no baby its gauze and it's has blood on it from your mouth
V- gwoss
J- alright we are pulling into the house now so we will talk to you later
VM- alright keep her under control for me
J- I will
VM- bye
J- bye
I get out of the car and walk over to her side and carry her into the house.
V- I vwery hungwy
J- well bubby you can't really eat right now so let's go take a nap
V- but i not sweepy
She says as i put her down on the bed
J- I'm gonna go use the bathroom and i'll come back a snuggle ok
She didn't even respond she just sat there a pouted. I forgot that I had the camera in my hand and so I videoed he pouting. I turned the camera off and then went to the bathroom. When I came back out she was knocked out.
J- apparently she was "sweepy"
I say mocking her and I film her sleeping.
A/N- Make sure you leave suggestions!!!

Josh Richards Imagines
Teen FictionHeyyy! The book itself is probably not going to be that great but it is what it is. So basically it is just cute imagines ( and maybe some smut ) about Josh Richards. If you have any suggestions or any particular imagines you want just let me know b...